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No Remedy For Memory

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About No Remedy For Memory

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  1. I find it VERY hard to believe someone like Lana wouldn't know how it's pronounced...I know and I don't even live in America...that would be mind blowing and almost impossible for her not to know, she surely heard the correct pronunciation hundreds of times in her life. It has to be a choice she made, for whatever reason.
  2. Been wondering something after listening to the leak. Why is Lana pronouncing Arkansas as written and not the way you're supposed to? (Ar-Kan-Saw) Pretty weird.
  3. How come no one out of the thousands of people who must have heard it / read it corrected her? its just kinda embarrassing. As for her spelling, I didn't really see any obvious mistakes during her Lana days. I'm assuming her spelling/grammar is pretty good overall even if she made some mistakes when younger. I thought maybe she changed it to shaft on purpose, but it makes zero sense. Sigh
  4. Not only that, but does she not know the phrase she is using in her own poem? seems pretty fucking weird. Lana usually doesn't make language mistakes. Not that I've seen. "Shaft" doesn't even make any sense in the context of the phrase...
  5. Hello all! Something is bothering me. Lana has recorded two audio versions of her Patent Leather Do Over poem, and in both versions she says 'SHAFT' instead of 'CHAFF'. W-H-Y?!!?
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