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Everything posted by DinahLee

  1. DinahLee


    Few instrumentals playing in the BG of the "Backstage Scenes" from the tour uploaded by Vevo She's so cute
  2. DinahLee

    Charli XCX

    Lipgloss [Extra Puccy Remis] Feat. Cupcakke & Brooke Candy So many icons in one video I'm blessed
  3. DinahLee


    That's so awesome I swear to god this woman is just from another world. That's just a masterpiece... Never really watched the old sets in full but the whole performance of music infused with theater... I wish she could bring some of that for the new tour since the "Doing X" was "way more simple".... About the side note: Aurora is my fav ballad, it's gorgeous but so so simple\fragile...
  4. DinahLee


    Sugar turned Bitter Summer into Winter Ugh I love Homebound live but the leaks just... idk... I miss the epic intro I guess But the chorus ~<3 -- Edit: Listening to "Unrxleased" and got "Overture" playing and I never got what is it? Is it fan-made? some art project? n I can recognize few melodies and stuff but... I just don't know what's going on n
  5. DinahLee


    OMG SLAY THANK U I love the line from You Jabberwocky only the live rehearsal or something like that from that Bebe Account
  6. DinahLee


    I got like 2 unreleased "Albuns". One is kinda old\Everyone has it I guess (UNRXLEASED with Sculpture as track 01) and the other one I made with the recent leaks (since I feel Love I guess. Sorry, Thief, YOU... they all belong there). I love most of these songs lmao I can't wait for II now ------------- Searched for "Naked Lunch" and saw a post on other board from 2015 the song being registered... it was like page 5 of the thread and started the read... People were excited for CLXII............October 2015.... they were all pretty sure it was almost done......... 2 years later.......... I wonder if they're still interested tho Also: Rolling Days is icxnic
  7. DinahLee


    You = Emergency = Dark Magic right? they're like... all the same ?? At least that's how it's named on my unreleased pack rip Wish we had the final, ughhh I love it so much and I can't barely understand what she's singing n
  8. DinahLee


    dead I joked about Paper Love and I was right. Rip Simon Says n I think it will be great... the "singles" from CXI were...good... (Catch, Prime, Bitch & Sanctuary are standouts even tho I love GOOD & TUMOR and never enough way more than Sanctuary. I just hope the song won't disappoint\sound "dull" next to songs like Casanova and OHDH...
  9. DinahLee


    Plot Twist: the video is allie dancin' behind that sheet and around the leaves n *Pretends to be shook* n Anyway, I wonder if the iPhone tape\voice memo was the only thing finished... Maybe other demos that weren't polished or anything? hm... I thought once she asked about how people imagined a video for Purge on twitter (?? or was it casanova??)
  10. DinahLee


    Paper Love n I hope Simon Says (the tour "PROMO" teasing the song, the pic in a bench (reach n))... but a vid for Casanova would be cool too
  11. DinahLee


    She said she would release a "lead" for the album cuz CASANOVA was only a promotional... She tweeted about "writing a video treatment" and I think she has been kinda "away" or doing something behind the curtains... Hope this won't be sanctuary all over again (?) n
  12. Y'all drag DLMBM but it's my fav cover... DLMBM -> Blue Velvet -------------------> The Other Woman but they're all great tbh. I'm not a Beatle's fan tho... let's see how it turns out or what it will be.
  13. I remember dying to get the Paradise Boxset when it was released but I f*cked up. Now the thing cost 100x more n. But I think the boxsets were all cool\amazing somehow. The picture disc + Photos... Everything was cute tbh. I hope they'll release something like that And I'll love the album enough to buy it since I didn't like Ultraviolence and Honeymoon that much back then to order Also cannot wait for UO exclusive this time n
  14. idk if someone mentioned but recently is that interview with her managers, one of them said "She's a good artist at streaming and vinyls so, we gonna try to keep it that way"... that sounded interesting... and tbh I hope it was a hint about more vinyls or something in the future. It would be great. Well... at least the album...
  15. I thought that "Tuesday" could be a hint about music dropping. I think Promo Singles are usually released on Wednesday, she could premiere some music every tuesday and put them out by wednesday ... but it sound like a Reach so... maybe she just said it to sound "funny" or something... GOD THIS ALBUM TEASER WAS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED n
  16. Just started reading the thread and few pages ago someone mentioned Shades Of Cool and I just crackled because I remember when the cover dropped and lana tweeted like "COMING SOON" and the song dropped on the same day or one day later. Good Times. Whatever, so excited! I think things will start to shape by this week... we already have the name. She'll probably release the date + pre-order (and maybe tracklist but I think she'll save this for later) and another song as a "countdown"... Probably coming in May or really really early June
  17. Freak video could be better but the whole thing was made using "scraps" so.... The "original" thing with Ultraviolence probably had a fuller concept etc etc etc. Always found funny that Lana is not "miming" the song, she probably used scenes that she wasn't mimin' the original song so... just think about how much footage wasn't discarded\couldn't be used at all lol also idk if this is unpopular opinion but I like "Lust for Life" way WAY WAY more than "Best American Record".
  18. DinahLee


    What info do we have about "Civil War" ? Year? who's the collab? It came on shuffle today and I really like the song, it sound so... epic. lmao I arrived here around the time it leaked and I remember someone explaining about it (I think it was for a movie soundtrack?) but not sure and can't find right page rip
  19. DinahLee


    Mess tbh https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave3/keys "Uploaded 2 days ago" "I used to dream in reflection but upon waking I felt broken affection." -- Whatever, waiting for Miss X to come Tru n
  20. DinahLee


    My only fear is that bodies, the whole song, is the line from the "chorus" repeated over and over again n All the snippets... mess I just want this to leak do badly. I'm scared it will turn in one of the cases where fans get over 1 minute of the song and then 10 years later...nothing else. n
  21. That was... flawless. Excitement is now on mars. The whole teaser is perfect. And one of the collabs (title track btw?) is Abel...yas
  22. DinahLee


    Sometimes I just hate the internet
  23. DinahLee


    omg this place has a Soko thread it's just getting better everyday Listened a lot to this gem recently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOomu2x4ryw
  24. DinahLee


    I love All The Rage. I think it sound so different from the other songs from her. It's really the pop-power-up-uptempo to dance and stuff. It's good. The lyrics aren't the best but still cute. Now Too Much to Dream and Old Habits Die Hard, for me... both are kinda "the same". Idk but I didn't really fell for OHDH. Always thought TMTD was "way better" but both on the album would sound just "Too much" for me...idk. can't explain at all. In general ranking about the new\up songs: That's so Us -> Casanova -> All The Rage -----------------> TMTD -> OHDH I really love that's so us
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