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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. daphnedinkley

    Melanie Martinez

    what a random couple omg yeah he's a musician but he's kind of like... an ironic/troll musician?? like his actual music is legitimate (produces it all himself too i think? i actually really like some of it) but his 'act' thing is that everything's kinda silly and ironic, this interview is a good example. it's interesting to me, the thought that he and melanie might share the same sense of humour, i never pictured her as particularly goofy
  2. daphnedinkley

    Melanie Martinez

    not a huge mel fan (loved crybaby when it released, her other stuff is meh to me) but is she dating oliver tree?? that's so out of the blue hahaha yet i kinda see it??
  3. my bestie and i got drunk the other night and binge watched a tonne of old lana music videos, so i'd like to once again reiterate that i would love actual music videos with full concepts for WHF
  4. i think JFK is soooo cheesy, how it's a lot of people's fav unreleased is beyond me
  5. nah she's gonna mash up the astrology theme w/ her new man; "The Justice Never Came (Cuz He Aint A Libra But He Is A Cop) [ft. Sean Larkin]"
  6. oh my do you have any more pics that demonstrate this at all?? i never even noticed a bump on her nose bridge before. or do you have any idea what to type into google to see some related images?? a lot of people are shocked by her pre-fame to BTD-era surgical transition but tbh with you, i'm more fascinated by the kind of thing you posted above, like her BTD era face compared to her LFL-onwards face.
  7. alexa, play suspicious minds i feel like it's much more likely to be sean, surely
  8. well..... her hair and face look pretty so what's the situation w/ the paparazzi? do we believe lana called them, sean called them or they were there without anyone calling them?? i mean lana is coming back into the public consciousness i guess so maybe paparazzi would wanna capture her with whoever she's dating??
  9. i can imagine this too and i'd be up for it, but i don't think it'll go that way
  10. this was definitely a "yikes" moment what else did elton do tho?? i don't know much about him
  11. i know she said NFR was gonna be red hot chilli peppers influenced and have that kind of vibe and obviously it didn't really pan out that way except for a few songs, but i'd looooove to hear that really come to fruition on WHF i love the idea of songs that can blend the intensity of burning hot, sexy, summertime tracks like Freak and Burning Desire with the psychedelic, lackadaisical vibes of tracks like Venice Bitch and maybe FIILY. a few lil cute folksy guitar songs would be cute too, maybe some desert rock vibes like we had on UV (i'm dreaming of more songs like West Coast ) and maybe even a cover of Californiacation or Under The Bridge a girl can dream
  12. it's crazy to me that when i first heard the album cinnamon girl was my absolute fave on there, now i usually forget it exists lmaooooooo
  13. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Money Power Glory vs Diet Mountain Dew
  14. almost always, yes but on a serious note, i'm only ranking it *within* lana's discography as opposed to music in general, if that makes sense. i think in that regard, it's kind of a solid 6 for her - it's impact on pop culture in general is obviously way way above that
  15. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Gramma vs Girl That Got Away
  16. Born To Die - 6/10 Paradise - 8.5/10 Ultraviolence - 9.5/10 (would be a 10 if it wasn't for G&R) Honeymoon - 7/10 Lust For Life - 6.5/10 Norman Fuking Rockwell! - 8/10 not that anyone asked but
  17. for what it's worth, i think differing opinions are really important and this thread (and any kind of NFR related discussion) would be totally dead without them; i understand where you're coming from, agree with many of your points and enjoy reading what you have to say! i'm sure you're not truly bothering anyone. discussion is what we're here for after all at first i thought HTD was kind of drowning in its own production and while i still feel that way, i'm enjoying it a lot more now!
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