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Everything posted by DinahLee

  1. Hoping for a 70 at least, would be good... But idk, the hip hop beats then acoustic tracks.... My bet will be a 70 LOL let's pray
  2. DinahLee

    Fine China

    Ignored this for so long but since yesterday, it has been on repeat and... It's just from another world. GORGEOUS lyrics and... wow. Wish it did make the cut on Ultraviolence looking back now also I kept imagining Say Yes to Heaven as the opening instead of Cruel World Reading all the theories around the song made it even better. I Didn't know what "Fine Chine" really meant (Now I know it's a slang for cocaine, heroin but also means beautiful plates and stuff... just like wedding gifts ) but It's funny how simple words can mean a lot with Lana
  3. I think unlikely lmao When albums get these interludes and stuff, they usually get big tracklists. Like tovelo's Queen of the clouds: 17 tracks but 3 of them are interludes with like 5 seconds of speech. I Actually enjoy the way Burnt Norton cut the album in the middle lmao I wish she played it while on Tour while drinking water or something
  4. Glad I see everyone saying it's Honeymoon with Ultraviolence LMAO that's good
  5. Hhaahahahahaha I do like it but I really love DLMBM over it It sound like... A really Hybrid of Honeymoon with a bit of Ultraviolence. There are "raw" vocals\instruments in few songs but I just listened once tho. It's not like BTD hip hop\trap at all but it sound like Honeymoon... but way more interesting I guess. Idk about the themes tho cuz couldn't pay attention to lyrics at all hahaha but I think most of them are about Love. 13 beaches is haunting about paparazzis I guess, that's the only one I could understand
  6. I Love Don't Let me Be Misunderstood like... The Other Who??? Loved most of the snippets ahhh And seems like they weren't chorus of the songs.... Excited. I don't think there was any "stand out" for me yet but waiting
  7. DinahLee


    Everyone could easily create a Drum pattern and said it's "Phantom" or any song LOL Same for True Love is Violent piano... oh well
  8. I wanted the vinyl so badly but expensive even without the taxes and shipping for south america, ugh At least it looks beautiful But can someone explain the... "coke bottle" thing? lol is it because it's like glass\see through?
  9. I thought Lust For Life was the second single? SummerBummer likely to turn into Third Single with all the edits and stuff
  10. I think the Spotify version is the album version while the YouTube version would be the single release, since YouTube was shorter & Spotify Longer... but now YouTube version is down so... idk
  11. I haven't checked but things will probably go up midnight in everyplace.. Idk if iTunes release stuff in the middle of the day, I thought it was only midnight
  12. I got confused nn I think we need to just wait. I'm not having a meltdown over Yosemite and Roses bloom for you because we never heard anything from the first one and the second one, well, she said it wouldn't be on the record the moment she posted the vid so... All this gives me "UR GIRL\YES TO HEAVEN\FINE CHINA" realness where people asked about it for years and then all 3 leaked and people were like "Oh... It's nice. Nevermind".
  13. DinahLee


    I actually enjoyed "Let's make a video" (song and video together). Seems like they're already working on the next one tho https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/titanicsinclair/bleach-blonde-baby-music-video-by-poppy "Bleach Blonde Baby" will be the "sequel" for Lowlife...hope the song is good as Lowlife Oh and Album coming October 6th, nice https://twitter.com/poppy/status/884499112875376640
  14. DinahLee


    Should have asked for "Gay twinks interested to be in Music video." then
  15. DinahLee


    The kids @ Sanctuary video... and like... Allie... As an adult...a really big adult...running from the kids... Like are the kids cast way cheaper than adults?? Tongue Tied then Sancutary...
  16. I'm dead at Groupie Love snippet. Really different (??).
  17. DinahLee


    Also, CATCH finally got 1m... after 2 years
  18. I mean only 2 tracks cuz she probably didn't have the tracklist really finished and she thought the wrong number in her mind... not like "not important" or so or... whatever tbh about BAR, the song is leaked so... I'll probably just put it as track 17 and I'm ok I don't even think she really finished Roses bloom for you
  19. Still no sure if Yosemite is Get Free Life is Beautiful probably locked inside a pen drive lost in a Studio somewhere She probably said 18 just like a "around it". 16\18... 2 tracks only
  20. Just said this in other board lol but yeah exactly. She hinted more than one Collab with ASAP... sometimes the Detectives are too busy creating theories and we don't see what's right upon our own eyes nn
  21. Paper Love - 6 -1 Vintage - 19 Need You (feat. Valley Girl) - 4 +1 Casanova - 15 Lifted - 21 Simon Says - 22 Old Habits Die Hard - 15 That's So Us - 9 Downtown - 19 True Love Is Violent - 19
  22. DinahLee


    wut? Shaking She just said the fan favorite right now is Lifted and I'm here like https://twitter.com/alliex/status/881896764445519872 Downtown > Lifted
  23. DinahLee


    She confimed that Paper Love music video is under edition right now... Still\pic coming tmorrow https://twitter.com/alliex/status/880819501583011841 Pls don't let it turn into a sanctuary situtation amen
  24. I'm scared about the chorus right now The beat is good but I hope the chorus will be good & not weak
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