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Everything posted by yayoop

  1. omfg.. the hint “Do you really think with Twitter and Facebook, that if a witch does anything at all, she won’t be videotaped and turned into some viral freak show?” - Fiona Goode
  2. I'm hoping this'll be fucked up and terrifying as well ~ omfg just like Asylum but having the sass of Coven ~ LET'S GO JESSICA AND EMMA
  3. It is a happy song and I love it, but at the same time I have paired it with a very happy/sad memory of mine so it makes me sad when I listen to it because of the memory
  4. **just made a playlist after i wrote this post and here come the tears..** Depending on what memory i have allocated to each song.. "Pawn Shop Blues" probably makes me the saddest And then probably "Your Band Is All The Rage" .. "Teenage Wasteland (Prom Song Gone Wrong)" .. "Never Let Me Go" .. "Hawaiian Tropic" .. "On Our Way (Acoustic Demo)" .. "Back to tha Basics" .. "All Smiles" .. just to name a few. A lot of Lana songs make me sad..
  5. yayoop

    Song vs. Song

    This Is What Makes Us Girls (Demo) vs. Kinda Outta Luck
  7. I usually like to listen to her more jazzy ones when I smoke weed ahhaha like PutMeInAMovie, PawnShopBlues, Smarty and songs like that hahaha I like to stand up and start twirling hahaha oops @
  8. In "Hundred Dollar Bill" i thought Lana was singing .. "Respect the hype" but she's saying "Respect to the high" oops @ this is the song i was talking about remember??
  9. My reaction to the last two pages .:.. ~ this goes down in LBhistory along with Page99 and the Incest Thread ....So Ultraviolence is gonna be a beautiful album
  10. Everybody's saying you're no good for me || LDR
  11. I used to think she said "Black bra, red dress, make a bomb" instead of "Black bra, red dress, makeup on" omfg
  12. Imagine if it'd be like.. BCD + BlackBeauty = UV .. imagine ~ that'd be fun
  13. Dark doesn't just have to mean it's about depression or alcohol dependency or whatever, it could be about like sex or **~naughty~** things. It could be like a bad relationship "everybody's saying you're no good for me.. but they don't see the dirty stuff you do to me". I don't think BCD is gonna be on Ultraviolence, i just think that ~((sonically))~ a song could have a similar weird vibe to it
  14. I completely agree. When i was listening to BCD in the car i was like, this sounds so chaotic with the random voice snippets and the chorus is all like fast-intense it's amazing but at the same time you're like "what the fuck.. why am i listening to this" ahahhaa I wouldn't mind the BCD direction for Ultraviolence~ but i for some reason just can't imagine them together. To me BCD feels more electric and like an impulse where for some reason i imagine Ultraviolence to be more ~echoy~ i don't know ignore this last part hahaha
  15. Oh lord I'm gonna be travelling around Europe in Septemberfjakdksjdoqenek She has to come to Australia when I'm here D;
  16. This season was interesting. It was amazing at the same time that it was boring? Like they tried to fit too many different things into this season, they were doing it in Asylum and then they just went overboard with this season leaving so many things unanswered or forgotten. Like that baby Marie stole and Spaulding random took, like is he gonna raise it? Kill it? The season finale was sort of similar to Asylum and MurderHouse's ending where they were just gonna wrap up the story? I don't know, this season's finale just didn't seem that intense. Like everything should've been intensified i feel~ I don't know. I wish Madison was burnt at the stake for neglecting to heal Zoe, or that she actually got away and caused havoc everywhere. Or at least they should've said why Cordelia had her vision of FIona killing everybody, which didn't end up happening.. Or coming close to happening at all? I don't know. I really loved this season, i was confused as to what the MAIN-CENTRAL plot was ~ which ended up being who the next Supreme was. I suppose rewatching it would be much better. But yeah. Kyle's introduction as the new Spalding should've happened sooner, more interacting between them would've been cool. I don't know~ if i watch the series again i'd probably have a different opinion. I'll never forget Fiona/Madison, my two favourites
  17. I also just wanted to add that the shortening "OUAD" just kinda feels right~ you know what i mean. like it suits the song? Like.. i don't know it feels right. For some reason it makes me enjoy the song even more.. idfk
  18. I'm so pumped for this album, just knowing the name makes me excited hahahaa *~~Trust in Lana~~* she knows what she's doing
  19. omfg why didn't i know this was here?! I pray to god that FIona comes back and kills everybody, except Madison~ cause then they can be bffls and rule the world
  20. For some reason associate "Never Let Me Go" with "I Don't Wanna Go" .. i don't know, they just seem like a two-parter. They're both beautiful. This was the first unreleased Lana song i ever heard.. and it's true beauty.
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