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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. WHAT!!!>????!?!WESFLJ !!?!?? I come home from a day painting my new apartment to THIS???
  2. Pawn Shop Blues would never end up on this album but the lyric and sentiment "in the name of higher consciousness I let the best man I knew go" does feel very fitting to the theme of the record!
  3. I used to shoot up my veins in neon And shit's even brighter, you're gone vs Think I'll miss you forever Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky
  4. fuck yessssss!!!!! i imagine it with added ~lo-fi vintage vinyl crackle~ in my fantasy
  5. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Chemtrails Over The Country Club vs Breaking Up Slowly
  6. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Bel Air vs Chemtrails Over The Country Club
  7. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Body Electric vs For K Part 2
  8. wait.... okay so the way BOZ worded the info regarding "outtakes" being on the album, i assumed they were mostly unheard outtakes that hadn't been leaked.... but this last post made me not so sure?? now i feel like there's a higher chance there'll be 6 previously leaked songs on the record
  9. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Body Electric vs How To Disappear
  10. *thinking about how an hour ago we were all so excited and happy to receive new info* said how the hell did we get here?
  11. okay time for my ~fake fantasy tracklist~ contribution with all the additional information we have now - part realistic, part delusion Blue Banisters 1. Wildflower Wildfire 2. She Was Electric 3. Like My Father Said 4. Dealer 5. Unidentified Flying Bill 6. Text Book 7. You Roll Like Thunder 8. Loved You Then And Now 9. Arcadia 10. Ophelia's Orchids 11. Los Angeles Can Wait 12. Cosmic Forever 13. Stories From The Serpent Speaker 14. Yes To Heaven 15. Cherry Blossom 16. Blue Banisters Since we know there are 6 outtakes on the record I used Dealer, UFB, Thunder, LYTAN, YTH and Cherry Blossom
  12. I had no idea our resident shitposter and class clown was so intelligent, eloquent and well-worded you truly are a legend this is EVERYTHING
  13. The thought of a Brooklyn Baby sounding track just after Text Book and Thunder is so SEXY that's the 1-2-3 tracklist punch I would be HERE FOR
  14. since BOZ said there's "a bit more" than 11 tracks, lets be generous and assume there's maybeee 13? assuming you're not someone who avoids singles/buzz tracks, we already will have heard: Thunder Cherry Blossom WFWF Blue Banisters Text Book Arcadia leaving us with over half an album that's completely fresh (assuming the "outtakes" BOZ mentioned aren't songs that have already leaked and also assuming she doesn't release another single after Arcadia) which honestly, for Lana standards, isn't too bad! I'd rather have more surprises but 7 fresh songs isn't too awful I suppose. editing just for clarity: 13 tracks is purely speculation of mine based off of what BOZ said, could be more could be less pls don't take me saying there's 13 tracks as anything other than just me speculating out loud
  15. wait where are you guys getting the 5 outtakes info from?? i missed that
  16. Barrie credited on a song !?!?!?!!!??!!! get @Rorman Nockwell in here NOW
  17. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Dance For Money vs Body Electric
  18. Video Games is my fav song of all time, Bel Air is one of my fave Lana tracks, I'm a Hope Is A Dangerous Thing stan and I'm a fan of the stripped back May Jailer stuff, so it's not that I can't handle piano or stripped back production but.... idk, I feel like sometimes these slower more ballad-y tracks get lost and lose their value if they're in an album full of them. Making good music is a talent and a skill, but you know what else is a talent and a skill? Arranging and pacing an album well. I also wanna point out that although some fan faves are technically piano ballads (Old Money, Video Games, Black Beauty, etc etc) those songs usually have additional instruments (harps and strings in VG, drums in BB, etc) and strong melodies. There's a fullness to them. The apprehension regarding lots of piano on this album, for me, comes from the fear that there might not be that same fullness on these new tracks and that the album won't be paced or arranged very well and the amount of slow piano tracks could be overkill so I won't care to go back to it v much. That being said - personally I like Blue Banisters and Text Book but I absolutely ADORE WFWF, and that's because there's a strong vocal melody in the performance, those synths/organs and some cool drums in the track, as well as an overall empowering message that just ticks all the right boxes for me!!
  19. remember when we thought Honeymoon was Lana at her most ~stripped back and slow~?? oh if the fandom could see itself now kjskdjlksdj
  20. this is the only thing giving me hope! like Text Book is obviously v different to WFWF, Thunder (if its on the album) is v different to Blue Banisters... im hoping this means there'll be a mixture of instrumentation, production styles, etc can't wait for Be My Mommy [Be My Daddy 2.0 The Re-Up] right after Cherry Blossom as an ode to Chuck <3
  21. hate to be a negative nancy but my hype for this album decreases the more we learn about it honestly but that's okay, because either 1) i'll have low expectations so i won't spend a bunch of money pre-ordering 5453458 variants of an album i don't end up liking and i won't be truly disappointed because i was ready for it 2) i'll be pleasantly surprised!!!
  22. it'll be interesting listening to this record in what i assume will be like... november time maybe?
  23. daphnedinkley


    I read that as "dildo b side" and im really not sure what I thought you meant by that
  24. daphnedinkley


    Solar Power came on the radio and at the part where Lorde repeats "he's taking picturesssss" in her high pitched voice my mum thought she was actually saying "you stinky bitchessss" in a really smug voice and now I can't unhear it
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