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Everything posted by longtimeman

  1. More specifically, if John Lennon were alive today, tumblr would be full of things he said in the sixties pointing out what a sexist pig he is, regardless of what he had came to believe later on. In any case, my definition of myself as a feminist depends totally on what particular feminists think of me. If they think that I'm a feminist, then I'm happy to be a member. If they think I'm not, then I'm happy to be out of their club.
  2. The interpretation of everything rests on who the Eli Roth character is.
  3. Nobody gets to declare anyone else 'silenced' because of their gender/sexuality/... - that's one of the good things about the internet.
  4. It's striking how well the video would fit some of the songs on UV, but it was recorded some time in 2012. I can't think of any BTD songs it would fit. Maybe Gods and Monsters, but that already sort of had a video.
  5. Well, I was being sarcastic, but you'll find that's how most people argue on the internet.
  6. No, I prefer to just react to what I think people are saying. It saves time and mental effort.
  7. As usual, the biggest crybabies are the people upset that someone else is offended by something that isn't offensive to them.
  8. Manson's nothing but a try hard. I have an interview with him from a black metal magazine where he tries to play up the idea that he's as one with the church burning, brain eating satanists. He's always been at the cutting edge of early eighties transgressive art.
  9. This pretty much covers my feelings, and I'm enjoying the discussion here. I don't think the clip is inherently pro- or anti-rape, and I don't think any reaction to 'transgressive' art is wrong. It's meant to elicit strong reaction, but that doesn't mean people are being out of line by having those strong (negative) reactions.
  10. I seriously don't know what the hell to think about this. And she's wearing a Texas Chainsaw Massacre shirt. Seriously. I haven't felt like this since I first heard Lolita.
  11. I think she's a chance for a nomination for best Pop Vocal Album; Tropico is an interesting case, but I would jump from my seat and cheer if that was nominated, let alone if it won. If this world recognised brilliance, West Coast would win Song of the Year by a landslide.
  12. There's been a trailer for Big Eyes on Youtube for a while with generic trailer-music. I'm hoping now that the news is out and confirmed, they re-cut it ASAP with the theme song. There's a certain over-the-topness and sense of fun that is a Bond theme tradition - Sam Smith seems like a bit of a lightweight to be filling those boots (to mix some metaphors).
  13. longtimeman


    Here's a brilliant reworking of Mother We Share at the Moog labs
  14. We don't need any more confirmation, but for the sake of completeness: Daniel Heath @Dan_Heath_Music · 10h 10 hours ago Very exited about a song I got to co-write and produce for the new Tim burton movie with @@lanadelrey called big eyes! https://twitter.com/Dan_Heath_Music/status/534838349543256064
  15. longtimeman

    Azealia Banks

    That made me strangely proud.
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