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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    Wait how? Instagram requires you to wait 1 week before deactivating a second time.
  2. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    I just know @Rorman Nockwell is gonna have something to say about this
  3. I honestly find myself lacking in patience to watch a 20 episode show, so I stick with limited series. Some that I am watching/have watched in the last year are: - The Morning Show: this show is just so well produced and written. Perfect pacing and really well made. You can really tell this had a budget in the hundred millions, because it’s just perfectly done. - Nine Perfect Strangers: great cast. Seemed a little slow at the beginning and rushed at the end. Made me cry tho ngl. - White Lotus: God Save Jennifer Coolidge. I hope she finally gets her long awaited Emmy for this role. Connie Britton also is always a great performer. - Grace & Frankie: Honestly one of the funniest sitcoms of recent memory. - The Good Fight: Mmmm idk. Still waiting for Alicia Florrick to make a comeback as Governor or something tbh.
  5. i feel like it will beat out Chemtrails and Honeymoon for me. But still might not beat NFR or UV.
  6. "Ride" was her best opener because it kinda propelled you into the album. Those opening chords really had a presence to them and drew you in. "Textbook" just doesn't have that same punchy presence that would draw you in. It's more of a slow burn, which is what I think LDR wants with this album.
  7. Damn y’all really arguing over a song I haven’t even heard yet. I guess I’ll die an outsider.
  8. I get that alllllll the time. But seriously. I miss her Instagram bday posts and the rush of serotonin I would get when I got the post notification, and the crash I would feel when I saw what the post was. When will I get that kinda high again?
  9. "Nectar of the Gods"--a Lorde distrack making fun of "Fallen Fruit".
  10. She could release one of the previously heard songs (Thunder, LL, Cherry Blossoms) so that people outside the fanbase can understand their excellence and we can all stream them officially without ruining the surprise of the totally unheard album tracks
  11. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    you're absolutely right. Period.
  12. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    you're absolutely right. These posts have probably been by viewed millions of times more people than just those who liked them. which further proves my point, bc sales would remain constant. Full stop.
  13. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    I'm bored and this is a great distraction from an interview I'm nervous about tomorrow so: No correlation. Period.
  14. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    really confused as to why you are putting words into my mouth. I never said gaga “planned” it. I argued the opposite.
  15. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    @nowyoudo do you yourself know what you are trying to say? Because nothing you wrote makes sense on this end.
  16. Watching CBC and was reminded by how great it would’ve been to have had Rona Ambrose as PM. Such a missed opportunity.
  17. All ballots will be hand counted as always. No Dominion Voting here. Mail in ballots will be counted last, so if it is a close election, we may not know final results until tomorrow.
  18. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    A) Lady Gaga took a hiatus because a heavily marketed and hyped album colossally bombed. Not because she just wanted to take a break. B) LDR isn't taking a hiatus, we can hopefully expect some more music videos/magazine shoots/etc. in October C) LDR is not a "tiny bit higher" than a "small act". D) This is nothing abnormal.
  19. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    It’s too messy to release it before “Red”, especially her wording in the announcement “my next re-recording is Red”… But I still believe that “1989” was supposed to come out sometime over the summer, but was delayed for whatever reason. The Colbert Interview and various other hints pointed to it being next. I also think that’s why she announced “Red” so far in advance of Nov. 19th, to curb the rumours of “1989”.
  20. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    As a lot of us have said multiple times, social media isn’t really a good marketing strategy for an established artist. Lana is a household name at this point, she doesn’t need social media to market her albums. Word of mouth and the fact that there’s a “New Lana Del Rey album” is more than enough + inevitable Spotify and AM promo. If she or her label were actually concerned about marketing, they’d have her booked on talk shows all thru the week of Oct. 17th. Also not sure what you mean by “disingenuous”? I don’t think deceit or dishonesty have anything to do with this situation at all.
  21. Right...the "world"...I guess to Lana the world is only San Diego, LA, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, and New York...
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