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Tropico Angel

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Everything posted by Tropico Angel

  1. I think is where a lot of the misunderstanding is concerning “boycott Glory”. We know that the profit is negligible - that’s not why we’re saying to boycott the album. It’s because (as predicted) Jaime has used this success in court to defend himself. ”Whether working with or without a co-conservator, Mr Spears has performed his job well. This is not an opinion” ”He has revived her career” ”He should be commended, not suspended” - All quotes from Jamie’s attorney in court No good has come to Britney because of this re-release. Also, this might just be me being pessimistic but I think you definitely can blame anyone who accepted the album. It could be fine and great but it could be extremely detrimental so why risk it? Brit’s always said that she doesn’t mind if people illegally download her music so why not do that just in case? Why risk helping her father maintain his abusive conservatorship when you didn’t have to?
  2. How did she confirm she supported Glory 2020 (not just mood ring - the whole album)? We know from her court records that, from 2018, Baby One More Mark manages all of her social media which surprise surprise Jaime is in charge of. There have been no videos of Brit talking about how excited she was Glory 2020 (as far as I’ve seen) - only text posts. Because of all this, I’m skeptical of any and all social media announcements. In The Zone stuff was posted to her social media too which made it look like she loved it when she didn’t. If she confirmed it on her social media, how can we trust it? Also, another reason I don’t believe that she was involved with this is because of the “giving thanks” section on the back. She personally thanks Lou, Larry and Tristar. That makes no sense to me. She’s thanking her “stalker” employees and the company stealing her money that is run by her abusive father whom she hasn’t spoken to since August and has a restraining order against her sons? Why would she do that? We only got mood ring and those album pics because we nagged and nagged. They didn’t do it just because (hence the by demand). I can totally see how she was excited about those things but Glory 2020? I’m not so sure. With everything that’s going on, I just really don’t see how she had any say in this This is just my opinion tho. Obviously I don’t know everything
  3. And Numb, The Outsider, Valley Of The Dolls, Buy The Stars, Living Dead, End Of The Earth, etc... tells those tracks to fuck off. TFJ and Froot single choices were (more or less) a serve, I’ll give u that. BUT the other albums’ single choices?? It’s a big fat no from me
  4. I’ve always thought that her singles weren’t the best tracks from her albums so I have a lot of hope. From some of the other snippets we’ve heard, there are some absolute gems on the new album. Also, after everything that happened with L+F, I’d imagine that her record company (or possibly Marina herself) feels more comfortable going with safe single options. More radio friendly, easy on the ears and mind, and less boundary pushing, ya know? A smooth transition into her new album, I guess
  5. It’s alright. Definitely not bad. Not even in the same league as her older songs tho (creatively anyway)
  6. We’re allowed to critic her as long as it’s justified and not derogatory. Doesn’t make us worse than 2012 critics
  7. I know it’s not the end of the world or anything. I’m just confused. Like why did she chose to lipsync such an easy performance?? Call me crazy but when we heard that she was performing live, I expected her to be performing live. I’m not hating on her or anything but she has so much raw talent and singing is literally her job so idk why she made the choices she made. It’s just so disappointing
  8. That’s what makes it even worse. She could’ve absolutely smashed it but she chose not to bother
  9. At the end of the day, she’s a singer - not a performer. She should sing. Just because everyone else isn’t singing live, doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t. She’s more than capable of singing this song fairly easily, she wasn’t singing in front of an audience, she had more than one take, etc... There’s no excuse for lip syncing here. Personally, I wanted a performance like this and I imagine that a lot of other fans wanted it too
  10. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for a singer to sing live but that’s just me
  11. Yeah but lip syncing a prerecorded performance? That was a choice... She’s got such a beautiful voice and it’s not exactly a difficult song for her to sing. Imagine if she performed LMLYLAW like this tho. This is what I’m thirsty for
  12. I’d be super happy if she spruces up LMLYLAW like she spruced up Cherry live. Extra instruments, extra iconic vocals
  13. I think if the paradise version included the “dark niiiighhhhtttttt” backing vocal then it’d definitely prefer that version. It’s a deal breaker for me
  14. Can we talk about Glory 2020 and the conservatorship for a sec without getting all pedantic and rude? I know some Britney fans don’t think there’s an ulterior motive concerning this rerelease and I just want to ask why you think that if you’ve read her court records (especially her recent ones). Not hating or judging or anything because we all clearly care about her. I’m just curious and I want to see both sides so if someone could explain a little then I’d be very grateful ?
  15. I always thought one of the lyrics was “oh dear diary, I met a boy, he made my girl part light up with joy” - as in he gets her horny or he was good in bed or something. Was super shocked to find out that it’s not the right lyric
  16. I’m obsessed with Lolita but I’m not a massive fan of the final production. I prefer the demos. I wish we got a live studio version of the version she performed back in 2012 because this is MAGIC ✨
  17. I think it’s just because of her attitude tbh. From what I’ve seen, she doesn’t give af and will always say what she’s thinking and I suppose it just rubs people the wrong way
  18. I’d imagine that it’s because over the last decade Lily has gotten a reputation of being a pretty massive bitch (in Britain at least). I don’t know how true that is because I don’t keep up with her but I know that a lot of Brits don’t like her for some reason. Maybe Marina wants to avoid working with potentially problematic people? Idk I do think their styles would mesh VERY well together tho and I’d love to hear a collab
  19. I thinks it’s because Jack is more of a pop producer, not an alternative producer. His stuff is very commercial and clean (for lack of a better word). I loved Lana because of how raw and impactful her music was but now I feel like it’s made to be more radio-friendly and critic pleasing. Also kinda think it’s because she moved to LA. Her personality has definitely changed like wanting to become an insta baddie, vlogging, becoming more mainstream in general (like writing slang into her songs like lit, collabing with artists that she has no business collabing with), etc... Of course there’s nothing wrong with a change in personality. Everybody grows and changes but I wish that it would translate better into her music and her previous image. We’ve been so used to unique, vintage Lana and now all of a sudden we’re getting smacked in the face with mainstream Lana. I wish there was a better transition between these two in her body of work so that it’s easier for us fans to digest
  20. Does anyone know what that thing above her left breast is in those photos of her wearing the white outfit walking towards the camera? Is it a cut or rash or something? Or has someone just remini-ed tf out of it and made a weird spot?
  21. I actually think she strains way more in her live performances now compared to back then BECAUSE she’s using the proper technique. Back then, she’d put on different voices (like the baby voice, the deep voice, the screechy voice, etc...) because it’d be easier to hit whatever notes she needed to hit doing those improper techniques. Now that she’s actually singing with proper support, it’s more difficult. That’s why I think her voice used to sound effortless but now it kinda sounds forced. I’m sure she’ll improve though. Practice makes perfect and singing technique is very difficult to master. I’m just glad she’s doing the proper technique now so that she can keep her voice healthy
  22. Really? I thought she sounded like she was straining to reach those notes, especially when you compare her singing high notes in Cola, MPG, BJ, etc... It is probably because she hasn’t sung like that for years but also I’m sure smoking/vaping hasn’t helped with that either
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