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About frenchcatblues

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    the dark, dark, west coast
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    flowers, stars & what lies between
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  1. Could only justify general standing (rear) so I'm just going to have to get as close as possible or break into the pit. Hopefully she has a catwalk! Can't wait, was devastated to miss her 3arena show last year. Demand was crazy for it!
  2. Good luck! Select the prices/seating options you want right away once it lets you in too. I had luck once I finally did these things
  3. No, you really have to go through the link it seems! I spent 30 minutes on 4 devices, all with spinning circles before I checked and saw someone saying the same.
  4. Omg tell me about it, my confused ass just wanted to avoid seats so I didn't have to figure the view out
  5. Pitch Front Standing, but that must be the pit, right?
  6. Oh my god, at 9:45 after unending waiting and re-trying I got my standing tickets for Dublin!! It offered front pit tickets even a couple of times but I couldn't justify the price. These general ones were just €106 each. Keep faith, I had to throw back so many bad seats before I finally just selected standing only.
  7. Only heard back from my main email that was already subscribed and still waiting now on a code Can I be so cheeky as to ask for a spare code if anyone has one? X I missed out on tickets for her 3arena show and couldn't do Electric Picnic so this will be the first time in a while I might be able to see her Also so cute to see other girlies going with their mumma's EDIT: Got my code right after posting lets gooo now I just need to wake up in time tomorrow eek
  8. Protip: Stream Lory's live on the laptop on mute for the view, play Rob's on your phone for the audio
  9. Thank you! I signed up for it but still had no luck, ugh! Congrats!! I got a timed out error yesterday despite taking about 2 seconds to click to buy How early did you join the queue online today?
  10. No I was offered one and when I went to book I got an error code, fml. Spent an hour trying to get another but no luck, a lot of spinning wheels and crashing pages. Such a joke! This was just the presale though, so hopefully I’ll manage.. not really interested in seats so hoping there’s enough held back for GA.
  11. Fuck Ticketmaster, it just gets worse and worse with every update
  12. Well this has added some excitement to my mundane Tuesday morning! Unpredictable queen! I wonder did she have these booked for a while (maybe since after she committed to Hyde Park) but held off on announcing them until after Glasto for the added publicity? I’ll definitely be trying for tickets even though I’m meant to be helping my dad paint his new place in another country then And so I thought I’d come out of the woodwork as a longtime lurker Do we think it will be difficult to get tickets orrr? I agree! She’s ~sweet and barefeet <3
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