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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. I remember seeing this and wanting to get it as a tattoo surrounding a ripped up American flag. Thank god I was only like 19 and couldn’t afford it
  2. yes!! Just getting recognized and getting famous and not giving a crap!! I completely agree!! I loved the pics of the Summer Bummer promo and the popsicle picture! I love that she still will just give random pics and still shine!
  3. I have to admit, I miss this Lana (and b4 the haters come in I love the ‘current’ Lana) but she was such a vibe and I miss it
  4. she has mentioned it?? For Mojo magazine she said she has two albums (a country and folk) i really think it’s still coming and everyone has said she was gonna retire since UV when she said she ran out of things to write about..but she’s a writer, she writes. She writes. I can’t believe I’ll be holding the album on Friday!!! It’s been such a long time coming and a beautiful collection of ART
  5. While I do love BTD and think many songs are still classics (OTTR, Lolita, TIWMUG) and I do miss the rock/surf vibes of WC/SOC/CW, I’m extremely happy with the direction she’s going now title track proved she can evolve and still have the touch of Lana that hooked me. (The wall of sound that builds up, the biblical reference of ‘contemplating God’)
  6. he’s also upset about the delay and Lana not being sure about the album. His ‘strong opinion’ is basically the songs are good except the NAWWAL- BUS songs are filler which like no they aren’t, but to each their own I was really hoping the video would have came out last week but it does seem like this Friday is more likely
  7. who cares I didn’t even get to the review of the music because he complained about Lana for the first 30 sentences with trivial complaints and I stopped then and there
  8. I’m not saying they aren’t good songs or anything like that, LFL is my favorite album and cherry is a certified bob But yes! I’ll see you in a month
  9. I’m not saying I want it on the album, but even Looking For America would fit on this album.
  10. I don’t think so! May-September doesn’t really give us much time to discuss anything, this might be the shortest one yet!
  11. To everyone asking for/want to listen to snippets, don’t listen to them! These songs don’t deserve to be spoiled by even a 5 second snippet. If you’re gonna hold out until the 19th, hold out completely it’ll be worth it!
  12. I get it’s frustrating that she doesn’t seem to do a lot of promo or anything, but let’s be real..she’s been complaining about fame (aka having to please us) since Honeymoon
  13. Knowing LMLYLAW was written for UV is weird to know after how she described it “the first song written for the album” (which I guess isn’t untrue) that was a “defining song” for the album I really wanna hear that demo because i can’t picture this beautiful piano ballad as a psychedelic and cinematic song
  14. I’m still really upset the music video trailer is the ‘album trailer’ this era. Her album trailers are always super iconic and always help paint the mood of the album I know she’s busy working on the new poetry book but I wish this album hadn’t taken such a backseat spot. Especially because it’s one of her best
  15. I lowkey want to erase the album off my phone so my streams will count for my 2021 playlist because right now my streams aren’t doing anything
  16. I keep forgetting we’re a week and 2 days away from the office release I remember being afraid of how slow this week was going to go, I can’t even imagine how slow it is for everyone who isn’t listening until the 19th
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