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Everything posted by Mer

  1. I think there's a tiny sliver of hope there? If the upper class continues to be anti-war. The Russian people (and please correct me if I'm wrong, as you clearly would be more knowledgable, I'm just going by observation), though at mercy to govt propaganda on a lot of their media, are much more sophisticated and worldly than the people of N. Korea, e.g. They have access to social channels, quite a few of them have traveled to other places in Europe (tho that might be a thing of the past, as Russian budget airlines lose landing rights). They also have friends and family in the area that's being bombed. Yes there is still a scary amount of control the govt exerts through fear, but I feel like they could lose control of the population very quickly. Espc if the upper classes lead the way.
  2. Summerland is a beautiful historical queer film:
  3. one can dream that instead of becoming a large scale conflict this shoots back and turns into a regime collapse in Russia...
  4. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLB4q1CE/
  5. Is this a reference to that TikTok LMAOOOOOO
  6. @The Siren would you mind putting some of the tweets in spoilers? It's making this thread very glitchy lol (but informative so thank you!)
  7. The daughter of the former Russian President posted anti-war messages on her Facebook, according to the NYT. If Putin doesn't get a victory soon this could go south for him.
  8. I hope they keep some of the body design details in the rebirth!!!
  9. But it would be purely on ground/cyber fighting. Russia couldn’t bomb/nuke Finland, bc that would affect St. Petersburg which is ~150 miles away from Helsinki.
  10. i hope they go after the oligarchs and wealthy Russians living abroad. Those are the ppl Putin needs to be on good terms with and who needs to appease the most.
  11. Also Finland has a much stronger military than Ukraine. Even 1:1 war between Finland and Russia would be bad for Russia.
  12. if Russia attacks Sweden/Finland after they join NATO it would be a death wish. The power of NATO could demolish Russia swiftly and decisively (albeit with much collateral damage and unfathomable loss of life). I don’t think Putin and the Russian govt has a death wish.
  13. I can’t believe this woman is gonna start a nuclear war.
  14. Russia thought this was gonna be easy but tbh Ukraine had wayyyy to much time to prep not to put up a bit of a fight. In the end it probably won't change the inevitable, but will at least buy them some time.
  15. oh no i totally agree with you. this was not at all about that post you made, i think you are one of the only ones here with a nuanced and realistic view on the topic. this was more general about some status updates and other chirping on twitter.
  16. 3 weeks ago they said an invasion would result in sanctions and no military involvement. France and Germany rejected Ukraine's joining of NATO. So far, none of that has changed. No US politician wants to go to Ukraine. And the Biden admin, wounded over the apparent loss in Afghanistan under their watch, is being very careful with foreign policy. The last thing they need is an LBJ-esque Vietnam War to ruin chances of Democrats winning the presidency until the late 2030s/early 2040s. This will likely end with some new annexation of Ukrainian states, some lukewarm sanctions, and a lot of political hand smacking. The issue with this is that it might embolden China to go after Taiwan. However, personally, and I only had very limited political education during my time at university, Taiwan necessitates war, Ukraine does not. But that's for a different thread that I'm sure will be in made in 2027 when China does start moving into taking over Taiwan.
  17. Can everyone take a chill pill no one's nuking anyone over Ukraine. No offence to Ukranians who I'm hoping can manage to get through this with as few casualties as possible.
  18. his dreams of a slavic empire are truly disturbing in the 21st century. the entire notion of isolationist empires were done away with after ww1/2 BC they lead to more wars rip
  19. He's not gonna do shit just like Obama did nothing about Crimea. Which might be for the better for everyone except Ukraine and Russians.
  20. I don't get these threads do I actually need to do things?
  21. “Matt Farah said he received a call from his dealer informing him the Porsche he had ordered was on board.“ omg that’s pretty upsetting tbh. Hopefully Porsche can expedite his configuration so he gets a replacement car sooner than later.
  22. this is the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me genuinely thank you.
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