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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. Oh f*ck. Is it really simmilar to those songs? Some of the best songs ever made if you ask me. This comparison just makes my excitement grow, damn
  2. The documentary wouldn't have been the Superbowl (couldnt care less about that either -Superbowl I mean-) but would have been exciting at least. Just a personal perception, but can't think of a worse way to have my first(y) approach to the album than in the context of a room full of (legitimately) rabid fans.
  3. If the listening party thing was the "crazy" surprise...
  4. BB is maybe my favourite album by her, but dont think the singles choice was the best possible. IMO, they should have been title track, Dealer and Thunder.
  5. With the footage from MAC, VB, Bartender and HIAB. Actually, just the scenes with Lana talking by the phone, to make it really groundbreaking. (Edit: just joking. All of the work she's developed towards this album is just impeccable. Her previous laziness is always something to have some lighthearted fun about, though. Love you sincerely, Lana )
  6. "Holding the album in bakery section". The reliability is in red numbers but at least the scene is funny to think of.
  7. The documentary thing would be amazing. The only of the speculated stuff that truly sounds exciting.
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