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Everything posted by yayoop

  1. I love this interview because they didn't talk about her past for once! I mean, i love hearing about it but i want to hear about her now and this record! You know what i mean?
  2. Exactly the same as me! I was throwing a party and making a playlist and my best friend sent me "Video Games" and i listened to it and was like "What the fuck is this? She sounds like a man this is awful, she's horrid." And then i saw Katy Perry tweet about the album and so i gave it a listen and here we are... 2 years later, utterly in love with this woman. Best thing that's ever happened ahhaha
  3. All of Ultraviolence...... I've discovered that my favourite song off UV is now "Pretty When You Cry" .. i love all of UV but this is the song i have had on repeat since i listened to the album. I also personally think it's probably her saddest song. The desperation in her voice and the child like way she sings, i don't know... It's put me in a really somber/depressed mood so i can't imagine what happened to her that influenced her to create this song. But that's just me
  4. Oh my god, the comments are awful! What is wrong with people these days? Someone also posted this....... Have we seen this before? It's about Rob http://www.dnjournal.com/cover/2008/april.htm
  5. For some reason I imagine this song to be like Lolita Demo 2, with like a really psychedelic guitar and like beachy sounds.. I don't know. Flipside just sounds like a beachy psychedelic guitar strumming song ahahhaa
  6. omfg fuck nope i love this........ i can't. And she looks amazing in the video, that outfit holy jesus and she even has a spooky throne with spooky trees~ She's so spooky
  7. "" SLACKER: I’ll take her to shows, and she just watches. We were just in New York for, um, Lady Gaga. LANA: Amazing. SLACKER: Yeah, it was a great show, but she’s just like… LANA: That’s so great. "" AHAHHA HOLY SHIT, THOSE ARE THE PHRASES YOU USE WHEN YOU HATE SOMEONE AND TRY MAKE THE CONVERSATION MOVE ON AHAHHAA FUCK IM CRYING SHE'S SO FUNNY
  8. Looks nice! I see what you mean about the hair though but it's good ~ just fix the hair!
  9. Do it and show me ~ Hey, the more you use it the better you'll get!
  10. I do too, but if i lie to myself and keep saying it's the real one for long enough i'll start believing it tbh
  11. I actually quite like this ~ @GangstaDollarBoy I'll probably end up using this
  12. Exactly! Does anyone wanna make an edit of the cover but just adding the red text for @GangstaDollarBoy and I?
  13. I quite like the cover, i wish it was more styled like the promo billboards but oh well! I WISH THERE WAS THE RED "LDR" UNDERNEATH ULTRAVIOLENCE THOUGH. Cause i thought that was clever
  14. So these are real?! Because I don't wanna to get so excited, like I already am, and have then be fake omfg BUT YES THIS TITLES GIVE ME LIFE AND BLACK FUUKING BEAUTY IS BACK I ACTUALLY CANT THAT SONG IS SO IMPORTANT IT NEEDED TO BE RELEASDD PROPERLH I CANF WVEN TYPE PROPERLY **Respect to the hype
  15. Where did these "Tuesday" rumours even come from?! I swear to God we should've gotten a new song every Tuesday for the past month Anyways, I like the billboard! KNEW DREAMLAND WAS RELEVANT. And you all slightly believed/doubted me heh heh **listens to ULTRAVIOLENCE and lols with Lana**
  16. She's so adorable, i can't evensgdjdkdgsfd
  17. yayoop


    HEY SO I heard that "Skid Row" is the name of a street in LA where people do there drug deals for like cocaine and meth and stuff! SHE WEARS HER DIAMONDS ON SKID ROW. TO BUY COKE. CAUSE SHE'S CLASSY And it makes sense cause LA is on the WestCoast and "Paradise" is inspired more by her times on the WestCoast ~ pooh
  18. I agree with Sitar! She always makes up her own little genres to describe her music~ Future Jazz is most likely just how she thinks it sounds. Like when she says the album feels like the West Coast and stuff.. i don't think i contributed at all
  19. YESSSS, they're all so true omfg How about when she does the "End of the World" cover and the guy in the audience laughs and in the video she starts to giggle and blush! So adorable
  20. I just shat my pants HAHAHAHHAHAYOUREFUCKED
  21. I know i don't usually contribute except for the status' and random ~oops~ in some threads but i thought i'd jump on the bandwagon with these type of threads because i can~! What songs do you listen to that Lana has written that just make you feel like Lana is the most adorable person in the world?? For example:~ Stoplight De-lite and Summer of Sam! Lana's little rap/summertime moments in Summer of Sam just makes my heart bloom like a ~rose~ In Stoplight De-lite, just imaging her walking down the street smitten and singing about a random person is so adorable omfg, i imagine her like skipping along the Avenues in New York just smiling and giggling because of this guy with the golden grill that could've flirted with her omfg i can't I actually imagine her in SOS to be walking through New York all cute and rappy like and then she comes across this man and begins to sing SD .. i don't know! That's just me ANYWAY ahhahaa What about you guys?? Try explain why to make it interesting ~
  22. Burning Desire @ @@SitarHero ~memories~
  23. As long as we keep the "Mom" lyric alive, no one can stop us
  24. I only just fell in love with "Kinda Outta Luck" and i've been singing "Is it wrong Mom" every single time!! I looked it up and apparently she says "wrong wrong" but i can't help but sing and hear "Mom" omfg
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