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Everything posted by fruitpunchlips

  1. fruitpunchlips


    ugh I've been trying so hard not to look forward to this album but now I can feel the longing in my heart~ and it's only 12 days away so it's like having a boner like right next to your face but you can't fuck it yet. life is a struggle but yeah, anyways, i really like that her hooks are mainly based in melodies rather than repeating the same word over and over again
  2. fruitpunchlips


    i hope she'll do a track by track interview of the album after it's released
  3. Maybe Carmen too? It's got similarities to Humbert's Wanted poem and that sort of explains the french part
  4. I've re-organized mine I've no idea why but I've become obsessed with intros (okay it's @@SitarHero's impact for using intros on miss america and black leather moonlight). daddy issues and ghetto baby are basically made up of songs i don't really care for so using the ride monologue for them seemed fitting
  5. omfg i can imagine like a one hour long music video with a monologue of them both talking about how tragic~ their lives were until they found true love in each other
  6. imagine if lana and barrie start a music duo together
  7. i'm scared i'm gonna wake up with a bullet in my head tomorrow but yeah the model dude is thomas rigterink and the other dude is ronell wilson
  8. Last night I went through murderpedia looking for a male who had murdered two people on a Monday or a Sunday between 1985 to 2006 in either Florida, New York or Connecticut (I might've checked California too, I can't remember) and I did find one person who eerily fit the description (he even had connections to music) and did get sentenced to death but he didn't confess to the murder and he wasn't sentenced until 2007 and I was so disappointed I also found another candidate who had previously been a model which fit with Lana's ~i saw your face and you blew my mind~ attitude
  9. fruitpunchlips

    Taylor Swift

    She's going to release a new song called "Sweeter than Life" next week
  10. i'll just barge in and answer that they probably used this one
  11. by stormriver: http://artpoptart.tumblr.com/post/41624645130
  12. I have it like this for the moment (ignore the last one~)
  13. maybe she's one of those people that park illegally and then put an old parking ticket there so she won't get a new one
  14. Is Roar really 7:12? that's really long for a single edit: nope it's just my itunes for some reason
  15. Basically, I think her appropriating the burqa is a fucking disgusting behavior and some of her stupid ass fans who wrap their t-shirts around their head and take webcam pics need to be punched in the face. If you're not a muslim - do not wear their garbs, in the same way that if you're not a christian you don't wear a cross. It's their religion and even if that's not holy to you it is to those who believe. Religion isn't a fashion statement and using someone's faith, a faith which you do not share and do not have to pay the price for, to become more successful is disgraceful, disrespectful and ignorant. On a more positive note, The Veronicas are coming back! They will release an 4-song EP and I pray to Godney that Sugar Daddy will be on it
  16. britney sold 200,000 more copies of i wanna go in the us than bey's album 4 did so i'm sure she hates her
  17. is that what happened to beyoncé? on the subjects of singles though, this is an interesting article discussing the pros of releasing singles instead of albums
  18. i think she'll release some outtakes from red and maybe a song or two for catching fire's soundtrack
  19. apparently princess die won't be on artpop so i can't bring myself to care about it. i'm quite looking forward to katy's album and i have this feeling that taylor swift will release new material soon. i can feel it in my balls... she's coming and beyoncé is probably taking a long time with her album since she's busy faking her songwriting credits
  20. fruitpunchlips


    i hate it when she poses and does this apparently pigrez hilton was there too poor lorde tbh
  21. Electra Complex "is a child’s psychosexual competition with his/her mother for possession of his/her father."
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