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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer


    As a "The Path" virgin, this sounds amazing we will?! edit: oh right Albums are released based on timezone unlike singles I forgot
  2. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    my parents hauled my ass down to our lawyer's office and made me write a will at 19 when I legally inherited some assets my grandfather had left me. Even though I don't have children, we wanna make sure whoever will take control of our things--should we pass away--isn't going to be bankrupted by any inheritance taxes.
  3. Mer


    ? or some of y'all are just weird af.
  4. Mer


    serves her right for her absolutely disgusting shipping fees. Charging ME? To ship a bunch of empty CARDBOARD? Bitch just mail me an actual CD in a standard envelope for all I care if you want to save the trees or whatever. Tf is this? Oh never mind I found it on Amazon Prime for free shipping I take it back I hope this album goes No. 1, down with BillBoard.
  5. Mer


    Lorde's store (in my region anyway) doesn't have free shipping?! $20 for shipping a $22 dollar "Music Box"? What kinda BS is this. I only want the damn hi-res download code anyways don't ship me a thing for all I care.
  6. Mer


    ya it takes 248 earth years for Pluto to complete a single orbit so it stays in each sign for a longggggggggg time.
  7. Mer


    Are the bonus tracks vinyl exclusives or box set exclusives?
  8. Mer


    well since there's no CD's being made or shipped or stocked anywhere....who knows
  9. Mer


    no I know but I don't think its meant to be a happy line lol!
  10. Mer


    that’s not a good thing RIP
  11. Mer


    well you can make anyone do anything with a contract—wether it would be agreed upon is something else entirely. They could’ve put “all single/album releases, announcements, and performances will be accompanied by an approved post on the artists official account at least 72 hours prior to release” in her contract, but clearly nothing like that exists in Lorde’s.
  12. Mer

    St. Vincent

    It took me wayyyyy too long to fully appreciate Daddy’s Home but now it’s one of my favourite albums of 2021. My fave tracks are “The Melting of the Sun”, “Live In The Dream”, and “My Baby Wants A Baby”.
  13. Mer


    7 videos will get people talking. I'm guessing this album (if it does end up being a success) will be a slow burn one. have "standard" release dates been moved from Friday's to Monday's btw? I keep hearing rumors about singles/albums coming out on Monday and wondering if BB changed their tracking dates again?
  14. What’s the highest quality we have for Living Legend? The one I have downloaded sounds kinda tinny.
  15. Mer


    I wonder if their internal analytics show that there's very little correlation between social media engagement and sales? I mean if you were to go off of how many likes and followers Selena Gomez has, Revelacion and Rare should've been one of the best selling albums their release year...
  16. Mer


    it's hard to build hype for an album when only 2 songs were released between announcement and 10 days before album drop. In hindsight, releasing a whole bunch of terrible singles just for people to say "omg I need to know if the rest of the album is this bad" was a great incentive to get people to listen to the whole album once it drops. Brilliant marketing tactic. also still not over the whole "no CDs" thing. It's pretentious and rude that she thinks we would like toss them in the trash/buy them if we didn't really want them?!
  17. Mer


    More gems from the Lorde Subreddit:
  18. Mer

    Lady Gaga

    I hope Tony Bennet's people know what they are doing--bc from this perspective, it feels slightly icky sending a 95 year old Alzheimer's patient out onto stage...
  19. I’m really liking this track rn. But nowhere near as much as HTE.
  20. are her banisters even blue anymore, if that song was about him? she should reshoot the video and set the banisters on fire at the end
  21. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    Maya Thompson (Ronan’s mom, and a co-writer on the song) confirmed on her blog, rockstarronan.com that “Ronan” will be on Red (Taylor’s Version)! The song was written for charity in 2012 about Ronan Thompson who died at age 4 in May 2011 from Neuroblastoma (a form of cancer). The lyrics of the song are written from snippets of a blog his mother, Maya, kept through their battle. The chorus’ lyrics “come on baby let’s fly away from here” are the last words Maya said to Ronan. Release will be Nov. 19th, unless TS makes it a single.
  22. Mer

    Billie Eilish

    Okay if the lead had been HTE I would’ve been so hyped for this album. The second half of that song is the most interesting thing a main pop girl has done in a while.
  23. Mer

    Billie Eilish

    Halley, HTE, and BBN have slowly grown on me throughout the day. But idk if it’ll be sustainable. I feel like, for me, Billie songs are something I come back to in very specific moods when I remember them—but never become part of my regular listening repertoire y’know?
  24. Mer


    if ur using AM, replace it with this one it's what I did lol
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