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Everything posted by longtimeman

  1. This won't necessarily improve your life, but here it is: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/473-lanalysis-relating-songs-to-knownassumed-relationships/
  2. The distortion effect follows some of Lana's favourite artists. I was trying to find a Nirvana song that really captures it, but couldn't quite, but here are two Cat Power songs that show the sort of approach to a piano ballad, and a simple electric guitar song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoPz4vj2SIA
  3. longtimeman

    Marika Hackman

    I love her voice - I think I got onto her the same time as Leo Does anyone have a link to the Nico cover?
  4. This playlist has been bringing a lot of happiness into my life
  5. Sure. I don't take songs as literal tales of people's lives, and I also don't think that BDSM (necessarily) has anything to do with prostitution. What I was thinking of more specifically was the scene where she's dancing slowly with the biker, and he's brushing her hair. I love that scene because it's transgressive - for one, it makes me go down a path where I'm thinking 'that can't be real', but then I have to question why someone who looks like that can't be loving and tender as well. It annoys me that the limits of the imagination of the general public seems to be that if something is portrayed in a film clip, then it's designed as a Guide for Living for young girls watching, but I prefer to see it as the other way around - this is a world (the world of the film clip) where people don't need to act in an abusive or exploitative way. Lana can literally structure the experience in the film clip to be exactly what she would have wanted it to be, unlike in real life.
  6. Aside from being like most people here and wanting everything, what I most want to hear is the original 'Ultraviolence' album, because it was considered good enough to release. It's also the thing that we'll never get to hear (maybe for a tenth anniversary edition or something).
  7. Serious answer - who knows what she likes 'behind closed doors', but she definitely seems to like thinking about it. One of the not at all salacious aspects of BDSM is that it lets people relive traumatic or shitty experiences in a safe setting, so that they can move from being controlled by those events, to controlling them. I get that feeling off a number of her songs (the Ride film clip seems to be a huge exercise in this). It's a type of empowerment that doesn't really fit 'positive thinking' or 'girl power' narratives, so it's a little more hidden in popular culture. So if Lana can reclaim and rewrite her past in her songs, does she need to do it in her life through BDSM? I have no idea. Everything else is gossip, which I'll leave to people who like to do that ...
  8. I never knew what I wanted until I found out I wanted a LDR Christmas album.
  9. longtimeman

    Pink Floyd

    I've been a big Floyd fan on and off for a long time, but think that the best PF performance I've ever seen isn't even exactly Pink Floyd - it's from David Gilmour's Live at Gdansk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pkaq0_qOx0E Hell, not just one of Floyd's/Gilmour's best moments, but one of music's best 25 minutes.
  10. Does anyone have a reasonable sized version of the 'God Bless America' cover?
  11. The whole AKA/Lizzy Grant issue couldn't have been handled worse by Lana's 'team' (whoever that might have included), but what's most interesting about AKA (and even Sirens) is how much of what we think of as the Lana Del Rey image and persona was being developed back then. The only thing wrong with AKA is that it sounds like a (very good) demo, but there are deep, awful reasons why there is considered to be something wrong with the name 'Lizzy Grant'.
  12. Most bands throughout history have added about five songs from each new album to their repertoire, which is what Lana's done on this tour. The internet seems to encourage a culture of constant novelty, where everything has to be continually new and fresh, and you get idiotic comments like 'welcome to two months ago' if you're not right at the bleeding edge of culture. I don't know if I'll get to see Lana live, but I'd be disappointed if she didn't play Video Games and National Anthem, at least (and I say that as someone who considers Ultraviolence my album of the year).
  13. longtimeman

    That was ... confusing. MØ is by far the best thing about the track [Edit: in the studio, of course], but that was a strange performance.
  14. Listening to it again, I think she definitely based some of her phrasing on Nico - most of it is generic 'German accent', but some lines have that over-exaggerated Nico 'Laaaaaaaawst'.
  15. I think it's a good cover, but I don't know whether I'll ever listen to it again. That said, the 'looking to get fucked hard' line is not a throwaway line for shock value - it actually holds a lot of the meaning of the song. Changing it to 'hit' actually makes it shocking for shock's sake, and doesn't fit. Otherwise, it will be good for Lana and might revive Paradise.
  16. I agree with this so much. I feel like that if I've been having a generally shitty day at work, but somebody I like comes up and asks how I'm going. The truth is, I'm not going great, but the fact that I'm talking with someone cool has brightened me up, so I'm not lying when I say 'good'. That's how she feels to me in some of the live videos - where she's feeling a bunch of different emotions at once. You're not expected to do that, though, as a celebrity - you're meant to be either party girl, or sassy, or downbeat, or thoughtful, but not more than one of those at once. There are lots of artists in the past who have had major success, and then pulled back completely from fame and made the transition. I think that's what Lana wants to do, and that's her strategy with UV sounding how it does and being presented as it is. There's also an element of 'will you love me if I do this? How about this?' She wants to push the public as far as she can to see how much control she can have over her own creative world, so we might be in for a bumpy ride, but in ten years, I think she'll be doing what she wants to do, at her own pace, and for people who care about her.
  17. There's a button at the bottom right that says 'Quote' - click on that. Sometimes it doesn't work first time, so try it again, or reload the page and try again
  18. http://instagram.com/p/uUmQgdNsIc/?utm_source=partner&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign=video&modal=true
  19. According to this review the setlist was: Cruel World Cola Body Electric Blue Jeans West Coast Born to Die Ultraviolence Old Money Carmen (Friday) / Shades of Cool (Saturday) Summertime Sadness Million Dollar Man Ride Video Games National Anthem But is that right?
  20. Or to put it another way, if you get a lot of heat for a post, it means you're doing the thread right.
  21. Flop fan question. I know Blake, Byron and Tom, but what is the name of Lana's bassist/keyboardist?
  22. The more I look at these photos, the more I want to look at these photos That's not a wig she's wearing is it? It looks more like extensions.
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