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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Thanks again for voting for me for Status Updater! I hope you genuinely enjoy my musings and tidbits I share!! šŸ’•šŸ’•
  2. is this a typo/glitch or is the joke that you donā€™t exist? (which isnā€™t true if it is!!)
  3. they won best banned member and May's attention. What more does that whore want.
  4. I'm still in my ski gear that's getting kinda sweaty...not sure if I should go shower now or wait till the end...how many categories left?
  5. Honestly @arcadialovesong2018 better watch it.
  6. @Elle @Rorman Nockwell @TrashMagiq congratulations!!
  7. why did this make me jealous that @arcadialovesong2018 has more sexual tension with @May than I do.
  8. I'm not even gonna tag them bc I know they won't see it but I miss one of you very dearly and I still cherish the xmas gift you made me, and the other one kinda scared me but I didn't hate it.
  9. @IanadeIrey and @Elle truly were the be best-est-ed members this year. Literal angels.
  10. Group picture, everyone. Say "money is the anthem"
  11. Anyways...congrats @Surf Noir @Terrence Loves Me I know this award meant a lot to you <3
  12. no no this is where I was earlier today hence my limited interactions during the red carpets haha!
  13. It was a spectacular day! Perfect conditions!! Can't wait for you to come up and check it out!
  14. We ended a bit early because my cousin hurt her knee or something so I can tune in now lol. Her loss is my win.
  15. OMG congrats @Surf Noir @Jack Antonoff is a God (LOL get wrecked) @LanasLeftCheekFiller And thank you to everyone who voted for me! it's beautiful up here!
  16. Thatā€™s where Iā€™ll be tomorrow hopefully!
  17. Are you in North America? How were the conditions where you were? I've heard almost everywhere is having an amazing season!
  18. TBH I may go skiing tomorrow (8amPST-4pmPST), so none of the times may work, but will try my best to be here!
  19. Weā€™re all on this site 24/7, yet actively choosing a time to be online is very hard šŸ™ƒ
  20. Can the talented graphic artists of LB pls make a nice cover so I donā€™t have to be reminded of the show when I listen to this? Thank you
  21. ā€œPlaying guitar when Iā€™m sleepingā€ please Iā€™ve had that exact same fight
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