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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. i know this is absolutely irrational but i still hate the title so much that its putting me off the song and album i know its ridiculous and irrational and so stupid of me! but blue banisters is such a terrible, weird, clunky, meaningless piece of imagery to stick to in my opinion... i understand it might mean something to her (i really do believe she probably wanted to paint her banisters irl and her boyfriend at the time said he'd help, like i believe that's a real life story lmao) but that doesn't necessarily mean it translates well to an audience. i know its silly of me, but its really bugging me!
  2. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Cruel World vs Fine China
  3. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Lust For Life (Demo) vs Disco
  4. ATMOSPHERE! FINALLY! ATMOSPHERE! yes its a slow ballad type song but the warm glowy droning synth (if that's what it is?) gives it genuine ambience which, really, is all i've wanted!! it's dark and delicious!! one of those sounds that hits you right in the heart!! (that being said.... i am hoping for some versatility )
  5. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    The Greatest vs Living Legend
  6. THIS ENTIRE SITE NEEDS JESUS I S2G true!! i quite like Chemtrails, and i think Mariners was a good song title (but i'd hate it as an album title) and i must admit, Violet took some time to grow on me and now i really like it. we shall see!
  7. When The Bodega Bae Was Behind Blue Banisters - We Kept Dancing
  8. im so sorry but Blue Banisters is such an awful title it's not fitting for an album at all a song would be fine but in terms of an album title it evokes absolutely nothing, feels oddly mundane, almost sounds cheesy like a title a fake insider would make up ???, and just doesn't give ANYTHING like.... imagine describing something as "the Blue Banisters era"..... no thank u edit: i almost feel like even something like idk Beside The Blue Banisters or something would be better?? lord idk but pls let her change this title.... pls
  9. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Dance Till We Die vs Lolita
  10. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    For K Part 2 vs Dance Till We Die
  11. They judge me like a picture book By the colors, like they forgot to read vs I was a pretty little thing And God I loved to sing But nothing came from either one but pain
  12. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Pawn Shop Blues vs White Dress
  13. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    On Our Way vs National Anthem
  14. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Hollywood vs Behind Closed Doors
  15. yes! possibility is such a key word there! feeling like you're conquering the world even though its just one small room, now knowing what could happen next...
  16. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    For K Part 2 vs Salvatore
  17. still not connecting with the album as i'd like to, but on my work commute today i listened to Breaking Up Slowly and White Dress a few times and really enjoyed them there's something really dark and honest about Breaking Up Slowly - i know it's not a fave on here but it gives me God Knows I Tried vibes (which is another oft forgotten Lana song that i love!), just really sparse instrumentation but haunting lyrics and powerful vocals and the melody is honestly so catchy to me. it probably helps that i'm going thru some romantic bullshit of my own right now too! White Dress is just gorgeous... there's a sort of desperation to it, a real anxiousness in the pacing and melody but a sense of triumph with the lyrics. i think it really captures that feeling of being a young woman trying to "make it" (in one way or another) in a room full of men. i especially love the line "wearing a tight dress, handling the heat" because i'm sure a lot of us girlies have been there - wearing something sexy, knowing you have to weaponise your sexuality to achieve what you want in that environment, but also trying to handle all the heat it brings you.
  18. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Pawn Shop Blues vs Dance Till We Die
  19. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Wild At Heart vs The Greatest
  20. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Wild On You vs Shades Of Cool
  21. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Bad Disease vs I Talk To Jesus
  22. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    my choice will be controversial buttttt ... Bad Disease vs Love
  23. fka twigs "i'm your doll" - i'm your doll, wind me up i'm your doll / dress me up i'm your doll / love me rough i'm your doll melanie martinez "alphabet boy" - you call me a child while you keep counting all your coins / but you're not my daddy and i'm not your dolly and your dictionary's destroyed
  24. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Bad Disease vs Tomorrow Never Came
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