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Everything posted by urgirl

  1. love her, love the song, but don't understand why in the world she would do this video. this video is just food for sickos
  2. because she's probably on her actual real life once in a lifetime Honeymoon and posting on instagram isn niether her priority nor responsibility
  3. Louisiana influence could be amazing I want true blood vibes for the next album
  4. never forget!!! she will 100% release this at some point in her life it is destiny.... also would love a hymns album as well she's just so classic she needs to do the classics I believe these will all be great American songbook songs
  5. You guys just don't like me and that's okay! Keep bullying, and don't ever, ever, start to think.
  6. I agree. that's literally what my original post said. that conservatives shouldn't focus on that because it is so small, if even existing, that it doesn't really matter to the real discussion. Did you read my post that you are quoting?
  7. I understand your opinion but just stating your belief is not the same as presenting an argument for it. I think a forum is a place for discussion and not just stating beliefs. Thank you for your judgement
  8. That's totally valid! but somebody who thinks abortion is murder will prima facia not believe that it is a healthcare issue and not a moral issue. so I think that is why the discussion of abortion between pro lifers and pro choicers kinda gets lost and why it is hard for them to communicate sometimes. I'm not even a pro lifer but actually just thinking about the issue and I appreciate that you are too!!
  9. you're right it has never happened in history. ever. all women who have ever lived are morally flawless!
  10. That's really weird and wrong to take that phrase out of context when I literally said that "women who get abortions our of callousness or selfishness" is NOT REPRESENTATIVE of the population and that it is wrong for conservatives to hyper focus on that. Plz just be thoughtful and intelligent.
  11. girl why are you being passive aggressive. I understand you think abortion is a right. im discussing why some people think it is and why some people think it isn't, and how most Americans agree more on this issue than the media portrays.
  12. because it was written by republicans. that doesn't mean the policies are popular or representative of the average republican. I don't think the average republican even knows what project 2025 is. I think it's mostly popularized by democrats' reactions.
  13. the fact that project 2025 Is too outlandish for the republican nominee is a good sign it is not representative but really a marginal population that liberals sensationalize. similar to how some conservatives act like Antifa is representative of the average democrat.
  14. I don't see how it is a religious thing unless you equate religion with morality. it's about whether ending the life of a fetus is justifiable in all circumstances or only some. Its the same kind of question as whether killing a human being is justifiable in all circumstances or only some (like self-defense, war, death penalty), but people have been having grappling with this question for much much longer.
  15. I thought the abortion part of the debate was interesting. Kamala's pro choice answer focused on examples of women and children who are rape and incest survivors. trump also supports exceptions for rape and incest as well as the heath of the mother. they were speaking like they disagreed with each other but they were saying the same thing. I think 99% of people agree with rape incest and life of the mother exceptions, and 99% of people think that some justifications for abortions are a lot better and some are a lot worse. I don't get why conservatives hyper focus on a small percentage of women who get abortions out of true callousness and selfishness, as that is not representative. I also don't get why liberals focus on a small percentage of conservatives who allow for no rape, incest, or life of the mother exceptions bc that is also not representative.
  16. urgirl

    Addison Rae

    im laughing bc the biggest lana reference is one no one is talking about, and its not blue jeans cherries or diet cola.. its lolita pandering; "young lust, untouched, losing all my innocence in the backseat"
  17. urgirl

    Lady Gaga

    maybe promo for the joker?? but id be surprised if it was actually in the joker since int seems tone a jukebox musical (covers) and also idk where bruno would fit in the dc universe
  18. I am uneducated bc I don't understand why anyone thinks Kamala could beat trump when Hilary couldn't. No one cares much for Kamala and her claim to fame is cringy tik Tok audios. No one even cares she is the first female vp bc she's so meh.
  19. totally perfect song I couldn’t be happier why even compare it to A&W?? That’s like comparing Terrence loves you with diet Mountain Dew. Like what is the reason.
  20. is there need for doing presale if ur not trying to get front row? pls help I don't get it the price will be cheaper?
  21. I’m going!!! this is going to be my first Lana show
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