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Posts posted by yayoop

  1. It wasn't great. I saw it with my boyfriend and we were dying because Christian Grey is "50 Shades of Fucked Up" << an actual line in the movie. And he breaks into her house sooooooo.... it's just fucked. Not a good film- rabbits have kinkier sex.

  2. I'm Tropico ~ and these descriptions are so good and fun! I love it! I'm very sexual :flirt:


    ""You live life to the fullest, you’re interested in everyone around you and appreciate music, art and creativity. Be careful not to party too hard though, it might get you in trouble. You’re a very sexual, complicated and fun person, and people find this interesting about you. Sometimes it causes them to take advantage of you, but you know this and focus on the people that are worth your love. You have a hard time forgiving your own past mistakes, but it’s okay to let go now, you’re doing the best you can!""

    I'm Tropico ~ and these descriptions are so good and fun! I love it! I'm very sexual :flirt:


    ""You live life to the fullest, you’re interested in everyone around you and appreciate music, art and creativity. Be careful not to party too hard though, it might get you in trouble. You’re a very sexual, complicated and fun person, and people find this interesting about you. Sometimes it causes them to take advantage of you, but you know this and focus on the people that are worth your love. You have a hard time forgiving your own past mistakes, but it’s okay to let go now, you’re doing the best you can!""

  3. Is it just me, or is this song about Barrie?!


    "Are you gonna hurt me now?

    Or are you gonna hurt me later?

    Are you gonna go to town?

    Maybe you should play it safer"


    Maybe this is Barrie's point of view as he has thought this or "said" it to Lana, saying that he knows what she's up to. He knows that she wants to leave and he's questioning when she will have the courage to face the inevitable. Also, it goes along with the idea that she is "being a mistress on the side" (Are you gonna go to town)


    You've got me all dressed up tonight

    Springsteen on the radio

    You've got me all freaked out tonight

    Somethin' you're tellin' me- what? I don't know


    Basically, she's dressing up for him because she doesn't want to face the truth. They both know that the breakup is going to happen, yet it's unspoken and taboo. 


    You don't wanna break me down

    You don't wanna say goodbye and

    You don't wanna turn around

    You don't wanna make me cry but

    You caught me once

    ​Maybe on the flipside I could catch you again

    You caught me once

    ​Maybe on the flipside you could catch me again


    But she knows he's a good guy, in contrast to Jimmy or whoever she wrote BTD about. He DOESN'T want to make her cry. He DOESN'T want to to turn around, break her down, or say goodbye. Lana knows he's a good guy; he treats her right, he just doesn't treat himself with the same respect (drugs, etc.) So, she will wait for him to get his shit together and then they can "catch" each other again, on the "flipside," when he's sober, etc.



    basically, if you analyze the rest of the lyrics the same way/in the same POVs, you get what I'm going for... does this make sense to anyone else!?


    I was just listening to Flipside and thought the exact same thing :crying: it makes the song even sadder than i had already made it! 

  4. BTD ERA

    i bashed her and then i fell in love 


    Exactly the same as me!

    I was throwing a party and making a playlist and my best friend sent me "Video Games" and i listened to it and was like "What the fuck is this? She sounds like a man this is awful, she's horrid." And then i saw Katy Perry tweet about the album and so i gave it a listen and here we are... 2 years later, utterly in love with this woman. Best thing that's ever happened ahhaha

  5. All of Ultraviolence......


    I've discovered that my favourite song off UV is now "Pretty When You Cry" .. i love all of UV but this is the song i have had on repeat since i listened to the album. I also personally think it's probably her saddest song. The desperation in her voice and the child like way she sings, i don't know... It's put me in a really somber/depressed mood so i can't imagine what happened to her that influenced her to create this song. 


    But that's just me :sadcore:

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