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Posts posted by yayoop



    I'm super stoned right now and actually watched all of this and loved it :runs:


    and i don't really like her new songs (lowlife and her die in your arms cover are amazing tbh) and i'm also quite tired of the internet thing (i still love you poppy tho)


    but yolo


    (holy jesus that fucking side eye @ 31:10 i'm dead)

  2. omg I love this idea! Except I'm gonna tweak it a bit~ music is one way my memories are activated so whenever I listen to an album it always makes me flashback to a certain time~ obviously songs are different triggers but i'll try communicate what I remember when I think of albums ahaha


    AKA - Fucked in the city, watching the sunrise, dancing by the road


    BTD -  I'm leaving a party, I'm drunk and lonely, i'm singing and nothing else exists but blurs


    PD - Driving on a long road near my house during the summer, with the music loud and the windows down


    UV - In my hotel room in NYC, it's raining outside, i'm exhausted and sad


    HM - It's my birthday and the sun is warm, i'm driving in cars with boys


    LFL - I'm dancing in my bedroom at night time while everyone is sleeping

  3. I think Coachella is a pivotal moment in this album. It's very clever imo. It signals the shift between the sound. All tracks before that song have current influences, with features from popular artists today e.g. "Coachella" and all songs after feel like they are literally from another time period, they feel like the most classicly crafted songs she's ever put out with features from the 2 artists attributed to older times e.g. "Woodstock"


    Time warping legend



    So true! And it leads directly into the her political songs, it channels that shift from having fun and dancing and living life into that tense, politically aware side~ love it oooooooh the tracklisting feels so much more right now ahaha

  4. You guys I’m in a spring float just floating in my pool

    High as heck

    the water is 85* 

    the sun is baking

    and I just got my tie dye Knockarounds in the Mail 


    Music To Watch Boys To is on and I’m literally in a new dimension. 

    I need to hear LFL I cannot frankin’ WAIT :crying5:  good lord this is gonna be good. 




  5. She should do another Tropico styled short-film for Lust for Life~


    a blend of her creating the album as well as the story she hinted at in her recent interview. A mixture of reality documentary and story a la Lana~


    (Although I'd be so down for a heap of beautiful music videos for Groupie Love/Get Free/13 Beaches(especially with that intro))

  6. I was looking at everyone's sortings and I'm like "What's happening" I thought people were making their own tracklists ahaha

    and then I realised what it was and decided to do did it!


    and I would say this is a good judge of my first L4L impression~ I wonder what it'll be like in like 3 monthsooh


    1. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems (feat. Stevie Nicks)

    2. Get Free

    3. Groupie Love (feat. A$AP Rocky)

    4. In My Feelings

    5. 13 Beaches

    6. Tomorrow Never Came (feat. Sean Ono Lennon)

    7. When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing

    8. Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind

    9. Summer Bummer (feat. A$AP Rocky and PlayboiCarti)

    10. Love

    11. Cherry

    12. Heroin

    13. Lust for Life (feat. the Weekend)

    14. God Bless America - And All The Beautiful Women In It

    15. White Mustang

    16. Change

  7. If I were her, I'd attribute that sort of feeling to fear more than anything. Imagine going to a concert to see your man or just your musical crush (lol) and being stampeded by your own fans. Quiet, alone time to reflect and enjoy life is hard to come by for people like her. I wouldn't call it arrogant, just independent, I guess. 


    From my own perspective, if I couldn't go to the library or the coffee shop (don't you dare quote it. don't you dare) without being followed by even one person, I'd pop a xanax so fast and go cry in the bathroom.


    So true, arrogant definitely wasn't the right word to use. I get what you mean definitely, especially knowing of Lana and how she likes to be private~


    And that's so true omg

    Maybe she's more annoyed by it now ahaha she's just like "omg pls fuck offf I'm swaying" ahaha :blush:

  8. I was just thinking about the new music after reading what people had been saying and I'm curious to see what you guys Think...


    I was thinking about her lyrics and how they're different now as opposed to her earlier stuff. Obviously artists grow over time so naturally their lyrical style will change but i think now that Lana has amazing resources I think she spends a lot more time on the mixing and production as opposed to the lyrics- cause she always relied on her lyrics whereas now she can focus on every part of the song more in-depth. That being said, I was also thinking about her LFL album lyrics and do you guys think she sounds a bit more arrogant now? I mean lbr she was always kinda arrogant (eg. Delicious, StTropez) but instead of it being like "lol I'm sexy guys love me" it's more like "I wanna sway on my own, don't recognise me" ahahaahaa does that make sense? Not that it's a bad thing but just interesting to see ahhhaa

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