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About howiet1971

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  • Birthday February 23

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    Swindon, UK

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  1. You are right. I have allowed myself to get riled and sink to the level of maturity clearly evident on this forum. And for that I am responsible as I didn't have to let the attacks or passive aggressive comments irritate me. I shall leave you all to your virtual world and virtual friendships. Adieu.
  2. But u r a 'rude member; you're an expandable clitoris apparently. Lol
  3. Salvatore has done nothing to get banned. She hasn't been rude. Elle is welcome to ban me of she feels that I warrant that.
  4. What long words did i use lol? I thought I kept it simple.
  5. I have no 'friends' on this forum, the others do. I have no problem with you being a sycophant to them. You have ignored all their responses from the word go and focussed on mine. But thats ok.
  6. Yet this was ok...play the victim. I'm sure it's something u do well.
  7. So it appears. The irony. There are a few nice ones but you know I don't want to get used to people treating people this way. But as I've said before. Karma doesnt pay on money.
  8. Thank you. This is the nastiest forum i think I've ever been a member of. I thought the monsters were nasty! This is something rlse.
  9. But I'm not entitled. You see... I put in the effort! I didn't just rock up. I didn't expect to get to anything for nothing. I put in the time. What's entitled about that? All I did was come here and ask if anyone could support me if you agreed with me, not expect a torrent of abuse from a bunch a vile queens. You don't have to agree with me but to sling shit says so much more about u than it does me. Thank you for checking in though love.
  10. Say what you want love; just prove your capacity for hate and spite. Let it all out! Do it. Lol
  11. What don't you take your probably rancid hooded expandable clitoris and shove it where the sun don't shine . You'd think for someone who 'feels hopeless' you'd be a bit nicer. I'll tell u something. You feel hopeless cos you're clearly a rude twat who only has virtual friends. Work on your manners and maybe people will start to like you outside of the www. It's not for you to tell me what's reasonable. You didn't have my experience. And those examples I gave were legal until someone challenged them. You are just too dumb to understand that I was not comparing those examples to my exeperince bit simply pointing out that just because something is the way it is, doesn't make it right. But you dont want to hear that or accept that because your clearly enjoying opposing my point of view.
  12. Oh I'd love for you to say that to my face. I would like to thank those who maturely supported my complaint whether they agreed with it or not. As for the vile princesses who frequently attempt to bully people on this forum (I've seen it a lot) under the guise of "being dirext" (aka being a c*nt) karma doesn't pay in money. I'm bored of you now.
  13. Thank you for the mature response. And you're right, they have little competition so service is irrelevant. But the rest is ok love? You have missed the point because you wrapped up in your sycophancy
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