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Everything posted by Masochism

  1. love it pink (the color)
  2. love it maybe pc music?
  3. love it your friends?
  4. Lana and Frank Ocean is the collab we DESERVE
  5. i believe that tracklist is real but Yosemite has to be in there. she just can't rename it. it's a sin
  6. I'm so shocked about lana making a song that's about only 2 minutes long
  7. Masochism

    Brooke Candy

    new music friday! https://www.instagram.com/p/BWIhC61FBdf/?taken-by=brookecandy
  8. yeah maybe with better fonts & stuff. but a cool vintage postcard aesthetic would be nice to see on her works, even if it doesn't really fit with her
  9. i would love some visuals like this for the record
  10. Antoniette Daddy In-N-Out Erotica Yosemite Tattoo Macaron Whore Velvet Bondage Heroin Whore
  11. Masochism


    i see what you say and i understand that her shitty personality can put you off. but "her shitty personality ruined her music and now i don't want to listen to it" ??? this just sounds stupid for me, not saying you're stupid, this is not my intention i dont want to offend u in any way. but literally?? if you like her songs enjoy them and that's all!! she can be as shitty as she wants but as long as she releases good music i will forever stan
  12. Masochism


    like... is it wrong for me to not give a single damn about what she says/do? i just don't care if she's problematic or not. i don't. i only care about the songs, they're good for me so i stan her. but who cares if she lies or fucks up in interviews? like ??????? literally????'
  13. there are so so so good! love em all
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