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Posts posted by yayoop

  1. she’s trying to live her best life and be happy after being depressed constantly for years... yeah she shouldn’t be promoting things that actually aren’t happening and that’s on her but Jesus flooding all her socials with the same sookie complaints has to be tiring at this point, everyone just needs to get off Social media (including you Lana) and chill the fuck out


    Xoxo be back to hear your complaints after I watch black mirror

  2. I’m here for ME! except for that cringey “Spelling is fun!” Omg it breaks my heart

    But classic TSwizzle to have a lead single with a bit of cringe in it


    She said on Twitter that the album name and second single title are hidden in the music video!


    Everyone is literally going crazy with theories


    I saw at 2:16 that it says “Pattern design” and someone thinks it was just an editing mistake but why would they make a mistake when they know Swifties are the crazy fans and will look at every single frame for a clue? Am I just delusional?


    I totally am :suicide:


    I’m hyped for it tho, I have faith


    Oh also, I saw someone say “it sounds like a promo song for The Secret Life of Pets 2” and now I can’t stop thinking about it

  3. Ever since I saw a post from agesssss ago (probably last week or something), I'm convinced Lana is just being a sookie bad girl. The post (I wish I remember where I saw it) was pretty much talking about label politics and Interscope putting money into Billie and holding off on NFR which has Lana mad and being a sook and trying to live her best instagram baddie life to be like "fuk u guys, I'm still hip" 


    I fully believe that

    Hopefully something will start happening soon **goes back into an endless sleep**

  4. in line with my feelings towards 7 rings (loved it on first listen) i like this a decent bit!  definitely a bit more upbeat and lighter than 7 rings but i found it still just as fun


    i have a feeling that while genuine, the "i like women and men" line was kinda included to generate buzz or keep the media focused on her- wonder how effective its gonna be

    Definitely agree with what you’ve said

    I’ll have to listen to it again and have a proper lyrical listen but going off that and this may be an unpopular opinion, but damn that’s such an old way to get attention now— like cool? Thanks ari ily

  5. Her latest posts = true instagram baddie

    No wonder she hasn't released NFR, she's not a singer anymore, she's a new being

    Also yes, those other girls she's with are evil (why can't i be them)


    I'm just imagining them all laying there for hours just recording themselves talking about nothing (and I mean actually nothing (except laughing at us))

  6. I'm bumping this because I signed up to Imgur to post it here and people have commented on it being like "she's 5 years old and looks like Joan Rivers" and it's been downvoted 10 times so 


    it's art before it's time

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