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Posts posted by yayoop

  1. I am loving everything about this era from Lana, we've got 3 album songs, 1 leaked possible track, the cover and title, that cute album reveal trailer, cute Weeknd snippet video and L4L music video, all the collaboration announcements (stevie nicks wtf) and cute Lana interactions on Instagram, as well as a bunch of beautiful magazine shoots and long af interviews :suicide:


    I lust for life so hard right now

    (and so do my children's children)

  2. So she wrote this in like a week or two...? Ahaha

    (It's also crazy how we can all feel the demo-ness of this track, probably cause we're used to hearing either her laptop demos or fully (six month mixed) finished studio versions :lel:)

    PS. Thank you for worrying about my children and my children's children lana ily :kiss:


    I also definitely see this being performed live and everyone losing their shit (with their children's children)

  3. I don't know why but the term witchy applied to Lana makes me think A LOT of Time Of The Season. Here for songs sounding like it



    I HAVE WANTED LANA TO COVER "TIME OF THE SEASON" FOR SO LONG OMFGSJANBFIUSNGJD YAS that would be so fucking amazing I would die and be so happy, cause of that beat, and the lyrical tones and overall creepiness (thank you The Conjuring)

    Also on the Azelia Banks (that's not how you spell it but whatever lol) topic, I feel bad for Lana cause she probably did like her :sadcore:

  4. Hey, it was me. I'll find my original post and paste it here.

    I don't know if you guys ever realized that, but the Honeymoon instrumentals (and vocals) play a lot around the "time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future" theme (and some people here even say the Burnt Norton interlude is useless in the album, when, in fact, it's a major role in the understandment of the album themes) which I believe is a central role in the album and the thoughts Lana put in its creation.


    Like, if you listen to "Music to Watch Boys to" you can hear, right in the beggining, that the chorus without instrumental goes forward, while, in the back sound, the echoes are played backwards.


    We have this again in "High by the Beach" with the vocals being played going high and being repeated right after backwards and that goes throughout the entire song, everytime these "scream" (yawns? I don't know how to describe it) appear. The instrumental itself is also going forward and backwards sometimes.


    Art Deco brings it again, with the trip beats in the beggining being played forward and backwards. The instrumental in Burnt Norton is essencially this. Played forward and backwards, forward and backwards, giving the feeling of an endless loop.


    At the end or Religion the beats slow down to bring Salvatore, where the flutes are first going up and in a second beind played in reverse. 


    And the best of all, right in the beggining you have the sound of a man crying compulsively, which is repeated a lot of times. The cry itself lenghts less than a second, but they repeat it like, 9 times, so it seems like a continously cry. At the end of the bridge, when the violins rise again (at the end of the piano part) you can see that the cry is now going up, like a laugh, 'cause they're playing it backwards. God, it's fu**ing amazing. This part is more notorious if you listen to the instrrumental isolated, you can find it in here: 



    I listened some of the same pattern in the Swan Song instrumental, but right now I'm not remembering to tell you especifically. Overall, that's just shows how Lana is a fu**ing incredible artist, how everything is planned and she is really focused in materializing an idea, a thought, a belief in what she creates. It's simply overwhelming.



    I love this so much, it sort of could also play with that idea i think granhamforanthing? or someone was talking about where the album could be talking about Lana's artistry in the past combining with her artistry now~ become a combination of the past and present to create something for the future?

  5. I'm excited for this record. I can tell it's going to be simply stunning. Hopefully, you guys will love it. But in all honesty y'all got to shut up about 2.0's they'll never be 2.0 for any album ever again. She's an artist she evolves. Now, I'm not calling everybody a whiner. I'm actually surprised it's been this calm. Also, you guys already know there'll never be the perfect album for anybody right? It's impossible for everyone to agree one record is best. Especially, since everybody has different taste. She's worked so long on this record it'll obviously be good. Also, what's wrong with it being slow? I mean HM did not lack passion. Rather it was wrecked with emotion. Anyways, I should probably be quiet know I tend to run my mouth too much sometimes.

    You're the only one making sense :kiss:

  6. That guy is Scott Plagenhoef https://twitter.com/scottplagenhoef


    Global Head of Editorial and Programming, iTunes/Apple Music and Pitchfork Media's Editor-in-Chief



    It's probably not him, but I just had a flashback to that interview with Lana's old manager I think it was-- and he talked all about how someone at iTunes really loved AKA and wanted to put her on the iTunes page or something.. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?


    Imagine if history is repeating itself and Lana get's the front page  :creepna2:

  7. Tbh I didn't even realise that Born To Die turned 5 years old, but today my mum goes to me "I saw that Lana's debut album is 5 years old" and I was like "omfg really? Thank you for remembering that!" And we had a whole discussion on how I came about Lana and everything-- honestly Lana's music has impacted my life a lot... and I'm not just saying that! She's fucked me up more than I can think, but I've loved it all and I'm so happy to see her progress so far :kiss: I'll love Lana forever


    Could YAIL be about the Pulse shooting in Orlando? 


    Is this Happiness 2?



    I would probably say no, mainly because it's not ~very Lana~ to make sort of political songs. Not to say it's political, but to comment on it would be quite out there for Lana. She's a very self-inspired? artist... I don't know the best way to say it haha, but I don't think so


    And the potential gunfire noise could probably just be a throwback to her OG gangsta #badgurl #FingertipsInTheShapeOfAGun phase ahaha

  9. i only read the first paragraph cause you wrote too much. stop twisting my words. i never said anything about pop radio singles. plain and simple, i said i wish lana had beyonces WORK ETHIC as in i wish she tried as hard as beyonce on her job and PROMO GAME as in beyonce knows how to promote herself. God, i know youre delusional but stop saying i said something when i clearly didnt


    what is with people here always twisting my words? i go back and read my latest posts on this thread and theyre pretty clear. i think you think way too much into it



    I think it's because one doesn't understand how anyone else make think  :headache:

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