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About highonthebeach

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  1. I have found lists like this, but none of them clearly state if it was released then pulled such as Kind of Out of Luck
  2. Hi everyone, Lana has a lot of songs which people consider unreleased such as "Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant" that are not truly unreleased, they were released before she released "Born to Die" and we're pulled. As many of you know, a lot of the songs were released on SoundCloud and YouTube with music videos. If there is a list on the website I apologize for asking for it, but is there a list containing all of Lana's pulled songs, I would also like to include "Demos" such as the originally released version of "Lolita", I have heard there's a original version of "Video Games", not sure if that's true though. Thank you!
  3. Is there a definitive list of all the songs pre-born to die that were released then pulled. Such as the songs she posted on myspace and sound cloud. I would assume these songs are not considered unreleased as they were released at some point and just pulled.
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