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Vanilla Icy

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Everything posted by Vanilla Icy

  1. Vanilla Icy

    Miley Cyrus

    is she shifting to adult contemporary now
  2. wait adam lambert is the lead singer of queen now freddie mercury sweetie ot: unpopular lana opinions
  3. Vanilla Icy

    Melanie Martinez

    people pretending to stan bjork to hate on this
  4. wait the likes... he's coming to smash
  5. Vanilla Icy

    Melanie Martinez

    melanie is a good songwriter, evident in cry baby and the unreleased portals songs. her problem has always been execution. k-12 should've never happened, and that's not because i think the music is bad but it was always a weak concept. i never really saw cry baby as an actual child, more-so an ageless being with the mindset of a baby/child which is the result of her environment, but sending her to school kinda ruined that illusion. it could've made more sense had she just went to high school, but still i think melanie was doomed from the start by limiting her concept to school.
  6. Vanilla Icy

    Melanie Martinez

    i'm actually surprised with how she consistently serves budget, especially when atlantic gives marina and charli like $2 for their music videos.
  7. Vanilla Icy

    Melanie Martinez

    i fear the unreleased songs are gonna be better than what we end up getting (k-12 and after school tease)
  8. Vanilla Icy

    Melanie Martinez

    yeah it looks like she died and she's being reincarnated as a new entity. her albums are usually 13 tracks so probably 10 more snippets and then she'll reveal the cover and tracklist and stuff.
  9. Vanilla Icy

    Melanie Martinez

    all these snippets sound really similar so far...
  10. Vanilla Icy

    Melanie Martinez

    part of what made cry baby so good is that each visual drop felt like an event. there was a lot of pre release promo for k-12 but once the film dropped it kinda felt like the era was over. like it's cute to rewatch 2-3 times but i don't yearn to rewatch a whole film all the time like i would a music video.
  11. Vanilla Icy

    Melanie Martinez

    literally never thought she'd ditch the pastel baby shit she better come through her website background
  12. Vanilla Icy

    Melanie Martinez

    the hook is atrocious
  13. yeah people speculating is inevitable and us as fans are allowed to be curious, but that person wasn't even speculating in fact they were claiming that harvey weinstein raped her. like yeah he's a sick person, but it's not even about him, to make such claims is disrespectful to lana, people shouldn't claim or speculate who a victim's rapist is.
  14. can people not do this. the lyrics leave a lot to wonder but speculating who it was is gross.
  15. she's literally a musical genius how does she do it
  16. billie seems sweet. the one thing that bothered me is when she said she had to go, like you're the interviewer how are you just gonna leave
  17. in an alternate reality midnights was released after reputation then folklore and evermore followed and her discography remained flawless
  18. Vanilla Icy

    Miley Cyrus

  19. i only titles of hers i dislike are 13 beaches and 24, song titles with numbers really bother me especially when you listen on streaming so it looks like "12 24"
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