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Everything posted by longtimeman

  1. I was pretty much joking about the 'movie' idea, but it looks like it might not be a fever dream: http://instagram.com/filmmakerfitz Edit: it's clearer on his tumblr: http://filmmakerfitz.tumblr.com/post/100301191417/kevin-kerslake-is-directing-a-movie-of-lana-del Text: Kevin Kerslake is directing a movie of Lana Del Rey live in concert at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. I found myself on stage a few times with a camera in hand. There are worse ways to pay the bills. #LDR #lanadelrey #kevinkerslake #hollywoodforever @kevinkerslake
  2. Does anyone know if this is being filmed? It would seem an obvious filler TV program for Halloween.
  3. It's rough, because UV has nothing to do with modern pop, but most hipster rock nerds don't consider Lana to be rock, so she doesn't really fit anywhere. I'd love it if Tropico won an award, though.
  4. I don't care who K is, or even if he ever existed, or is a composite, or was actually a high school friend who got busted cheating on tests and had to leave school. It won't change what I feel about any of the songs that we consider about him. With ONE exception. If it turns out he's a real person, I want to see a photo of him, so I can mentally replace BS with him in my mind when thinking about Blue Jeans and BTD.
  5. Very cool - I've heard this before, but the audio is not anywhere near as good as seeing the video as well. This is one of a few videos that show what she might have been like as a straight out rock singer.
  6. Good luck to everyone who's going. I wish I could fly across the world and be there.
  7. I know exactly what you mean. If you're on ebay, this store has it: http://www.ebay.com/itm/LANA-DEL-REY-ULTRAVIOLENCE-LTD-DELUXE-EDT-CD-VERTIGO-BERLIN-NEU-/311067684084?pt=Kinder_Haushaltsgeraete&hash=item486d142cf4 I've bought a number of items from them, and they're reliable, for what that's worth, but this is not cheap. You have to be careful, as well, as even German/Swiss sellers might be selling international editions which don't have the extra song.
  8. It's annoying when these things aren't available everywhere. I already spent a lot of money (close to $25) on the Target edition of UV just for Flipside - I'm not sure if I can handle spending the same again just for the Radio Mix, but then again, it is pretty fantastic, and it's only money ...
  9. If we're talking about Lana era only, I agree with a lot of yours. Here are some that were important for me. 1) The iTunes festival I'm sure everyone here has seen this, but this was the first proper live performance of hers that I ever saw. I had not seen the Ride film clip, so I didn't understand her clothes at all - it seemed to me that she'd grabbed some clothes from two decades ago on the way out of the house and put them on just before getting on stage. I also had in mind that comment a certain person made about her SNL appearance - that she looked like a teenage singer in her bedroom. I got that feeling from this performance as well, but not in a bad way - it looked as though she was out of place and unsure of herself, but that she had these amazing songs that she was singing completely un-selfconsciously, which is such a rare thing. It genuinely got me excited about following her. 2) Ride on Langs de Leeuw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLttDsZjRvg Not only is this one of her best vocal performances, and a beautiful song (of course), but the look on Sharon Den Adel's face is priceless, not to mention that the crowd seems stunned into silence. If someone asked me to show them a video of LDR that proved she could sing with the best of them, this is the one I'd bring up. 3) Ultraviolence at Vancouver Not only was this the first time any of us had heard the song, it felt like a special moment from afar. We got some snippets, then a bad recording, then this quite good recording. Some of the lyrics are a little different, too, and I generally prefer them here to the album. 4) Off To The Races first performance A strange one. She seems very excited here ... but it's a rarely performed song, and recorded before the madness truly began. 5) National Anthem LA Night 3, 2012 The strangest of them all. Instead of going into the crowd and taking selfies (which blew my mind the first time I saw her doing it on the iTunes show), she leans forward and kisses a few fans in the front rows. Both disturbing and amazing, it's a side of Lana that we see again and again in her dealings with fans, but here it's taken to the next level. It feels transgressive to be observing it, and it's very hard to figure out what she's thinking. I find this video as compelling as the film clip, and, come to think of it, it's a nice companion to the monologue at the end of the clip.
  10. There are live version of 'Blue Jeans' where she sings the word 'bitches' with such a weird, real feeling, I feel like I've walked into a private conversation. She gets across all of the different emotions behind Cruel World perfectly as well. I also love the moments in Off To The Races ("You are my one true love") and National Anthem ("Keep me safe ...") where she switches from the party girl to someone who knows how much she needs from this man, and how much importance she is placing on their relationship (also Video Games' "And now you do...")
  11. From Chuck's tumblr - http://yourgirlchuck.tumblr.com/post/100041408176/hey-topman-thank-you-owen-myers-for-considering
