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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Salvatore vs Off To The Races
  2. oooh I actually have that downloaded and never used it! thank u! ill have to check that one out thank u! <3
  3. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Hope vs Fuck It I Love You
  4. which app did she take/edit her most recent photos on, any ideas??
  5. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Hope vs Living Legend
  6. every time i open this thread
  7. I say this then complain when she can't hit the high notes in Shades of Cool
  8. dont drag me but seeing her vape again was oddly comforting
  9. I think she's saying "fuck me into my bed again"
  10. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Mariner's Apartment Complex vs Driving In Cars With Boys
  11. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Terrence Loves You vs Change
  12. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Terrence Loves You vs Million Dollar Man
  13. my cherries and wine rosemary and thyme and i talk to jesuuuuuuus.... (bitch) i talk to jesuuus, when im with youuuu..... CAUSE I LOVE YOU SOOO MUUUCH I TALK TO JESUUUUUUUUUSSSS
  14. ooooh! I won't get my hopes up for another leak bc I know that's too good to be true but omg I wish
  15. there's a lyric change? I guess I missed that edit: oh yea! just heard!
  16. "take a look at my life" is what i say to jesus when im hungover tbh, lana i relate
  17. TULSA JESUS FREAK WHITE HOT FOREVER cat in the background fucking everything up
  18. I still don't get the hype for this song
  19. twitter was super brutal, yea it just makes me so mad... it's one thing to talk about like, surgery that is botched (and even that needs to be done with caution and consideration) or bad outfit choices, but to fully just go in on someone's looks and call them fat and ugly and old.... she's a 30-something year old woman who, yes, is utterly privileged and super rich but has still been thru a lot, she's changing, her body's changing, her face is changing... plus she's not wearing much makeup in those pics and they're clearly not taken at the most flattering angle (although i think she looks fine) bc the entire purpose of the pics was to show off her new hair colour not to show off lana herself... like...... if you get your kicks outta making mean jokes then cool, do that in private with ur other similarly thoughtless friends, behind closed doors, where you can't hurt people. not only do those comments hurt possibly lana, they definitely hurt women like me - or even men and anyone in between! - that struggle with body image issues. imagine if someone looked at those pics and thought "aw it's so reassuring to see myself in lana and my body in her body, she looks great!", then they scrolled down their twitter feed to see that actually she apparently looks terrible and fat and old and ugly. i can't relate to lana's body personally bc i'm very curvy as opposed to slim, but i can relate to gaining weight recently - i'm turning 22 in two days and my metabolism has really started to slow down, i'm having to kiss goodbye to the teenage body i've unrealistically idealised in my current mind (even though i hated that body when i had it too), i'm seeing changes in my face and body.... it makes me happy to see it's not only happening to me, but then i think wow - if people look at lana and think "ew she's changed", what the hell do they look at me and think? idk. people can be horrible. womanhood is hard. i'm gonna go pour some wine lmao
  20. I am literally SO confused by this weight talk. she looks NORMAL?? SHE LOOKS THIN????????????? she's not stick thin like Lizzy Grant era but she looks SMALL???? bro i am so fucking tired like she may have slightly gained weight but i literally don't get it i'm so confused bye being a woman is so tiring and exhausting and when can we ever do anything right I'm so fucking tired I literally wanna cry edit: sorry im just really sensitive at the minute because I'm going thru some intense body issues myself for the first time in a few years and I just yeah sorry I'm just extra sensitive to this rn xx
  21. I feel like her smoking habits are a lot like mine.... she seems like the type of person that could smoke for a long time, quit, then maybe a few months into quitting have one or two cigs on special occasions as a treat lmao, quit again, then start again, then quit again, then start again..... hahaha I think for now she's quit tho! Oh actually! A quote in her Rolling Stone magazine interview from the UV era kinda confirms my speculations: “I quit sometimes,” she says, of the cigarettes. “And then stop quitting.” She smokes onstage, too — it’s pure craving, not an image thing. “I find, sometimes, halfway through the set, I definitely need to have a cigarette.” https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/lana-del-rey-vamp-of-constant-sorrow-74230/ ofc that could've changed since then, but yea. pretty sure she just vapes rn!
  22. LFL 100% should've started w/ 13 Beaches tbh. 13 Beaches -> White Mustang -> Lust For Life -> Love would've been a cute order I also think it would've made more thematic sense to have 13 Beaches as the opener bc it tells more of a story.... in 13B, she states (via film dialogue sample lol) that she "doesn't belong in the world / something separates me from other people", but by the time we reach Change and Get Free, she acknowledges the she is a part of the world no matter how outcast she feels, that she has to care about the people she feels separate from, that she's ready to move "out of the black and into the blue".
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