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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. There's something about seeing him die That puts it all into perspective and I Wanna stay home, be left alone Someone make my mind up so I don't have to decide vs A modern-day woman with a weak constitution, 'cause I've got Monsters still under my bed that I could never fight off A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off
  2. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Honeymoon vs There's Nothing To Be Sorry About
  3. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Without You vs Million Dollar Man
  4. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Without You vs Prom Song (Gone Wrong)
  5. There's something about seeing him die That puts it all into perspective and I Wanna stay home, be left alone Someone make my mind up so I don't have to decide vs If you're lonely, baby, hold me, you're my only one Watching television, kissing 'till we see the sun
  6. maybe it's just me but they look bigger and more inflamed here i think? particularly the bottom lip idk
  7. ok.... i feel bad and i think i'm gonna get torn to shreds for saying this and i'm trying my best to word it as kindly and reasonably as possible (especially bc mercury is in retrograde rn) but... that video actually made me feel worse about the whole situation i was anticipating her saying something because it took her long enough so in some ways i'm glad she finally did, but coming onto instagram looking fine, sounding fine, with obviously freshly done lip and cheek fillers (surely if you're super ill the last thing you'd want is needles in your face? and if you have no voice you could possibly also have a cough, so needles around your mouth area might be something of a risk, no? of course i'm not a doctor so i don't actually know, but regardless wouldn't you just wanna focus on resting up anyway?) and giving a nonchalant "i'm sorry" only to then go on and essentially say "but hey look at all these other cool shows i've got coming up that you won't be able to go to because they're on the other side of the world!! " then making the utterly laughable statement "of course i'll make it up to you like i always do", particularly when the official statement given by the venue already confirmed there would be no rescheduling....... girl. i'm sorry, i hope i'm not being too hard on her and i guess i should be relieved she at least acknowledged the situation, but tbh... today was supposed to be my show so i'm def feeling extra sensitive today like i woke up in such a sad mood because of it hahah. idk, i'm not sure what i really expected her to say. maybe just something a little more personal and heartfelt. she honestly sounds fine to me and the fact that, as Rorman mentioned earlier, she was likely out hiking with alex and val (as well as being spotted out and about seeming fine prior to the cancellation of the shows) just makes me struggle to put two and two together. that's not to even mention the fact we pretty much know that the venue and crew hotels etc knew about these cancellations a while before we did. the whole situation is naturally bound to be upsetting, but i feel this video did very little to make it any better and, in some people's cases (mine ), actually made it kinda worse. that being said, these things do happen. the neighbourhood, for example, recently postponed their entire march uk tour all the way to november. could be a mental health situation, an illness other than what she told us or maybe she really has lost her singing voice! whatever the situation, i do genuinely hope she's okay. i don't begrudge her cancelling shows for the good of her health (presuming that is the case) and i'm wishing her all the best and a super speedy recovery. i just wish this video had made me feel better rather rather than worse on what would have been the day of my show.
  8. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Oh Say Can You See vs Put Me In A Movie
  9. oh another unpopular opinion! i absolutely LOVE the 'honeymoon' album cover. it's one of my favs actually
  10. I just had a thought about how i might rearrange the UV tracklist to tell a little bit more of a story idk Cruel World Shades of Cool Sad Girl West Coast Brooklyn Baby Florida Kilos Money Power Glory Fucked My Way Up To The Top Black Beauty Pretty When You Cry The Other Woman Old Money Guns and Roses Ultraviolence Ok so in my brain... the album tracklist is almost cyclical this way, if you were to replay it. So you have Cruel World - a great opener btw - which is basically about a weird sort of break-up, where Lana is indulging in all this chaos now that this man is gone; she says she's "finally happy", but obviously.... anyone's gonna be happy when they're all fucked up on Bourbon and heroin haha. So as much as this song is about distancing herself from this man, it also works out as a weird kind of ode to this man - you get the sense she's not entirely over him in a way. Then there's Shades of Cool, which is presumably about the same guy ("I'm one of many" / "I love all your women" etc etc), followed by Sad Girl which also has a similar story ("Being the bad bitch on the side..."), plus sonically it follows on quite well from the ending of SoC. Then, the pace and narrative is changed with West Coast. Idk about you guys but to me personally this song represents having fun and good times ("If you're not drinkin' then you're not playin'", etc etc), so I imagine this song as Lana coming out of the sad parts of this relationship, perhaps even trying to get over it altogether, and going down to the beach and drinking and drowning her sorrows and probably meeting someone new ("Oooh baby I'm in love"). Then there's the upbeat Brooklyn Baby, a happy song about this new lover and the fun she's having with