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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. i've never seen anything so hilarious and perfect, literally put this on my tombstone when i die
  2. TASTE! although personally i think something like 6 Feet Beneath The Moon would be amazing too - the aggressive jazz rock sounds of A Lizard State is something i'd LOOOVE to see lana dive into, and also the more chill lo-fi jazz sound of something like Neptune Estate would suit her so well too also Easy Easy has always given me Cruel World vibes idk why
  3. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    White Dress vs Hollywood
  4. I really really like Wild At Heart, but hate that it has the same volume issues as How To Disappear
  5. this album just aint hitting for me, but i feel like it probably doesn't help that im stuck inside pretty much all the time lmao
  6. this is definitely a highlight for me!! so strange and lovely to see her like this
  7. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    24 vs Brite Lites
  8. realistically, most lana fans are just cringing that she keeps saying such suspect and inappropriate things that make her look bad. the amount of people trying to "cancel her" based on this one particular thing are probably like 0.0001% of total commenters, and those that have already "cancelled" her (based on her other mistakes) are just looking at this as more validation for themselves. if someone stuck around after QFTC, they'll stick around after this too - many of us are just cringing because our girl keeps putting her foot in her mouth. that's it. it's not that serious. also, there's a real irony in people saying "omg stop reading too much into it its not that deep" but then when someone offers a different perspective, suddenly its deep enough to have to jump to lana's defence?? i honestly love u guys, but make it make sense people have every right to be uncomfortable with the post. im british, so i understand that my perspective is different as people are less critical of the royal family in places like america - but here in the UK, it's usually a very particular subset of people that are royalists (pro-monarchy) and those people are often DEEPLY racist, xenophobic, classist and so on. with the amount of information available online, it gets harder and harder every day to ignore the atrocities committed by this archaic institution... so yes, people are allowed to be grossed out by the post. lana is one of many celebrities that posted a tribute to philip today, i know. and if we were on GeriHalliwellBoards or PiersMorganBoards or StephenFryBoards or KellyOsbourneBoards then im sure we'd be having similar discussions about their tributes to philip there. but here we are, on LanaBoards. where we discuss...... Lana. some may perceive her post as tone deaf and truth be told i am one of them. i can see it from her perspective too though - she probably doesn't have bad intentions, she's probably not that educated on the royals, and so on. this isn't some kind of dealbreaker for me. still, i find it cringe and embarrassing as a stan to have her continually "mess up" like this lmao, always saying things that are gonna get her dragged. the thing that makes it so "ugh" is that this is the latest in a long line of things that are reflecting badly on her. at least that's my take on it
  9. "let people have opinions!!!!" they say, while shooting down anyone who holds the opinion that lana's post was tone deaf or inappropriate.....
  10. she's so gawj and yes smoking isn't good for you.... but..... in a selfish way it's nice to know im not the only smoker who can't quit
  11. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Bel Air vs Living Legend
  12. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    oooooooh damn that's a HARD one Heroin vs Bel Air
  13. so if i was to use lana's other music to set up a "dream tracklist" in terms of sound and vibe for this album, this is what it'd look like. how about you guys?
  14. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Heroin vs Hollywood
  15. this might sound weird, but im kind of glad Chemtrails was released when it was - with COVID etc she probably can't tour, and i sort of feel like this album wouldn't work so well live? hopefully the next record will set us up nicely for a big tour with a varied setlist and exciting visuals
  16. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Heroin vs Lust For Life (Demo 1)
  17. if she went as dark, sinister and creepy as Disco.... im so here for it
  18. i never know how to feel about jack - part of me honestly thinks the problem isn't his skills as a producer (i love a lot of his work both with lana and other artists!), but moreso the fact that he doesn't wanna say no to lana, that he doesn't wanna push her too hard and that he's happy just going along with whatever she says. if we look at UV, for example: we all know that lana and dan had a little drama during the making of that album because he kept pushing her and trying to do more, but the result was magic! UV is a rich, fiery album filled with layers and atmosphere. im not saying that any of lana's other albums aren't - i'm just pointing out that sometimes a little bit of artistic fighting can yield some really amazing results! jack strikes me as a bit of a "yes man" and not much of a detail-oriented perfectionist. lana herself definitely isn't a perfectionist. so when lana isn't too concerned about tying up little errors in production or striving for more atmosphere/layers/etc, jack probably won't want to push her and will be happy with whatever lana is happy with. i also don't necessarily think this issue is tied to just lana and jack - i think that sometimes when artists work together but they're also really close friends, they don't wanna upset one another in case they ruin the friendship! it's probably harder to remain professional, objective and a little emotionally detached.
  19. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    damn that's a tough one!! Yayo (AKA) vs Cola
  20. i feel like saying Doin Time would be cheating, so.... im gonna go with Yosemite!
  21. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Sad Girl vs Body Electric
  22. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    TNBAR (Demo) vs Kill Kill
  23. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Wait For Life vs Wild One
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