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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. kim and Nicki are both my bitches so I’ll take either omg Lana featuring Nicki AND Kim, just nutted on myself
  2. I think everybody knows who my dream collab is for lana…
  3. like look at those pursed lips!
  4. Something tells me this man is not interested in Lana…
  5. Norman is her favorite album??? omg what a bum
  6. Back to Black and Ultraviolence are extremely similar albums but one of them got critical acclaim and awards and the other one got told to stfu sad sexy breakup MAGNUM OPUSES like wow
  7. Having a purple username which idk how to do
  8. Spread Thin song of the century
  9. You’re probably right, but the song is already about getting hit by your bf idk why they’d draw the line at a video of her taking LSD lmfao but yes I always thought the video looked kind of out of place in honeymoon era, you can tell it’s older footage
  10. well no but the recut version is all we’re gonna get still don’t understand why she scrapped it for Ultraviolence. would’ve been gold and she looks soooo pretty 🥰
  11. Are we finally free from the flannel?
  12. I’m ready for her to leave the folk acoustic space and go back to rock
  13. He used three keys on the piano instead of his usual two
  14. It’s so funny Katie Veltri thinks lana del rey is obsessed with her when lana del rey is actually obsessed with me.
  15. I think I’m gonna go to the New York show
  16. She’s showing las tetas??
  17. fr like who cares about her songwriting process, let's get to the real shit!
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