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Everything posted by mkultraviolence

  1. is this not it omg i've been singing those exact lyrics in Body Electric I always heard "blessing the body electric"
  2. fucking doin time is on it also bartender and NBAR are on it too and wtf cinnamon gIRL IM GONNA COMMIT
  3. NO WAIT i just saw that we know all the song names and the order nnnnnnnnnnn ik this is all old news to everyone im just FUCK
  4. i came back to an album trailer, album cover, album release date, album pre-order, lime green cassette and vinyl and an exclamation point at the end of the album title. im just s-
  5. try: hillsonggodsavethequeen dukeofyork palaceblues queenofdorchester
  6. YO what the FUCK is happening? i can't read the last few pages so what did you all just find out about
  7. i have it bookmarked! and check it every day usually but past few days i've been busy but i'll head over there
  8. we need a "norman fucking rockwell pre-release thread summary" thread
  9. it might have a flower or tree in the name and an iconic artist. try: willowsimone
  10. i came back to like 100 more pages since this morning and i won't have time to read them all so can someone give me a lil summary, it would be very appreciated <3
  11. Gaga already has a documentary, definitely seems like Billie by the way they worded it
  12. as much as i love shitposting, some of this needs to be taken to a different thread.
  13. how do y'all think the album will sound when/if it comes out?
  14. imagine Peppa Pig wearing pasties and a rainbow flower crown at pride. or her taking part in the Stonewall riots. i'd love some photos of Peppa being an absolute gay icon.
  15. not trying to call this person out ^ but i'm posting it as a reference if needed. this was the first mention of that twitter acc. no shade meant.
  16. me, skipping school on March 29, refreshing Spotify and YouTube and planning a party for NFR's first birthday:
  17. wait did she actually say we are getting two more singles?
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