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Tropico Angel

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Everything posted by Tropico Angel

  1. I wholeheartedly agree. Personally I think Barrie is the only person who compliments her voice. It’s a shame that they didn’t work out because Riverside is beautiful. I feel like she’d fit well on a lot of his songs
  2. Miss Elle should start removing some people from this website or at least give out warning points because the amount of ignorance and low emotional intelligence is mind blowing
  3. He prays for love, he prays for peace Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare Think I’ll miss you forever like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends California dreaming
  4. Ofc. Honeymoon will never be topped
  5. Ripping into someone's appearance and defending someone's appearance while throwing around offensive ableist slurs??? Not cute on either side. Some people on this site are self conscious about their weight and some people have disabilities. Shut this shit down ASAP To lighten the mood and get this thread back on track: I think Honeymoon is her best album cover and is the best album photoshoot as a whole
  6. Lilacs in my mind all the time are blooming beautifully The earth shattered, the sky opened
  7. Maybe you should go back and re read some posts here and look on other social media platforms to see just how many people believe this. The majority of the public think he's gone and she's getting a new conservator. I dont think this is a victory at all. His lawyer has been saying that he’ll step down at some point for quite a while now. This isn’t new info. Yes, the filling is new and I guess you could celebrate that as long as you ignore that in the filling Mat’s push to remove Jaime ASAP has failed, James said he won’t leave now and was insinuating that Britney is a liar again and he now has at least 8 months to make a solid defense, etc… Obviously James sent this headline to TMZ because they knew people would run with it and it would take the heat off of him which it has at least for the moment. When I see misinformation then I'm going to correct it. I can't stand that this little rat has manipulated the situation to take pressure off of him. I want all of us Brit fans to clearly know what's going on. The lawyers are playing a sly game. This was a strategic move and so far its paid off big time which is why the correct info needs to be spread
  8. If you want to be so sensitive to take this as being patronising then go ahead. Plenty of people think Jaime has gone. Even on here, people think he's gone and there's going to be a new conservator which isn't true. I was only summarising what has actually happened which is the opposite of the headlines (one of which u shared). There has been no victory today. This is manipulation of the public via misleading headlines. We all know that TMZ is in James' pocket so idk why anyone shares headlines that have come from them especially before we even see the court documents
  9. I think some of you have misunderstood what’s going on. James has aggreed to step down ONLY when the time is right - not now. He rejected the immediate removal and has agreed to leave only when certain things have been settled. He wants to go through the entire history of the conservatorship and find out what’s “factually correct” aka trying to prove that Brit is a liar and make himself look like the good guy. There is no date for him to leave and he could still be conservator until April at the very least (unless Mat goes down another route). He’s not gone, besties, nowhere near it. Basically, he’s said “I’ll leave at some point”. That’s it
  10. 482 days… 482 fucking days have gone by since she played us the pink convertible snippet. I’m sick of waiting for that gem
  11. I have a disco ball mind, lights flashing all of the time I have a disco ball mind, I wanna die vs Think I’ll miss you forever, Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky
  12. Yeah I get that point and I think it’s a very reasonable concern for people to have. I guess I just think that they’ll find shit on her regardless so she might as well post whatever she wants. If she posts pics of herself feeling her fantasy and being confident then I’m here for it. Don’t get me wrong, if her lawyer was still that useless sack of shit Sam then I’d be worried but I’m not under these circumstances. Besides she’s acting more “Britney” than she has for a long time imo and it makes me extremely happy, especially after that whole “the conservatorship killed my dreams” statement. As a massive fan, this is further confirmation to me that she’s still the same person she was 13+ years ago underneath it all. Obviously I get that the courts wouldn’t see it that way but, as a fan, it feels me with relief
  13. I didn’t say they pay no attention at all to social media. Just looking at Amanda Bynes’ conservatorship case proves they look at it but like I said I don’t think it’s as impactful as some people make out in Brit’s case right now specifically. I understand that the opposing side will smear her name through the mud in any way possible because they do to all victims in all cases, and I’m not even going to touch on the justice systems bias because we can all agree on that. They might well bring up her insta but my main point is that her MANY successes would outweigh her social media if argued correctly in court. Ultimately, the justice system isn’t about what’s morally right and wrong - it’s about twisting the truth to make your argument seem correct and so far Mat has proven himself to be exceptional at that so I’m not particularly worried about her social media atm. It’s difficult though because I understand both sides but I just happen to fall on the titney side of this discussion right now
