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Everything posted by vacillator

  1. EVERYBODY NEEDS TO STOP. All of this is absolutely unnecessary and totally unwarranted. I don't know what has happened but this fighting on ALL sides needs to come to an IMMEDIATE end. I beg ALL of you to stop and take a moment and think, is what I am about to say necessary or relevant to the discussion of the album? If not, TAKE IT TO ANOTHER PLACE. I have not seen any threats of doxxing.
  2. Excuse me? I find this to be totally and completely unwarranted. You have no idea how your comment could've made said user feel. Time and place.
  3. Hi. I never accused you of trolling non stop. I only said multiple members have indicated their displeasure with said trolling. At this point it's just not really funny. I'm sorry about your warning point but the mods here at Lanaboards have a job to do and sadly that does involve having to hand out warning points for trolling behavior. Again I apologize that you feel like you're being treated unfairly but that simply isn't the case. If you'd like, take this to my private messages and we can have a discussion there and keep from derailing this thread further. I know the mod team would appreciate that.
  4. Several users here have asked for you to stop, one even suggesting to go to the random discussion thread. Can you please do that? Because this is just very tiring and not funny like you might think it is. Thanks.
  5. It's always the atrocious edits that people push to use like.. erm..
  6. Sky Ferreira Daily Schedule 08: Wake up 10: Get out of bed 11: Eat breakfast 12: Back to bed 13: Bathe 1330: scroll Sky Ferreira thread on Lanaboards while chuckling to self 15: write lyrics on two post it notes 16: back to bed, binge netflix 18: walk to store to buy cigs 1830: smoke cigs 19: order pizza 1930: eat pizza in bed while watching netflix 23:00 sleep
  7. this cannot be her actual tumblr help me
  8. I kinda want her to reactivate the @/lanadelrey one. I feel like the secret account is no longer secret and therefor lost its charm. I hope when she drops the album she'll reactivate it but that's a fat chance.
  9. I just know Lana is punching the air right now because of this
  10. vacillator

    Azealia Banks

    Honestly kinda smart for her not to go through with that. Definitely seems like that concept was a set up.
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