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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. I, too, have a broken chimney so... that's something I didn't expect to have in common with Lana
  2. poor Annie Mac keeps trying to quickly skip the topic every time Lana brings up the racism thing........
  3. so lana just admitted that when her home life or personal life is turbulent she lashes out at critics, her audience, etc... interesting!
  4. I didn't hear all of it but they played Buzzin in the Beehive (the rap/grime song) which I was v happy about it since I love that song but I was totally laughing imagining all the lana fans sat listening to that song
  5. her music, her art and even her as a person will always have been (and will continue to be) a part of your life whether she was symbolically tattooed on you or not, so it's wonderful that you have something to commemorate that by! im glad you dont feel embarrassed by it. tbh i sorta feel the same way like as much as im glad i dont have one right now because of the reasons i listed before, i still do kinda want a few Video Games lyrics tatted on me bc that's literally my fav song of all time ohhhh lana what are we gonna do with you girl.... very this
  6. im down for folk music! i just know that instrumentally it can be quite sparse (especially knowing lana and given her description of the album being somewhat "stripped back") so for me if that's the case it needs really good lyrics to carry it - i can't believe im saying this, but i dont have faith in lana to deliver that anymore
  7. honestly not to be a drama queen but i am SO glad i never took the plunge to get a lana tattoo (i was seriously considering it last year). if her views and way of articulating them are embarrassing and outdated now (which they are, lets be real), imagine the potential for embarrassment in the future... she could go from coming across ignorant to being straight up harmful and problematic, like morrissey. i truly hope she learns from this, sort of like in the lust for life era how she seemed to backtrack on her negative and strange comments regarding feminism - however, lana currently seems to be more stuck in her ways than ever (especially after the QFTC incident) so im not sure that's gonna happen. im not perched on the edge of my seat waiting for her to fuck up again - i love this woman and her art dearly, and i really want to hope her way of thinking isn't as harmful, skewed-by-privilege and racially insensitive as it seems. who knows - she may even surprise in the next couple of days and clarify what she meant in a good way! but its very shaky territory with her right now and i feel like you never know when she's gonna dig a new hole for herself again. so yeah, this seemed to have gone off on a tangent but i guess im just breathing a sigh of relief that i never got a permanent dedication to her on my body (no offence to anyone that did ofc!! some of the tattoos i've seen on lana fans are truly awesome)
  8. im going to sleep bc her comment honestly got me so heated the way she keeps digging this hole.... i may have to unstan tbh. she is so insensitive and delusional. P.S. "rapper" is not a synonym for black or poc. truly shocking for her to suggest as much.
  9. yep that comment started something.... she's getting dragged on twitter by people that dont even listen to pop music
  10. the UV-esque makeup omfg..... im gonna pass out
  11. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Bare Feet On Linoleum vs Jesus Is My Boyfriend
  12. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Ride vs Off To The Races
  13. DESERVED!!! we are under such good care congrats my sweet cherubs <333
  14. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Yes To Heaven vs Starry Eyed
  15. I also loveeee WTWWAWWKD!! it has this amazingggg breezy feel just makes me wanna wear a flower crown and a flowy dress and spin around
  16. I hate you!! now I will never not think this!!!
  17. do i hate this title or am i kind of living for it....?
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