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Everything posted by Shades

  1. what i don't get is why she's using fillers when her face objectively looks so much better without them. is it just a case of not being able to see what's really in the mirror? weird
  2. Can't wait to see the final results spring of 2020! Jared Leto looks like he smells.
  3. sexwithmeisprobablyrapebecauseidon'tbelieveinconsent proving to be a disgusting person again
  4. Shades

    Melanie Martinez

    honestly I can't get over this other people have questioned whether it actually happened or not which is a pretty shitty thing to do but I can see how it's a valid point some people would want to make. but you're not even questioning whether it happened, you're just saying that what happened wasn't rape and that's just so messed up... like should we be worried about the people around you
  5. Shades

    Melanie Martinez

    it's called enthusiastic consent. if you really think engaging in sexual relations with someone who's laying there stiffly, not reciprocating and had denied you of this same thing dozens of time and had done nothing to indicate they had changed their mind = not rape, then you've got more issues than i thought u did lmao. grow up. why are you always defending the shittiest people and points of views
  6. Shades

    Melanie Martinez

    I didn't realize your astonishingly bad taste extended into morals and ethics too
  7. Shades

    Melanie Martinez

    things aren't black and white. i'm very glad you clearly cannot relate to what timothy went through since no one should have to experience that, but it just is nowhere near as simple as you are trying to make it out to be. a lot of people posted some really good explanations to these same arguments a few pages back so I invite you to go read those
  8. Shades

    Melanie Martinez

    so if Hitler had put out a folk rock album it would be okay to jam out and support it since what he did in his own personal life (yes, even the most disgusting stuff like genocide!) has nothing to do with his professional work? before anyone tries to cherry pick the vacuous argument that genocide > rape (but really, the magnitude of one person's horrible deeds is not grounds to erase another's), the point remains that any decent person should feel a moral obligation to do right by these victims and stop supporting this disgusting person's work, regardless of whatever opinion you may have of its quality. really, these kinds of reactions say a lot about how much people shrug off sexual assault
  9. Shades

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Immortal is just a gorgeous heartbreak of a song and is truly the best on that album. anyone who disagrees is deaf, blind and mute since the song transcends all senses.
  10. yeah that's my major problem with all of AHS. murphy creates such irrational and illogical characters who do the most stupid shit even if it's completely inconsistent with their actions so far or just something nobody with a few brain cells would be dumb enough to do. even w/ my favourite seasons, you kind have to numb your brain to all the stupid shit that goes on that just doesn't make sense. the gaping plot holes and sudden changes in character motivation drive me insane but i keep watching anyways
  11. Shades

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    lmao... she definitely has made over a million dollars and can live comfortably for the rest of her life if she wanted to. "kinda" successful my ass... not everyone makes beyonce kind of money but she's done very well
  12. Shades

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    not u being too afraid to @ me do you really think this multimillionaire needs to start finding a "new" mundane career
  13. Shades

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    if it's a breeze it usually means ur in a major that will not give u a job worth having spent potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars on... or ur GPA was shit. let's not get into that tho :rip;
  14. Shades

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    what? yes, I do think university is horrible. it is. the constant stress, constant pressure of assignments, midterms and exams every week, getting 5 hours of sleep a night if you're lucky, not being able to have a life. idk what i'm "projecting" lmfao.
  15. Shades

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    i can't imagine anyone with that amount of money & fame willingly subjecting themselves to the horrors of university but ... good for her i guess...
  16. Shades

    Las Vegas Shooting

    lmao what does that even mean
  17. Shades

    Las Vegas Shooting

    lol... a lone man who wanted to go out with a bang, taking out as many people with him as he could and having an all too easy venue for doing so != a terrorist group ..... this wasn't a planned attack from some foreign terrorist group with a political message ....... some wacko said "Fuck the world i'm going to murder as many people as i can then kill myself, and luckily for me the backwards ass country I live in will sell me military weapons with ridiculous ease so I can easily do so!!!!!!!!" not sure why this is so hard for you to understand u tried tho. again. unintelligible. at least you're consistent
  18. Shades

    Las Vegas Shooting

    really? you're trying to pass off the argument that making guns illegal and restricting their (ridiculously easy) access won't make a difference in situations like this. by all means, feel free to reword your own argument if you're trying convey a different point, but that's what is coming across.
  19. Shades

    Las Vegas Shooting

    i can hardly argue with a statement that is barely intelligible, but I'll try. we barely know anything? here's what we know. 1 -- a man was able to buy multiple military grade weapons without any significant barriers 2 -- the same man then went on to use these weapons to kill dozens of people and injure hundreds more 3 -- this same exact scenario has happened dozens of times now and is only getting worse and becoming more frequent 4 -- anybody who wants to do the same can easily repeat exactly what he did with little trouble What else do we need to know?! His motives? Who the fuck cares about why he did what he did -- the point is he was able to do it almost as easily as someone can buy a sandwich at a restaurant. His motives don't change the issue at hand. This is not an isolated issue. quite bold of you to make such a statement when we literally have an abundance of evidence that clearly shows that strict gun legislations is directly correlated with a decrease in such crimes. see: any other country with strict gun laws. see: Australia implementing strict gun laws after the 1996 massacre and the success that followed. no, removing a gun from the equation will not stop someone who is determined to do harm, but it sure as hell makes it a lot harder for them to do so, especially on such an enormous scale like this. moron. honestly, how dare people mourn these deaths and express their "condolences" and still have the absolute gall and indecency to refuse to acknowledge that there is a major gun problem in the US.
  20. Shades

    Las Vegas Shooting

    ISIS takes responsibility for anything ranging from coffee being inconveniently spilled to full blown terror attacks. do not try to spin this into islamophobia. this was terrorism at the hands of a white man who should have never had such easy access to military grade weapons. why is bringing up anti-gun ideology at a time like this laughable to you? when has such a discussion ever been more relevant? when are these proposed bans and anti-gun measures ever more appropriate or well-supported by massacres like this? what more evidence do we need?
  21. she literally fucking hums the song on set and is then asked if she's switching to the "other" song to which she replies yes. ofc it was for BAR. hardly speculation
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