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Posts posted by yayoop

  1. I actually really like Coachella on the album, I don't mind really :blush:

    I kinda hope she polished it a little and that that was a part of the delay? Like maybe just the production? But whatever whatever  :lanahairflip2:  :agree2:


    I think it being on the album will make me listen to it more, like I already do :agree: , but if Young and Beautiful was on Paradise I probably would've listened to it more. Just because it's on the CD and I love driving in the car with a CD playing in the summer with the windows down~ that's not to say I didn't listen to Young and Beautiful a lot (believe me i did) but I would've enjoyed it in the car more... :sadcore: this story is pointless. :hide: :lel: All I'm trying to say is that I don't really care if it's on the album, unless it took something's spot (lord help me if it replaced Yosemite  :judgingu3:  :scream:) but otherwise, I'm all for it :kiss:




    And also yes I know I can listen to it on my iPod in the summer with the windows down~ But I usually download albums off the internet and buy CD's for those who deserve it  :whatever:  :fact: And Lana bebe deserves it, so it means more... @ me next time :erm:  :judgingu2:  


    (also I realise this post is a mess eg. smileys and pointless rant, but i'm kinda "high by the beach: so yolo)





    i need a full on docuseries categorizing every slight progression this fucking album has taken, everything from the first melodic voice memo lana wrote for the honeymoon outtakes all the way up to the release and making sure it has an episode JUST on the week of May it was "supposedly" going to come out. She had live performances and interviews lined throughout the week and I wanna know the bts tea. :oprah3:




    Omg i Iust (for life) so hard for this

    It would be incredible fuck

    I would love to know how she develops everything and songs and lyrics and the ideas and fuck omfg


      :derpna2:  :scream:  :judgingu3:  :cumming2:  :cumming:  :crying5:  :grinds:

  3. 1949 (Demo) - 11

    All Smiles - 10
    Axl Rose Husband - 10 
    Baby Blue Love - 8
    Bentley - 10
    Betty Boop Boop - 9
    Bollywood Hawaii ("Maha Maha" Demo) - 9
    Born Bad Baby ("Kinda Outta Luck" Demo) - 9
    C U L8R Alligator - 12
    Coca Colla - 10
    Criminals Run the World - 11
    Crooked Cop - 10
    Cry Me a River - 10
    Dance for Money - 11
    Dangerous Girl (Demo) - 9
    Daytona Meth - 10 
    Elvis - 10 
    Greenwich - 11
    Hangin' Around - 10
    Heartshaped Chevrolet - 11
    Hollywood Movie - 10 
    I Was in a Bad Way - 9
    Joshy & I - 9
    Living Without You ("TV in Black & White" Demo) - 11
    Methamphetamines - 10
    Midnite Dancer Girlfriend ("Go Go Dancer" Demo) - 10
    Motel 6 (Acapella Demo) - 9
    Never Let Me Go (Demo) - 10
    Noir - 9
    Party Girl - 10 
    Put Your Lips Together - 10
    Slow Gin Fizzz ("Motel 6" Acoustic Demo) - 10
    So Legittt - 10
    Super Movie - 10
    White Pontiac Heaven - 10
    Your Band is All the Rage - 10
    You're Gonna Love Me - 12


    >>I'm sorry I couldn't unbold two of the titles... so ignore them, my choices are in red and green  :blush:

    Also what's with the BabyBlueLove hate?? #messes

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