him, even in the face of doubt. Next is Florida Kilos, again another fun, upbeat song. This trio of songs represent the fun and cheerful parts of this story. Still though, Ultraviolence as an album doesn't just represent relationships - it represents a chaotic, violent, self-indulgent way of living, at least in my opinion. The way Lana represents her career on the album reflects that. Next is Money Power Glory followed by FMWUTTT, two songs that are really a pair. She wants money, power and glory, so she fucks her way up to the top for it - pretty self-explanatory really. This is in the midst of the chaos and self-indulgences of this tracklist's story and it embodies that violent, reckless way of living. Things start to slow down and get a little sadder again with Black Beauty. Here, Lana becomes self-reflective once more; she realises her lover can't see the beauty in life and it's harming the both of them. The themes of eternal devotion and doing anything to please her man even in a terribly toxic relationship reappear, thus beginning the cycle once more. Pretty When You Cry is next, which follows similar themes, then followed by her cover of The Other Woman representing Lana's position of always being the other woman, the woman who's just not enough, the woman who men can't quite commit to. Next is Old Money, wherein Lana laments the past - particularly a past lover. She misses him and knows that if he calls, she'll run back to him. Possibly this is because she now, for better or for (probably) worse, accepts her position as 'the other woman', so she is prepared to deal with the lack of commitment that comes with being involved with the man of the Cruel World/Shades of Cool/Sad Girl trio. Next in Guns and Roses, she reflects on the things she loved about this man and shares her regrets: "I should've learned to let you play / You didn't want me all the time / But you were worth it anyway". Finally, the title track: Ultraviolence. It does feel strange having the title track and the last track on any album, but this track is a perfect summary of the turbulence, chaos, drama, pain and misery of the whole album, as well as the little story I devised in my head for it. She admits that loving this man is hard and she knows it's bad for her, and she seems somewhat torn between wanting it and not wanting it. Still, she's obviously deeply infatuated with him. The cycle of the toxic relationship and ultraviolent way of living begins again. Hit replay, and you begin at the end once more.... until it all circles back together by the end of the album, and over and over and over ok that was long sorry i'm bored at work lol
  11. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Oh Say Can You See vs Summertime Sadness
  12. oh gosh the way she straight up lip syncs i cant.....
  13. sounds mean to say but groupie love is such a pointless song in lana's discography and i don't know why so many fans really like it. sure, it's harmless and inoffensive, but it's just so utterly pointless. if it never existed her collection of songs wouldn't be any worse - in fact, it'd probably be better. if there's one thing i really hate it's lukewarm, middle-of-the-road, low-effort music from anybody and i think groupie love is an example of this.
  14. really not sure where to post this, but it kind of pertains to the thread / was inspired by its subject matter lol so i hope this is okay! i have a question... i've been avoiding lots of live videos from the NFR! tour because i wanted to experience it for myself, i've never heard her sing the title track, MAC, doin' time or any songs from the album live before (except for that apple performance thing she did) so rather than watching videos i thought i'd keep myself un-spoiled for my date so i could hear her live takes on the tracks myself. well, considering my date is meant to be in 5 days, that's obviously not happening now so i thought fuck it, to cheer myself up i'm gonna finally watch some vids of the new songs from the tour. which lead me to this video: my question is.... bc i really can't tell...... is she actually miming / lipsyncing the chorus?? i'm sure if she is this is common knowledge for a lot of people lol but obviously i kept myself away from these videos so i'm not fully sure. it just really looks / sounds like she is?? something about it is unnatural?? idk thank u sorry for the long exposition lol
  15. daphnedinkley


    ohhhh i didn't know this! a shame bc they do seem like a perfect fit. i've just recently started getting into poppy, but i can def see there's some messy history w/ her.
  16. daphnedinkley


    did i dream this up or didn't they already collab...?
  17. & are gonna come so in handy omg
  18. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Oh Say Can You See vs Born To Die
  19. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Oh Say Can You See vs Mariner's Apartment Complex
  20. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    oooooh tough one!! Oh Say Can You See vs Fucked My Way Up To The Top
  21. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Yayo (AKA) vs Is This Happiness
  22. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Yayo (AKA) vs Fuck It I Love You
  23. interesting! i never really saw it as that but i like that. i think the romantic aspect of this song is actually what confuses me the most about it. all the stuff about drug abuse, moving away to escape ur demons, etc etc all adds up for me but the romantic elements i've really struggled to interpret. i think you're right though, and i think the idea is that the love is the simple part - all that other stuff, the struggle, the depression, the drugs... that's the hard bit. still, she makes it seem like she's struggling to both give and receive this love. thanks for sharing
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