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Posts posted by NikoGo

  1. 1 hour ago, SalvaWHORE said:

    damn I never realised that we had to wait THAT long for Ultraviolence, it didnt feel that long tho :lange:

    *edit bc my timeline was way off*

    It really wasn’t that long, we got paradise in November of 2012 and then Tropico a couple of months later, then there was the wait for West Coast April of 2013 2014 and the UV June of 2013 2014. So it was ‘long’ but it was the normal year and a half wait between Paraidse and UV

  2. 1 minute ago, ComebacktoCalifornia said:

    Oh I definitely think we are getting something before the end of the year but I'm not sure that something will be lasso I never had much confidence in it unfortunately even though i really wanted it

    Jack called Lasso fucking brilliant so I have hope she won’t scrap it. If she was the only one who talked about it I’d be more unsure, but Jack doesn’t seem the type to talk about a project that doesn’t exist. I’m personally really excited to hear her sessions with Luke, Henry Come On has been in my head since she previewed it. 

  3. Just now, ComebacktoCalifornia said:

    I love the optimism

    I think it's dead and buried unfortunately

    I'd love to wrong though

    Y’all really love to let a little silence destroy any hype you have :true:


    She just posted those BTS pictures a couple of weeks ago (that weren’t in the Tough video!) so obviously she is planning/shooting things still. Just because she isn’t telling us her every move doesn’t mean she isn’t making any moves 

  4. 15 hours ago, Super Movie said:

    I'm always really interested in the difference between the Lanaboards reception of a song vs. the general public reception of a song. Tough is doing so well on streaming and with more casual listeners (and TikTok stans), but a lot of people on LB have already moved on because of the new leaks

    I think the problem is people on Lanabaords are more likely to like her more deep cut/slower/more personal tracks, while her more upbeat songs have always been the ones that click with the GP.

    Personally I’m more a GP listener where I do appreciate her deeper songs but I’m way more likely to gravitate towards her more fun tracks 

  5. The outro is so good but it sounds so out of place :toofloppy:


    they seemed to add a shit ton of reverb to her voice on that very last ‘tough’ idk it’s weird. The whole track goes up in volume just for the outro. 

    tbh I think the song could be a couple seconds longer to let everything breath. It just goes and goes, there isn’t one second to sit with the instrumental. 

  6. 1 minute ago, menslayer said:

    and she replied “who’s this?” 


    I mean, prob not since she just worked with him 6 months ago :thumb2:


    1 minute ago, American Whore said:

    what outtake? :smokes3:

    Lindsey Lohan confirmed there is a COTCC demo (I think called Bright Eyes?) that was written with Clay 

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