  12. The addiction issue is a very tricky one, because without hard information, all we have is gossip and speculation, so you can either accept what she says, or it's probably best to sidestep going too deeply into it at all. Making guesses based on photos or hearsay is not helpful. There are a couple of interviewers who themselves are sober who I would love to hear speak with Lana about her experience (One of them, Anna David of AfterPartyPod just did a great interview with Moby about his experiences http://afterpartychat.com/afterpartypod-moby/ ) - until then, it's probably best to stick to the accepted story.
  13. I'm having to think really hard about this. I first heard the BTD album downloaded from Youtube, and I remember liking every song as it came up the first time I played it, but I'm pretty sure the song that really captured me was Off To The Races - partly for the lyrics - I was fascinated by the boldness of the Lolita references as well as how quickly she was singing/rapping all of these strange ideas - but particularly the music, which had so much going on, I thought it was going to take a while to get sick of. It turned out, it's not possible for me to get sick of it
  14. Right, @@ilovetati - I know we're on the same page. The name is important not only because of the idea of who came up with it, but there is also a perception (not wrong, of course) that there are times when the music industry has created a 'character' (or 'group') and then auditioned people to fill that role. The idea that a 'team of managers and lawyers' came up with the name LDR puts the idea in a lot of people's minds that there was this 'character' of Lana Del Rey created, and Lizzy just happened to be the prettiest girl who turned up to try out for it. There is definitely a sexist idea behind this as well - you would be amazed (or maybe not) at how many people just don't believe a woman who sings can possibly be writing her own songs - that there must be a man standing behind her in the shadows, pulling the strings and writing the words. Whatever confusion has deliberately or accidentally been created by Lana's own 'mystery building' over the years, one thing that anybody can prove by going back through all of her recordings (back to 'Sirens') is that she's the one behind her lyrics and vocal lines, and her voice is what it is. The problem of artistic 'persona' is a much bigger one, and I wish there wasn't so much confusion around it. Sure, Robert Zimmerman was taking on a persona by calling himself 'Bob Dylan', and Declan McManus was taking one on by changing his name to 'Elvis Costello', but 'Tori Amos' and 'John Lennon' are/were also artistic personas, as well as real people. That's what Lana means when she says there's no difference between 'Lana' and 'Lizzy'.
  15. This is very good, but I think that one important line is based on a misreading (that many others have also misread), not helped by the awkward way that Lizzy put it. The statement in the interview is: It's usually read as the lawyers and managers putting their heads together and coming up with the name 'Lana Del Rey', as though they were coming up with the name 'Coca Cola'. What she clearly meant (in my opinion) was that everybody she was dealing with thought her real name was not 'showbiz' enough (or 'Hollywood Sadcore' enough, or whatever), and she moved through all the names we know about - May Jailer, ... - until she came up with 'Lana Del Rey'. It doesn't make sense that a bunch of people were needed to come up with the name, as such, and it's a major point, because for some reason, Americans seem to have a talismanic belief in the power of names - that the person who named a product deserves most of the credit for its success. This is one of the two most damaging myths about Lana's origins - the other is that Rob 'bought her career', as though the worldwide music industry is a high school beauty pageant, that can be bought off by one rich father, instead of an international, multi billion dollar collection of corporations, where Rob's wealth would be laughed at.
  16. Spot on, and best of luck with getting on to him. Actually, he's more approachable now than he's ever been, because I believe he's out of contract, and is going to be releasing/marketing his own records on the internet. He has also been doing a lot of interviews and hook ups with internet people (nerdist.com among others), so it could be the sort of situation where a polite but strong campaign of support for your idea on twitter might actually go somewhere.
  17. Right. Apart from the anachronistic language ("He was like this hybrid ..."), it doesn't have any connection to JFK's life with Jackie, and it especially wouldn't have been appropriate for the day of his assassination.
  18. longtimeman

    Tove Lo

    I bought the album, and the Hippie Sabotage remix is my #1 song by far, which I know is like saying the remix of Summertime Sadness is the best Lana song. But that's just how it is. (The rest of it is slowly growing on me).
  19. She did a show there which apparently was a very good one. Here's one of many videos around, with the usual terrible singing from the crowd
  20. I hate just talking about how beautiful she is, but god damn ...
  21. And just like that, life is worth living again.
  22. I think she looks great in it, but that says a lot more about her than the stylists or photographer(s).
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