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Tropico Angel

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Everything posted by Tropico Angel

  1. ...I literally just said I get the concept. It just wasn’t executed well imo. It was just random when we got to that point of the video. If we had shots of her doing normal shit but then a sudden, quick flicker of her doing something darker then it’d blend together better. It was just so out of nowhere Yeah I get that but I just wanted there to be a transition between the two. It’s too harsh and abrupt
  2. It doesn’t match the song tho... I get the concept of things not being what they seem but this was just randomly thrown in there. If the video got progressively darker or there were flickers of the dark shots throughout the video then I’d get it but there wasn’t. The song doesn’t even get darker. It’s just random. I wish the themes were mixed in better
  3. I don’t really understand the evil turn the video took. Feels like she just added that in for no real reason, just because she liked it. It doesn’t really correlate with the song or the rest of the video imo
  4. Although this outfit really falls short of her previous outfits, what’s considered stylish to some isn’t stylish to others and that’s fine. If she wants to dress up like a grandma to attend an event created by one of the most prestigious music awards ever then that’s fine. People should be able to dress however they want BUT I will not defend those dirty ass shoes. Cmon ma’am. A pack of wet wipes only costs 99p
  5. She should promote her album instead
  6. Although I also miss the old lyric style and the cinematic atmospheres of her old song, I think I was most disappointed with the album because it wasn’t really original and unique like they usually are. I used to be able to listen to one of her songs and I’d just know that only Lana could've written it. With any song on NFR, if I heard another indie singer singing it I wouldn’t think twice. It’s a unique sound for Lana’s discography but not for music in general. MAC was just a regurgitation of that Lorde song everyone was talking about and NFR was a regurgitation of that big Sam Smith song (can’t remember the names ?). The album isn’t bad but it’s not groundbreaking or special in any way imo. Compared to her usual standard, it’s just alright. Also, wth was she thinking releasing an album with no bops ?
  7. I think she posted a remix recently and that’s about it
  8. If the front demo leaks, I’m going to shit my pants. I'm ready for it
  9. In my mind, Looking For America never happened. It doesn’t even exist in my memories. Out of curiosity, does anyone still listen to it?
  10. I thought you were talking about ‘Is This Happiness?’ for a sec and my fight or flight response was triggered
  11. If we do get a Marina lipsync, I imagine it’ll be to IANAR, Hollywood, Oh No! or Primadonna since they are her only hits here
  12. In what way? Like lyrically or...?
  13. I know she’d definitely lie and ghost us any of the other 364 days a year but on Christmas???? That’s bad she takes the fans for granted and it’s pissing me off
  14. Woah woah woah. I never said it was bad compared to the other songs on L+F. Handmade Heaven and End of the Earth were L+F’s saving grace. I just meant in comparison to 99.9% of her older songs on her past albums, it’s not that good. It’s alright, just meh
  15. So to summarise this entire thread, nobody knows when/if the album is coming or what songs she’ll sing
  16. Handemade Heaven ain’t it either. Every track from TFJ and most tracks from EH and Froot piss all over HH. The piano demo was good tho I know. That was one of the points in my original post. That’s why I am very hopeful for her next album. The gems aren’t gonna be the singles. They’re gonna be the random tracks
  17. Me too. I’m hoping everything is still going to schedule but the fact that there’s been no mention of it for a while makes me nervous. I suppose we can’t really compare it to the rollout of any of her last albums though because this isn’t a “real” album. Let’s all just think happy thoughts about it and maybe we will get blessed
  18. I agree but I think we should all just move on ?. It’s just becoming funny, satire (slightly pathetic) drama now. We have an extra Lana album coming out soon (hopefully) so let’s celebrate that
  19. Thanks for the theatrical response. Again, I’m not offended nor did I think you were attacking me. I know the same questions getting repeated is annoying which is why I’ve got no malice towards anything here. I’m not fighting, I was just explaining why the same question keeps getting asked. If other users’ research methods don’t meet your standards then that’s fine. Maybe just learn to deal with that in your own time. I look forward to your responses in other threads of the takeitdoenboards
  20. Wasn’t boasting - just explaining that a lot of people who aren’t from America don’t know about the book because they aren’t American. Its not geographically limited knowledge BUT you do have a better chance at having that knowledge if you live in America hence why the same question keeps getting asked
  21. If someone didn’t have any prior knowledge of the book, it would be a common reaction NOT to google “what are American classics, standards, etc...” because what is considered a classic (for example) to some isn’t considered a classic to all. It’s relative and would give no definite info on what songs Lana plans to cover. So why would anyone think googling it (if you don’t know about the songbook) would help? I know you did but not everyone would think it to be helpful so you can’t blame them. Your attitude didn’t offend me. I just thought it was unnecessarily rude and snarky. The person who answered me first was very nice and polite and gave me all the info I wanted. Then for some reason you came along going “CLeaRly OnLy I cAn USe GoOglE” when the question had already been answered sufficiently. Could’ve been polite but if you want to act like a brat then that’s your prerogative. Also, why would anyone go through 39 pages of a forum to look for the answer to a question that MAY have been asked when they could just ask it right here? It’s a natural thing to just ask. I’ve explained why a lot of people wouldn’t think to research in my first paragraph so of course people would ask. You’re under no obligation to answer so you could’ve just ignored it. As for what gives us a “free pass” to just pop in and ask, this is the lanaboards, not the takeitdoenboards. We can do whatever we want even if you’ve got a problem with it. We’re allowed to ask questions regardless of “how much research” we do. For all I know, Lana could’ve specified what she planned on covering in later posts and I just missed it so I’m allowed to ask
  22. The attitude? A tad too much. Please excuse that non Americans don’t have intrinsic knowledge about some weird ass American songbook. It’s not like Lana said I’m releasing an album of American standards and classics from the Great American Songbook (not that I saw anyways). We could google what that is. She didn’t so what tf were we supposed to google?
  23. Can someone explain to me (a non American) what tf an American standard or classic is with an example if possible?? When I think of an American classic, I think Sweet Home Alabama or Freebird. Basically, anything and everything by Lynyrd Skynryd, Neil Diamond, Neil Young, etc... I can’t really envision Lana releasing an album with songs like that so could someone pls explain
  24. I already said I believe mood ring and the pics were from her, but not Glory 2020. I explained why the money doesn’t matter in my answer to someone else. It makes Jaime look brilliant. If he can successfully manage his daughters career during all the “Britney’s crazy” “is Britney okay” “she being held against her will” “ she’s a clone”, then he can do anything. The success of Glory 2020 paints her team in a good light. That’s no good to Brits situation. Also, you can’t tell me Brit wouldn’t be straight in her social media getting excited because Glory 2020 sold out and went number 1 if she supported it. But she wasn’t. She hopped straight on there for mood ring but not Glory. That’s suspicious af
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