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Everything posted by Chemtrail

  1. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    She probably puts a lot of effort into dieting and then gets bitter when someone else just eats what they want without giving a fuck.If that isn't the case idk what the fuck is because it's a weird thing for her to involve herself in other people's weight gain as if it has anything to do with her.
  2. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    I'm so perfect she says with her fake boobs being the only thing in shot. Really? lol Imagine making fun of someone's weight gain as if it isn't really fucking boring to go on about. She has real issues with anyone gaining weight. She cried when Rihanna gained weight and ranted about how she herself wants to be skinny, as if because Rihanna is doing something she's supposed to aswell. Weird.
  3. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    I didn't even believe her when she said she was suicidal. She's a cunt, I'd put nothing past her.
  4. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    Nicki is easily one of the worst of all time, I don't think anyone genuinely cares what that clown is doing. I don't know why you're acting like she has any talent. It's like if I liked Britney Spears so I come online telling people she's actually good. It's fine if you enjoy some shit music but don't act like Nicki is actually talented because it's embarrassing. Her brain is like a badly made word association game.
  5. She didn't not fuck this the fuck up x I still love her though lol. fuck it
  6. Lana will upload it to d.bree just after she's had her dinner and put the cats to bed, hold on gays we're almost there
  7. @recklessdaughter She could do this in the Summer and delay the book but I don't want to think of that possibility, I want the book more than any of her other projects lol
  8. I think she'll release another audiobook. The Patent Leather Do-over clip she posted in May had already been produced by Jack. I'm guessing that she'll wait at least 4 months after COTCC is released to put out the whole project, if it's still something she's working on. Maybe she'll return to this American Classics and Standards project next Christmas or something. The idea of her releasing it before January 11th seems too good to be true, she hasn't said anything about it even though she had a great opportunity to when she performed on TV the other day. Her decision to perform Let Me Love You Like a Woman instead of Summertime makes more sense now.
  9. It's her announcement of the COTCC pre-order that makes it really obvious this isn't being released anytime soon. Maybe she'll release it later this year and delay Behind the Iron Gates even further. lol
  10. They were all trivial things like music videos. She's never promised a whole album at a specific time then attempted to distract us with something else. She owes us nothing but she could have just never said this and Summertime could have been a standalone single as a surprise but instead she did all of that just to disappoint.
  11. She makes it difficult to even care what she does anymore. It would be weird to get the Chemtrails title track when she just ignored this project. I've lost interest at this point. I wish I felt differently but oh well.
  12. I know she does, she already told us the plan. It just seemed logical that would be the reason she'd promote anything right now. I'm not complaining, I don't know what I said that makes you think I even had any kind of bad reaction to her not promoting her covers album. I didn't say it bothers me lmao
  13. I haven't looked at the charts since 2010, I just thought she was going to tell us something about the album she's putting out this month, not promote one that won't be out for quite a while that no one can even pre-order yet lol
  14. lol in all seriousness though she's barely even lied. a few music videos not being filmed or released, who gives a fuck about those really? lmao
  15. couldn't care less about that, if you go to a book signing during these times the risk is on you.
  16. record plants open in March, vinyls take 3 months. June is the earliest it'll be out.
  17. she probably is onto something good with this covers album and knows it, wants to perform a track from it then tell us the release date. if she performs chemtrails 7 months before the release date she'd be a fool, especially with this coming out sooner
  18. of course it is. a cover then a release date for her american standards and classics album most likely.
  19. omg don't hype yourself that much it's most likely going to be a cover. i know you're joking but still lmao
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