  14. I do understand your point of view but I respectfully disagree. The members of the public who think she’s insane will continue to think that regardless of what she does and the courts would focus more on her achievements like world tours, product launches, etc… to show her mental stability. I really don’t believe that her Instagram carries the amount of weight that others think it does. For example, she’s been posting these dance videos that the vast majority of the public think are crazy yet they’ve never been brought up in court against her. Or her reposting or those pics where her hair and makeup isn’t done. I just don’t think it’s a big factor for this case. If the court ever did turn down this path, I’d bet my ass that her lawyer would have NONE of it. He seems really on top of everything so he’d probably shut that shit down straight away
  15. I will never understand some of you on here but I suppose the difference of opinion is what makes these threads interesting to read. I love that she’s just doing what she wants and not giving a fuck about what anyone else thinks. That’s so unapologetically Britney Personally I don’t think things like this will affect her conservatorship that much since Mat seems to be going down the whole “this conservatorship is doing some illegal shit” route as opposed to the “Britney is fine” route. Plus every other celeb around her age (with or without kids) has their tits out too so Mat could easily defend her if needed. It’s not like she had her legs spread with her labia out or something. It was a cute pic, not wildly outrageous. If this actually comes up negatively in court then I suppose Mat could argue the flip side and say team con are meant to be protecting her but they aren’t by posting things like this? I’m sure they still have a tight leash on her so they must check her posts. If something that made her look bad was posted then that could be used against them to prove their incompetence and/or bad morals, no? Surely that would help a little to push some bad people out of the conservatorship which is what him and Brit are going for atm
  16. AKA - Raise Me Up BTD - Carmen/Summertime Sadness Paradise - Gods and Monsters UV - Sad Girl HM - The Blackest Day/Art Deco Lust For Life - Heroin NFR! - Fuck It, I Love You COCC - White Dress
  17. …it’s misogyny. Don’t have to watch a YT video for that. it’s not a woke analysis - it’s common sense. She was deemed crazy for shaving her head because of the patriarchy. That’s obvious. If she cut her own hair into a bad bob or something, there would have been nowhere near as much ridicule and she would not have been seen as mentally ill. Shaved heads on women were unattractive to men so she must have been crazy to do it or whatever tf their thought process was. Same logic for her insta - she doesn’t look all dressed up and perfect so she’s deemed unhinged. If she still looked like this while she was dancing on Instagram then there would be way less “concerns” which are really misogynistic jabs at her appearance and dancing. idk what u think is going to happen in her court room?? Mathew: Britney’s been on a bunch of world tours, choreographed, been on the X factor, launched lingerie and perfume lines, etc… She’s clearly a capable adult Jaime: Nuh uh I saw her dancing to Enya on Instagram without makeup or styled hair Penny: case closed - she’s crazy xx
  18. Why do people know what her ex boyfriend’s hands look like? This is why people think we’re crazy ?
  19. A lot of you are so unknowingly (?) cruel to her and it makes my stomach turn. It’s ironic how you all want her freedom yet want to control what she posts because it doesn’t paint a picture of her that you like. If she does a contemporary dance in her own home with her hair and makeup not done then that can be used against her in court?? No, obviously not… it’s literally someone dancing with hair and makeup they’ve done themselves. She has done that in all of her rehearsals since the beginning of her career but now you suddenly have a problem with it? Courts go off medical records or big serious things (like her breakdown), not her dancing to fucking Billie Eilish ? Sometimes you forget that Britney Spears is just a person like us (hard to believe, I know) and you hold her to some high standards that quite frankly she doesn’t have to meet. If she’s not like other celebs who always look perfect for insta then something is wrong?? I don’t think so. She’s chill and down to earth. She doesn’t care about her makeup or hair. That’s not a crime or evidence against her in any way. That’s just normal human behaviour. I hate to say it but some of you are playing into the patriarchy rn. If she doesn’t look socially acceptable (which has been established by men) then she looks unhinged or something. This is Britney shaving her head circa 2021. Let a girl live for a change. You’re also being offensive to people with severe mental illness who actually need to be taken care of but that’s a discussion for another day
  20. Hearing her sing Lonely again is a dream come true. It’s crazy how much joy is sparked when we hear her sing even if it’s just in the car
  21. Chuck wasn’t wrong when she said if Lana becomes a fashion icon, she’ll k*ll herself
  22. Do we think she still might release a deluxe version (?) of this album? I think she was alluding to releasing it if the album did well but I’ve heard it hasn’t done that well?
  23. Yes finally Marina has spoken about freebritney publicly! ?? I was getting worried for a minute that I’d have to unstan Gaga AND her. I love her and I’m so happy that she’s supporting Britney
  24. They did deny her request in 2020. This did happen. The judge was fully aware of the abuse too as Brit said she told them in 2019. That judge is corrupt af. Sad thing is that her daughter is a freebritney supporter. If my mother did this shit, I'd disown her. Side note but if anyone wants to see correct current info on Brit's case then I'd recommend following @lawyersforbritney_ on insta. They're actual lawyers who check her court records everyday and explain them to us in a non-lawyer friendly way
  25. When it comes to her music, Lana has lied and ghosted us before but this time has really pissed me off more than the other times. She takes her fans for granted - that’s obvious - but to continuously be so upfront with it?? It leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. Lately, I’m really disliking the sides of her that we’re seeing which is a shame because her 2011-2015 artistry is really close to my heart :/
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