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Everything posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. With most evidence pointing toward LDR9 being a country record, I’m really curious what her spin on it will be. Of course, it’s likely going to have a strong vintage feel, but I wonder if she’s going to continue the trend of wanting to strip back the initial production for authenticity or if she’ll have a consistent but unique production flair running throughout (or both?). I mean, take NFR! for example: it was permeated with the influence of Joni Mitchell’s discography and other significant artists of the time, but there was also this blending of electronic, sometimes psychedelic elements with the folky undertones. Could we be getting a country record with an unexpected twist? I mean, despite it being an outlier sonically, Interlude - The Trio just shows that she’s fully willing and enjoys experimenting with different genres (not to mention her Migos collaboration wish and alleged reaching out to Kali Uchis). It might even explain why Jon Batiste was in the studio…unless of course it’s for LDR10
  2. I honestly had no idea what my own response would be when I made this thread, but… in chronological order of my life events, I think these almost perfectly describe where I’ve been and where I’m finally at now: 1. Ride 2. California 3. Get Free 4. Shades of Cool 5. Wildflower Wildfire
  3. Title says it all (and hopefully no one’s made this thread already lol)!
  4. remember when Lana’s management reposted a fan theory about a double release LDR9 and 10 coming next week
  5. Jack, Drew, Ian, potentially Rick….I have no idea what’s going on, but I’m here for it
  6. I’m sure this has already been said, but I really think there’s a good chance Lana will feature on Midnights. I mean, it’s allegedly a rock album, and we know that it wasn’t too long ago that we got the Jack x Lana x Taylor photo. Plus, given Swift’s description of the record, it would make sense to have the queen of melancholia herself on the record not to mention she called Lana her favorite female lyricist AND lauding her as the most influential pop artist They both have their own songwriting skillsets, and (despite my personal dislike of collabs from almost any artist) I think we could get something really gorgeous if executed correctly!
  7. So happy that you (@Elle) continue to keep this site running—one of the most supportive communities I’ve been around, even if virtually
  8. no totally, she definitely always has! I just think it’s a neat that (if I remember correctly) she’s mentioned that the elements play a large role in her art, and having a record really saturated with one of them in a creative way (like specific to her “anger,” for instance) would be super cool! Like, regarding Ultraviolence, she said, “My word for the record was ‘fire,’ you know, blue fire when a flame gets so hot.” Also, with the recent Jack comments, imagining a hell-influenced record would be so interesting from Lana! An extension of Tropico confirmed
  9. edit: accidentally made 2 replies & unsure how to delete this specific comment lmao
  10. SO many references to fire lately! In retrospect, that might make sense with her describing her new songs as “angry” in the recent interview. I remember her saying that her taste in country music had “outlaw” influences, and I think that combined with Drew’s instrumentation will be super interesting. I think this is going to be a very special record for her close fans, and I’m definitely anticipating a more “upbeat” record in terms of the pacing (not necessarily the mood if that makes any sense)
  11. What a gorgeous record The way she managed to blend the rockabilly genre with her own baroque twist reminds me so much of Ride but with more frustration and honesty. I think it’s the perfect follow-up to the soft, healing-centered nature of Blue Banisters given how much she’s gone through since the album was released. Truly her magnum opus
  12. something about the energy in this photo is indescribable..I can’t quite put my finger on it
  13. this era is so strange and wild, some would say.. but seriously, REALLY brief and infrequent snippets, no proposed release date, allegedly no record title despite there being several songs made, confusing album-related genre statements…. we’re in for a surprise no matter what
  14. I really think so too. I genuinely believe she has the potential to revive the genre in a mainstream way that modern pop-country hasn’t been able to, and I think her storytelling abilities, intentional vocal delivery, and use of Americana would make for an extremely successful country record!
  15. I completely agree. Honestly, I’d argue that Blue Banisters had some of the most creative piano usage in her released discography with a few exceptions. I mean, Beautiful has that gorgeous, twinkling intro, Sweet Carolina has that almost whimsical waterfall of notes toward the end, etc.
  16. I genuinely don’t mind who produces the record as long as we get another White Dress/Venice Bitch moment I want to go rabid in the best way possible lol
  17. oh no, I wasn't dragging you at all!!! basically, I was just saying people should be able to mention Jack without others immediately diverting the conversation into a hate party, especially for reasons not entirely attributed to Jack. I was half-awake when I wrote it, so I apologize if it was confusing/misleading!
  18. My question for the culture: Can we please get to a point where we can acknowledge we don’t prefer something without derailing someone’s unrelated conversation and then acting like a victim of censorship when one’s subjective hate for something is met with backlash—particularly when the hate is misdirected to the individual who is essentially doing what they’re told? Anyways, god bless the “ignore” feature, and I’m so excited for her next project. Lana looked ecstatic in that recent photo, and it reminded me of the NFR-era photos where she was always so enthusiastic about her music online. She really must be cooking up something special. I’m still unsure if Jon Batiste is related to this country music Lana hopes we’ll enjoy or if this is something separate, but I’m loving the change of pace
  19. I can’t decide between “umbrella” and “own brother.” If it’s a reference to Charlie, could he be getting his own Sweet Carolina? The “sorry” tacked on at the end + family mention gives me Then again, if she’s saying umbrella, maybe it’s a metaphor with “Rockefeller” being wealth. She thought fame and fortune would shield her, and (as we’ve seen with the last few albums) she’s felt the opposite. It could explain the more somber melody!
  20. I can’t decide whether I think the record is coming soon, but I am obsessed with the snippet. I’m really hoping Neil’s September caption means something
  21. Country music can be conversational and angry, but the orchestral elements from Drew throw me off a bit. Then again, Lana has compared Ride and Video Games to the country genre, so who knows—not to mention she’s notorious for putting her own cinematic, Lana-esque flair on things Then again, there’s always the possibility of the angry/conversational/orchestral record being separate from the country musicOr maybe LDR9 will be a more eclectic-sounding record like LFL I’m fairly neutral about whatever the actual outcome will be, but the suspense is killing me
  22. Lana wanting a Migos collab…saying the record is angry conversational music with orchestral touches…and now telling us that she hopes we like country She really does contain multitudes, and I love how that gets reflected in her art. LDR9/10 are going to be THE albums. I just feel it
  23. I really enjoyed reading your post, and this is such a neat prompt for a thread (also general content warning for potentially sensitive content ) also I had an edible & am feeling open so lol It’s honestly funny to me now, but I remember hearing NFR in full and feeling shocked at how much it was mirroring my life. Like, my exactly 6’2”, eccentric, and emotionally immature musician ex (NFR) had just cheated on me and abruptly decided to permanently leave the US to further his musical career in music despite it being the demise of our relationship (California and TNBAR—the demo, mostly) and left a public letter addressed to me about his mental health because of our breakup (California), but I never responded to it….and the fact that he worked as a bartender to save up for his move. I have to laugh Truthfully, my mental health was fairly awful before the breakup even happened (The Bell Jar was my comfort book lmfao), but not long after it, I met my current fiancé, and I finally began feeling “hope” despite my circumstances. Shortly after, Love Song came on in a late-night car ride with him, and I’ll probably always think of that night when I hear it. The rest is history so excited to see where her music is headed next!!!
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