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  1. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by Jeanne Dielman in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    If the album is sonically and melodically similar to stripped-down stuff like Disco, For K Part 2, Pawn Shop Blues, Yayo, Oh Say Can You See, Bad Disease, A Star for Nick, Change, Kintsugi, Wild At Heart, Dance Till We Die, Marilyn, and the first half of A&W, it's going to be my favourite Lana record ever, lol. 
  2. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in Velvet Crowbar   
    i love this song SOOO much. so underrated 
  3. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by bvnnysworld in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I’d also reallyyyy love a jazz album from her I feel her voice suits that genre so much (for example Big Spender with Smiler)
  4. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by bvnnysworld in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I think Honeymoon is her best album and is severely overhated! 
  5. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by Embach in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Cherry in general bothers me, like for me the production and lyrics are great but the fans ruined the song for me, like even way before TikTok fandom was a thing. It's like the most local song ever and I hate to say that word, like this song has all of them on chokehold. I haven't listened to the song in a long time. It used to be my favorite song from LFL but not anymore. 
    I think all the fans begging for "CHeRrY mUsiC ViDEo" for like 2 years really was the last straw idk  Not to mention when the OG Lust For Life 2016 tracklist was revealed in November, I remember how everyone on Instagram comments were crying that "why Cherry isn't there", that "thank god she scrapped it" because "there's no Cherry"
  6. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by Embach in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I do think that the lyrics feel more raw and personal. I do love UV as it is, so that's why I see them as separate songs. I love the Dan Heath's production on Melancholia as well!
  7. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by Nightcall in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    ^^^ I agree with this but I can’t like posts rn
    My unpopular opinion, and this probably isn’t unpopular among Lana fans, but in general: I do not categorize Lana as a “whisper” singer. 
  8. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by Embach in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    This might have to do with my weak sense of humor but I don't care
    I have never really found the Picsart memes and jokes funny  And the joke is old and overused now in my opinion. Like all those cigarette meal and "she gonna name her child Cigarette Rose" memes.
    Funny thing is that those jokes started from Let Me Love You Like A Woman single cover art which was actually done by her typography artist lol.
  9. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Hot take- i hate when people blame lana for influencing teens to smoke cigs/do drugs/promiscusity or wtf ever but never bring up male artists who’s music is about treating their sexual and romantic partners terribly, drugs and just being a horrible person in general. Why is it only bad when female artists write about some of those topics 
  10. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by Embach in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i know i'm exaggerating and i'm really tired as well so apologies if i sound too crazy but those 18 seconds beeping alien bubble noises at the beginning of art deco is perhaps the best scientific achievement of the 21st century, the best thing that happened to music because why the hell are they so addictive and mesmerizing to listen to.
    the sound is like a hypnotizing weapon, a drug, it literally scoops you to another dimension, another universe. you literally forget everything what's around you - it's like you're forgetting you're existing on earth. i have listened to this part for like over fifty times this week and i have no idea how many times i have listened to it overall. i went crazy when i heard it for the first time years back.
    it doesn't sound like music at all, it's so strange, it's so unearthly, but yet so beautiful and amazing, i have never listened to something like that in music before. 
  11. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by Embach in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Honeymoon is Lana's best produced album and it's not even close. It's so rich in detail. People are not ready for this conversation but it's one of the world's best produced albums released in the 21st century.
  12. somber liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in Velvet Crowbar   
    i love this song SOOO much. so underrated 
  13. Rockwell Firefly liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in Create a Tracklist Using One Song's Lyrics!   
    Guns & Roses
    1. Heavy Metal Love
    2. Blue Pacific
    3. Honest Man
    4. The Promised Land
    5. Motorcycle Love Divine
    6. Guns & Roses
  14. shay liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in Velvet Crowbar   
    i love this song SOOO much. so underrated 
  15. Karolll liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    so many words...but what has actually been said 
  16. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by thebluestbanister in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I agree, though I do hope we get a little like maybe some bedazzled denim somehow? (this is coming from a Miss Me jean collector)  
    idk man I really like glitter & bling combined with 'country' looks but maybe that's just me since I grew around barrel racers
    sorry if that makes literally no sense I have no idea what I'm trying to say atp 
  17. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Someone on TikTok said they hope the album is like Honeymoon riding on wild horseback in the country and I think that’s beautiful 
  18. Embach liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    omg, they look pretty good for phone pictures! but i guess the editing probably helped, they look really nice 
  19. Embach liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    what did you take these on ?
  20. Embach liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in Song vs. Song   
    Terrence Loves You vs. Swan Song
  21. Embach liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in Name the User above you as a Lana Track   
    The Next Best American Record (demo)
  22. shay liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in Create a Tracklist Using One Song's Lyrics!   
    1. Summer Breeze
    2. One Pretty Song
    3. War In My Mind
    4. Light 'til Dark
    5. Alone at Midnight
    6. Keep Myself Sane
    7. Singing Blues
    8. White & Gold
  23. shay liked a post in a topic by celestialjukebox in Create a Tracklist Using One Song's Lyrics!   
    this is so fun
    Bel Air
    1. Grenadine Sunshine
    2. Idol of Roses
    3. Heaven's Door
    3. Soft Resurrection
    4. Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate
    5. You're Divine
    6. Lead Me To War
    7. Bel Air
  24. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by Cult Leader in Lanaboards Zombie Apocalypse   
    Song: Creeping Death by Metallica
    Weapon: an axe and a sledgehammer
    Vehicle: small truck but switch to a bicycle when fuel goes bad
    I'm more of a loner.
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