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Everything posted by ChicaCherryCola

  1. Even if Violet never makes it into a bookstore shelf, she better sell a cute, small hardcover edition on her store
  2. I love the Young and Beautiful verses. I can't really stand the chorus.
  3. My country is oficially in emergency state as well. Better sooner than later, I guess... I'm not a worker and I was already doing everything that was recommended, so I guess everything will be the same for me. But I'm deeply concerned about all companies that will bankrupt, everybody that is loosing their jobs and won't get paid, and all families that will have trouble paying their bills and getting fed. Not to mention everyone who will have to keep working through this mess so all of us can have healthcare and our basic needs fullfilled. When this is over, I wonder in what kind of world we will live in for a while.
  4. I mean... someone has to be the 3% that won't make it
  5. First death in my country... This is such a sad moment, we were already "living" with the virus, but the fact that now there are actual citizens dying here makes everything much harder to digest.
  6. What if Violet just becomes an audiobook documenting society's/Lana's mental health decay during a quarantine... A visionary
  7. I hope you feel better soon and that it's nothing serious... Keep trying calling those helplines, one hour or another they will have to answer and even if they can't do anything because you don't have enough symptoms, at least maybe they'll be able to keep you on close call (not sure if it's how it's working there, but it's worth the try). May you get tested and see a GP soon! I'm really sorry about your grandpa. Sending you love! Schools in my country will be closed until the end of the month, this seems so... surreal.
  8. I don't think people are buying everything in case they get sick, they're buying everything in case the Government declares a mandatory quarantine and they can't get out of the house to buy any products. Some are also buying because they're afraid there will be less production of some goods. I didn't! I live 10 minutes away from tons of beaches but I don't think it's a good idea right now. Even sitting in a esplanada seems pretty weird to me in a time like this. But I'm talking about this in Carcavelos:
  9. This would only end if people really respected the quarantine and didn't move anywhere they didn't have to for 2-3 weeks (no malls and only online shopping, no parties, no concerts, no museums, no restaurants except take-away as a last resort, work from home when possible). Eventually, one last batch of people would get sick. My University closed on Monday night (no cases were detected, it's just prevention) and the city bars were NEVER so full. Last week a classmate coughed in the middle of the hallway and didn't cover his mouth and it's very likely he could have contaminated me with his fluids, and on Monday he was coughing yet once again without any care in this word. Another classmate of mine had spent the previous two weeks abroad visiting another country, in one of the world's most visited cities (and of course she didn't spent this time clossed in her hotel room or living like a local, she was a 24/7 tourist among millions of others), and she came back to a small classroom full of students without any second though. Today the cases spiked and people began buying the entire supermarket - and in this same day, the beaches were clogged with people sunbathing almost on top of each other. There's no point in closing some buildings if the people that risk contaminating them see it as just an opportunity for a small almost-Spring break.
  10. Her festival dates are probably gonna change too, even if everything calms down in the span of 3 months no organizer will want to take such a big risk so soon.
  11. If that were the case, it's a bit ironic that one of the few shows she didn't cancel in Europe is the Italian one. --- I was starting to believe she's facing some kind of mental illness, or is experiencing a depressive episode (even if it had been caused by not being able to perfom due to a physical condition). It was the only thing in my eyes that justified this absolute silence from everyone, probably due to personal shame and respect and privacy for her situation. I mean, all people around her (Rob, Chuch, Sean) are posting on social media like nothing happened, so she can't be THAT bad - I hope. She (or above all, her team) were perfectly capable of taking 10 minutes of their time to type or record a message adressing the issue for everyone to see, instead of that cheap pre-made commercial email sent to the venue and then to the ticket buyers. I just can't understand... The context in which this happened and the apparent normal behavior last week followed by this sudden disappearance ever since leaves me no plausible excuses for this behavior. I'm trying to be kind because I still love her a lot, but I can't say I'm not dissapointed and hurt by this, and I wasn't even attending this leg.
  12. Now that you're talking about it... I got a ticket for a June show a couple weeks ago and I've also been feeling the same you all are ever since I bought it, long before this mess started. We may be getting into something bigger here
  13. Next time we’ll hear from her will be either when some paparazzi caught her leaving church or when she posts some random photo of her friends on Instagram with a private joke in the caption that will have the maximum of three words (and one of them will be "XOXO" or a synonym).
  14. You're all talking about the game but keep sleeping on the absolute perfection that is the Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing edition
  15. I think a more personal and public statement on her social media would be great, the one we were given was a little too formal and pratically just for business sake. A year ago she explicity said she would cancel shows on Instagram and she didn't even end up doing that, now an entire leg was cancelled and the way it was handled seems just distant. I get that she can be sick and upset about the situation and that she deserves privacy, but just a quick update note from someone wouldn't hurt.
  16. I honestly don't think she will reschedule after recovery, she'll probably skip the solo EU leg and do only June. She will probably come back on her own when she would come back anyways, if that makes sense. Also, her website is a MESS. Only the EU dates show up for me and they didn't take down the ones that got cancelled. The way this was communicated is dissapointing. I had to check several sources before understanding where it came from, since her main channels are all silent about the matter.
  17. It's not like she'll perfom in China. I think I speak for all Europeans when I say we're living an absolute normal life. It's been a month or so since the news on the virus started and there's some confirmed cases but no major risk, almost all of them are from people who've been to China recently, there's been a very low human-to-human local infection rate here and pratically everyone is being cured. She doesn't seem hypochondriac, I doubt she would cancel a tour over a virus.
  18. She's finally coming to the only good festival in this country: pretty and with peaceful access. They even make free crowns for all of us stuck in the BTD era. Taste.
  19. Norman Fucking Rockwell Mariners Apartment Complex Venice Bitch Fuck It, I Love You Doin' Time Love Song Cinnamon Girl How to Disappear California The Next Best American Record The Greatest Bartender Happiness Is a Butterfly hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it
  20. I agree with you, but I would just like to add that we need to take in mind incubation periods (2 weeks, give it or take). So far, the virus has been thought to be contagious during this asymptomatic span of time, so a sick person abroad could have already given it to someone else, that could have given it to someone else, and so on. I think the ratio is about 2-3, meaning every infection has the potential to infect an average of other 2-3 people. Anyways, I would also like to add that even if the actual numbers are higher than what is reported, we have to keep in mind a bunch of people could have gotten this and will never know simply because their illness wasn't that serious and/or suspicious. I think most cases abroad are very mild, so that's a good sign. Maybe it's getting weaker already and the worst has passed.
  21. Well... That settles it. Sorry I doubted you. Anyways, this song is a guilty pleasure of mine and I need the video. Universe and all kinds of sun and moon phenomena, do your work.
  22. Hummm that makes some sense! I thought and "do boarding school" wouldn't be too weird in the context, the inclusion of "the" (what was bothering me the most) could also be about rhythm or metric. I mean, it's not like this is a college essay.Thank you, that helped!
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