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Everything posted by rightofjupiter

  1. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    wild one vs earthquakes
  2. honestly so jealous of ppl going to stagecoach, think it's gonna be a cool/special setlist
  3. best song she's released since ADIAML title track!
  4. LB keeping my hopes appropriately low thank u for the reality check
  5. Well pitchfork just listed it under the 5/21 date for most anticipated spring releases…giving me a tinge of hope that it IS coming?
  6. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    tulsa jesus freak vs i talk to jesus
  7. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    honeymoon vs a&w
  8. All this aside (cancelling last minute sucks SO bad I’d be gutted!!) I really wish I could attend this tour and that it was hitting more cities, esp in the US- the live videos from Paris are so great, love the setlist. Still in pain over missing the Magdalene tour too!
  9. and boy you're gonna die toniiiight
  10. idk i think all her songs have a core chappell-ness in the songwriting– she's doing diff genres but they all sound like chappell roan songs to me, i think it's fun that she's not worried about fidelity to genre
  11. so good!!! love the fiddle on it
  12. an iconic diner!! went there one night as a teen around 2000/2001 and saw both dave navarro and andy dick lmao
  13. Gaga on las cultch let’s fucking goooooo she sounds so grounded and happy love her so much!
  14. ok this album has grown on me a lot! i think at this point i still prefer chromatica but i am bopping. fav songs are garden of eden, killah, zombie boy, how bad do you want me, vanish into you. can't wait for this touuuuur
  15. Wells for boys: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BONhk-hbiXk&pp=ygUOd2VsbHMgZm9yIGJveXM%3D Torino’s: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3dzOLoOEToc&pp=ygULc25sIHRvdGlub3M%3D lawrence welk show: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8KLSg1h0e-M&pp=ygUabGF3cmVuY2Ugd2VsayBrcmlzdGVuIHdpaWc%3D stefon!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vwm_N2PCUz8&pp=ygUcc25sIHRoaXMgY2x1YiBoYXMgZXZlcnl0aGluZw%3D%3D
  16. omg so hard…atm Jonathan, left alone, and regret
  17. omg so hard…atm Jonathan, left alone, and regret
  18. highlights for me are the singles garden of eden, killah, and zombie boy...it's def growing on me but still far prefer chromatica
  19. wait garden of eden is so britney's blackout
  20. the beast is so funny, it's giving a slowed down fighter by xtina, so 80s and gaudy (complementary)
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