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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Art Deco vs Salvatore
  2. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    You, Mister vs Art Deco
  3. The Greatest, for some reason, reminds me of something from the Arctic Monkeys album Suck It And See! Not so much the lyrics, but the actual sound of it. It also sounds like something you'd find on Alex Turner's solo Submarine EP. Also Yes To Heaven is big Fleetwood Mac energy.
  4. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Bad Disease vs Change
  5. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    tough one!! Bad Disease vs There's Nothing To Be Sorry About
  6. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Brooklyn Baby vs Sad Girl
  7. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Brooklyn Baby vs Gramma
  8. so cheesy but i'd probably ask her how she's gotten over her lost loves. she reminds me of myself in the way she loves so hard and struggles to move on; right now i'm going thru something where life is forcing me to move on from someone but i'm struggling so badly. so with that in mind, i'd ask how she moves on, how she gets better, how she lets people go.
  9. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Burning Desire vs 24
  10. me personally its because if i wanted to listen to a country/rock/alt album, i'd listen to musicians who do it soooo much better. gaga makes amazing pop that sets her apart from her pop contemporaries, but doesn't make amazing non-pop to set her apart from her alternative contemporaries, in my opinion. for example, sinner's prayer sounds like something from the arctic monkeys album suck it and see (or even sounds a little like the track do i wanna know? from AM) but everything on that album is 100x better than sinner's prayer, with more interesting lyrics and melodies and production and instrumentation. diamond heart is a bop but it's pretty standard pop rock that i could find anywhere, but at least in that case it has a little bit of gaga's point of view and personality in the lyrics. joanne is adorable and everything and i completely understand its significance to gaga but for me there are more interesting and well written acoustic guitar ballads out there. hey girl is a highlight for me, but its rare i listen to it because i could just listen to tame impala, my morning jacket, some of erykah badu's stuff.... but that's just me tho! i can see the appeal, it's just that it's boring to me and a complete waste of amazing popstar talent.
  11. an underrated gem that most uk rap fans seem to forget about Plan B - Ill Manors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8GvLKTsTuI
  12. i think just the sheer use of the word "colonise" from a rich white lady who famously appropriated a native american headdress in one of her all time most famous videos, who has said things like "he's a good cop " about her policeman boyfie and has previously stated (although she went on to redact it) "feminism doesn't interest me because i'm more interested in space or whatever lol" is..... questionable at best, tonedeaf and a display of insensitivity and ignorance most likely, possibly rather racist at worst. do i believe lana had bad intentions with her use of the word and her borrowing of this imagery? absolutely not. do i think she should've just avoided it overall? good lord yes. the poem itself is not nuanced and well-explained enough to really pull off the metaphor. even if it was, many people would still have an issue with it, and that's absolutely fine. colonisation is a very big topic right now (when is it not though?) and although i live in the uk (so i'm not very well versed in native american history, plus i'm stupid) i can see the native community in the US and other countries are absolutely going thru it right now and they're doing an incredible job at drawing attention to their often overlooked issues in real life, on the internet, on television and podcasts, and many other platforms. the current social climate doesn't really allow for ignorance towards this and certainly doesn't allow for the borrowing of such loaded, heavy words. poetry is all about metaphors and interpretations, sure, but this was bound to be a headache from the beginning so lana really should've used her best judgement and avoided it.
  13. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Pawn Shop Blues vs Happiness is a Butterfly
  14. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    oo that's a hard one!! pawn shop blues vs fine china
  15. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Pawn Shop Blues vs Pretty When I Cry
  16. i'm actually really liking the song! it's not mind-blowing, but it's enough to recapture my attention, especially combined w/ the visuals and how happy she seems this era. i've been a hardcore stan since TFM era, but joanne i really couldn't have given less of a fuck about lol and ASIB was fine i guess but not really my thing, so i'm happy this lead single is bringing me back after i basically stopped paying attention. imo, here's the pros: absolutely LOVE the visuals - i'm a gamer and an anime fan so this is so damn far up my street it's practically in my house. i love it! it lays a good foundation for the concept of the album overall and def has me intrigued to see what the full concept will be (i certainly hope there is one) the song is so beautifully '80s and retro, something gaga has always done really well this shit is SOOOO FKN CATCHY it's been in my head all day it's a fun track, nothing too serious, which is a nice change given that the current era of mainstream music is quite serious, deep and dark - she's not following trends, so it seems so much more authentic this song honestly makes me wanna dance, i can't wait to hear this in clubs FREAK OUT FREAK OUT FREAK OUT FREAK OUT loving the dramatic vocals in the "all i ever wanted was loooooove" part and, for me, the cons: my god these lyrics are awful. i really don't understand the entire storyline of the song tbh?? i mean on the one hand it's clearly about love being the key to freeing yourself, opening up that door to let yourself be vulnerable and experience a good thing and all that yea i get it, but.... why is it specifically stupid love?? it sounds so juvenile and the title of the song is really the antithesis of its message. 'stupid love' sounds like it could be an anti-love song, but really the song celebrates love and all the good stuff it brings. idk i just hate that. it could've been anything.... "i want all of your love" / "i want your deepest love" / "i want your crazy love" ANYTHING lol idk i feel like this is gonna bug me FOREVER same goes for the single artwork, which i absolutely ADORE visually - but love being in the bear trap kinda confuses me. that's just a minor complaint tho i guess. like i said i absolutely love the video but i do think it could face some criticism - the idea of "kill them with kindness" in this current political climate is a surprisingly controversial one. i love gaga's "be kind" message overall but since the video represents different 'tribes' i guess you could describe them as, i'm sure that could be read as, idk, political parties or whatever... and the whole "stop fighting and just come together!!! <3" mentality can be problematic in that regard. again though, i love the video, but i'm sure some people could read it in that way and just be like "lol this privileged bish....." she def played it safe. i'm sure she'll have some more interesting sounds on the album itself, and i can't help but feel a little like it might have been a good idea to put out something less radio-friendly as a comeback to hook back fans who've moved onto artists like sophie and other hyper-pop artists. many of my friends who are longtime gaga fans just don't find this sound interesting anymore, let alone fresh and new. maybe she should've aimed to get those fans back first, do something a little different and then have a radio smash as the second single. idk. overall though i'm happy! so happy pop gaga is back!
  17. daphnedinkley

    Yung Lean

    ok i know this thread is obviously dead but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLVeCAWV9-M new single + video, plus a new tour! i'll be going to the march 30th date - it'll be my fourth time seeing lean so i'm super excited i never come out of his shows disappointed
  18. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Pawn Shop Blues vs The Greatest
  19. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    oooh another toughie!! Pawn Shop Blues vs I Want It All
  20. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Honeymoon vs Pawn Shop Blues
  21. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Honeymoon vs Tomorrow Never Came
  22. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Honeymoon vs Gods and Monsters
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