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Everything posted by Mer

  1. I want her to focus on the storytelling aspect of her songs more, she does it so well! I found it to be missing from Chemtrails a bit (except for songs like Wild At Heart, White Dress, and the title track), but came back roaring with Blue Banisters. Would love a folk-y country sound that really focuses on the lyrics and paints a really vivid picture with it's lyrics.
  2. Mer

    Katy Perry

    New song sounds like Witness and Smile. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just that she's never gonna have another big hit with this type of music again. I wish she'd just embrace that she's not going to be a main pop girl anymore (bc, tbh, "main pop girls" don't even exist anymore), and release an alt-rock/indie influenced album...
  3. I think the moral of this thread is that y'all should be grateful someone as sweet as @Elle owns this site, and not a cash-grabbing tyrant like @Mer. It could be a lot worse.
  4. Took me a minute but when I got it I died. Imagine the memes if COTCC had come out in September like it was supposed to.
  5. Honestly if I owned this site I’d monetize the shit outta it. You go girl. Charge us for themes, add-ons, fonts, exclusive boards, etc. etc. etc. I’m dead serious.
  6. IDK I was bored. Also didn't have the patience to change the orange font, but it would be a darker color.
  7. I remember Christmas 2012…I was like 11 and obsessed with that album. I forced my parents to let me bring my iPod touch on our ski trip so I could listen to BTD on the slopes, and then I shattered the screen. It was truly BTD. I always relate the album to that holiday season.
  8. I got what? IDFK what this means but the last time I had a stroke was when I tried to read that. When was the last time you got a gift you really genuinely wanted?
  9. My husband. what is your favourite cuisine?
  10. I nominate @May for peacekeeper. In my 1.5 years at LB, never once have I seen him escalate an argument or even initiate one <3
  11. @palemoonbaby deserves hottest member this year.
  12. Mer

    Last thing you bought

    A new desk chair. If I could find the perfect one, that is. I'm like goldilocks when it comes to ergonomic desk chairs.
  13. IDK who to put for half of these categories. Like names are so abstract to me...I can see the PFP in my head but not the full name
  14. OMG Cannot wait. I have no clue for who to vote for though.
  15. Sweet Carolina, Thunder, Violets for Roses, and Beautiful have emerged as my current favorites, especially the former 2. I think Sweet Carolina will become one of those classic Lana songs tribute artists will cover within the next 30-40 years.
  16. I really resonate with Lana's (purported) feelings/relationship with her mother. In "LA Who Am I To Love You", when she says "I never had a mother", I don't take her literally, obviously. But my interpretation is that (like me) she never had a typical mother figure. My mother tried her best, as I'm sure Patricia did, but she was who she was--and that person was a bit cold, aloof, anxious; all the things we're expecting a mother not to be. I remember how guilty I felt growing up because I was constantly jealous of my friends' mothers. They seemed to maternal and loving, like you could go to them with any issue they had and they'd put their arm around you and pull you close and help you solve it. But my mother would've ran and hid the moment the waters became turbulent. Obviously, I don't know exactly what the nature of Lana and her mother was/is, but I do know what it is like to have someone you call mom but to also never have had a mother.
  17. 1. Fear-mongering is high, but it's not coming from the government. We have privatized news (good), but since we have a 24-hour-news-cycle (bad), news providers rely on entrainment value to make money/get our clicks. Therefore, the punchiest, most alarming headlines = the most clicks = the most ad revenue. This won't change anytime soon, we just need to be aware of this when consuming news. 2. Transparency by health officials are not low in the EU, S. Korea, Canada, USA, and the UK. We are almost getting a play-by-play accounting for the newest studies. 3. Yes--vaccination is not the only way to get protection from this disease. There is a strong case for natural immunity. BUT, as your own graph points out, hybrid immunity and immunity within 6 months of vaccination is equally as strong as solely natural immunity (or stronger). Therefore, the common denominator to ensure everyone has some level of protection is vaccines, which is why we use proof of vaccination and not proof of infection. 4. It is important to criticize both studies, doctors, and public health officials--but at the end of the day, none are omnipotent. They are largely making educated guesses, and we need to keep that in mind and cut them some slack. In the case of masks, it is better to be over prepared than under prepared, and have to deal with the fallout of thousands of kids coming down with a disease that could worsen community spread.
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