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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. The whole album is, I think. It's slow, deep, painful and hopeful as well. There are things that could have done other way, but Blue Banisters is solid and mature, thoughtful and inmensely beautiful. Just a classic. It may have dethroned Honeymoon as my favourite Lana album, I guess.
  2. This reminds me of Folkore/Evermore no please
  3. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Can someone share a screenshot of her last post where she discusses her albums? I dont use Instagram and can't see it, would love to though...
  4. Watch the "Cactus" thirst reborn...
  5. An amazing song from an incredible album <3
  6. The album is great. What an amazing songwriter he is, damn. His talent is unmatched. Buddy's is so beautiful and touching and Lana's version is lovely as well. Truly hoping she takes him as an inspiration for forthcoming music by her.
  7. I listened to her most popular singles as I went through adolescence and couldn't stand them, can't stand them now either. Her music is just annoying to me. Tried with Folklore when it was released, couldnt pass the fourth (of sixteen) song and I was already suffering by then. Listened to Evermore and found some enjoyable moments there, though. Not an album I'm going back to frequently (or almost ever at all, truly) but it was the only time I listened to her music and didn't feel like I was being forced to.
  8. I don't want it either. I mean, if it happens, I won't be upset or whatever. I just dont think there's anything interesting she can add to Lana's musicor to herself's (just joking, haha)
  9. Havent seen it... Thank you, though!
  10. There will probably happen a riot against whoever brings the news and a handful accusations of being a fake insider, followed by their collective sanctification and a constant praying for new info, then the circle begins again.
  11. Jaden tweeted "This is how we do it" or something in that vein after his father's disgusting behaviour happened. I agree about the comic's joke about Jada being absolutely tasteless and out of place, but if we can all agree that teaching kids peace culture at schools is a laudable goal, condemning a physical agression on one of the biggest cultural forums of the world should be something to agree with as well.
  12. I think the interlude is great and serves as a climax creator and as a nice transition that makes the album dynamic. Beautiful shouldn't have done it to the album, though. And Arcadia is the only other song I dont find to be necessary either (not as bad as Beautiful, definetly, but ends up being a filler as well).
  13. The lack of respect and perspective. Best lyrics of Lana's career, one of her best vocal performances and an elegant, rich and sensitive production and the response of some is... that. Let's act surprised when she reuses again the Born to die/Cinnamon Girl/Tulsa Jesus Freak melodic motif and the same people call whatever comes from it a MaStErPiEcE (again). Nothing against those tracks, by the way. Just the fact that it gets tiring how little appreciation her most solidified artistry gets once and again...
  14. <3 Just coming to this thread to say how much of a classic this album is and how weird, yet somehow beautiful, is the fact that it's one of her most unknown projects, or at least among the ones that made less noise. It's just got better and better to listen to since it was released and I'm sure the years will solidify it more and more. What an amazing record.
  15. I actually think Blue Banisters was to some extent UV 2.0, or the most similar thing we'll get to see as the evolution of that album.
  16. One of the weakest songs she has put out recently. Despite the beautiful arrangements, the melodies are a mix of stuff she has already done many times, comes off as quite repetitive and uninspired. It's definetly not on the same level as the singles. It somehow reminds me of Bored in the USA by FJM for some reason, which makes me appreciate it a bit more though.
  17. And the video, please. It's just a masterpiece. I cant watch it without getting a huge smile on my face, feeling absorpt in the best possible way, in awe. I hope as well it will go on through the years and touch as many people as possible, any other thought would be just selfish.
  18. Lyrically it's just so beautiful and uncomplicated in the best sense, and that with the stellar production... I feel shivers just by thinking about the satellite sounds, how wide and well thought the percussion is and her delivery during the chorus.
  19. One of her most enchanting, best produced songs, and her best video to date <3
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