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Everything posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. If she truly embraces country on this record, I don’t think it will be the modern, country-pop version that seems to dominate the genre lately. While Lana always puts her signature twist on a sonic landscape, I think she’s more inclined to lean into the sounds of older country, and I think Prettiest Girl In Country Music (particularly the melody and harmony) is a great example of that. What’s interesting is that she’s already mentioned Drew adding orchestral elements to her tracks for LDR9, so are we getting a mix of wordy, orchestral-tinged tracks AND country? Are these separate projects? Time will tell
  2. I’m not sure if anyone ever answered your question, but you can check on this link: https://www.statsforspotify.com There are others you can use as well, but this one seems to be the most straightforward and has filters for the timeframe as well!
  3. I’m still unsure as to whether we’re getting teased for RG1 or LDR9
  4. just now realizing the 3 songs from the triple single release are in my top 3 of the album
  5. we either have a long wait ahead of us OR Lana’s team is keeping this era very hush-hush until it’s official edit: or both, actually lol
  6. I’m really hoping for some reverb-drenched atmosphere on a song or two, maybe. I want a siren-floating-through-space moment lol
  7. I’ll try to get another one ready today!
  8. I really don’t know what to think or expect. There have been so many twists and turns of vague, questionably relevant information. However, my prediction is that (assuming she releases LDR9 and LDR10) her next two records have the potential to be her most divisive among fans OR will be designated her new Magnum Opus. Based off of her recent interview, it really seems she’s taking a risk by reframing what she’s largely known for: her lyricism. Personally, I think we’re in for a treat! However, I can imagine this change of direction could be not-so-pleasant for some. Either way, I’m excited lol
  9. I feel like it has to be related to LDR9 in some way. I guess it being related to a separate project like poetry is possible but that seems less likely imo. I definitely think it has some significance or else the director for LDRV wouldn’t have even considered it as being relevant enough to include with merch. I guess we’ll see..
  10. I have similar sentiments as well. Disco isn’t my favorite genre, but if Lana pursues it, I doubt it would be purely disco—much less the more mainstream disco that’s been popular lately. She loves blending genres and adding her own Lana-esque twist, so it would be interesting (if nothing else) to see what she’d cook up! Disco is partly characterized by its synths, electric guitar/piano, horns, strings, and distinct basslines, so I think there’d be plenty of room to make the genre her own, so to speak! If Lana does pursue disco, I could see it having influences similar to that of this song (though this song isn’t purely disco itself)
  11. Either alone or with my fiancé and his cat—just playing video games, eating leftovers…nothing too extravagant what’s your favorite song to listen to when you’re happy/excited?
  12. was initially surprised to see NFR and Love Song so high but then remembered how fun they are to play along with piano the rest….mental illness
  13. This is really shaping up to be one of her most interesting and mysterious album cycles. It’s exciting how little we know, honestly! Typically, where she is geographically tends to get reflected back into her music, but she’s been frequently moving internationally and within the US lately, so who knows what location-specific inspiration we’ll see. Then again, what if the album is (close to) finished, and her recent traveling experiences feed into a hypothetical LDR10 instead Similarly, in the past, her Instagram posts have—probably unintentionally—included little tidbits of the album’s essence (sometimes even with exact lyrics), but her posts have been “all over the place,” so to speak. much to think about
  14. I really hope no one uncovers the LDR9 album art the way they did with COCC…I will never forget the meltdowns when the official cover was released
  15. Last night I dreamt Lana released a single randomly & the small portion I remember was SO GOOD I’ll butcher this description but it sounded like the “white hot forever” chanting portion of TJF + the muffled chaos of “everything, whatever” in Venice Bitch + the chorus of In My Feelings. It was pop-heavy but also very trippy. It felt like you were swimming in this dreamy song, and the production (mostly synths and drums) was just as loud as her vocals. I know it’s unrealistic for LDR9 but still
  16. This is obviously based on very limited info, but here’s the vibe I’m getting: Lyricism: Wildflower Wildfire & Text book Vocals: Dark But Just A Game & HIADT…BIHI Production: Arcadia & Old Money
  17. I’ll add that—in states like mine (Louisiana)—some governors signed legislation that would not only prohibit abortions even in cases of incest or rape if the Roe v Wade were overturned, but it also results in even more severe legal punishment if an abortion is performed. Outright abortion bans are a violation of medical care. Even if the legislators cared only for the fetus, banning abortion can allow for more cases of fetal distress that would result in inevitable non-viability among other things. I just really hope US citizens start waking up and realize our rights are constantly at risk of infringement. Something has to change. So many individuals in my life capable of pregnancy are going to suffer from this, and it’s now segueing into reducing contraception access. Dystopian.
  18. Genre Influences: Shoegaze, chamber pop, dream pop 1. Tracing The Cosmos - Interlude 2. Death Never Came 3. Skintight 4. The Sins Of Her Father • 5. Rock Candy Sweet 6. Stars Align 7. One Last Dance (feat. Father John Misty) 8. Left With Laugh Lines
  19. I’m really curious if we’ll ever find out what track was the “magic” moment between Lana and Jack (per the recent interview). I can’t currently recall her describing any of their previous work in this way, but I feel like it’s probably near the tier of White Dress or Venice Bitch or something similar…hopefully lol
  20. If this era has space and Jungian themes, I hope she goes full metaphysical & gives us an existential crisis track
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